Unanswered Protein Needs on cycle


  • Established
You know, I actually can't seem to find on the net exactly how much protein your body is capable of storing in muscle tissue on vs off cycle. I know off cycle it's only about 10g of amino acids a day, assuming you do 1lb per body weight. I have no idea what this figure is for being on cycle though. Currently taking NPP and LGD4033 w/mk677

I know I'm making it harder than it should but I'm interested on the micro level what it means. I know your body will take in all amino acids from food, whether it's 20 or 100g of protein in one sitting, but I know it needs to be disproportionate to your daily needs in order to be maximally stored in muscle tissue, this is where the 1g per 1lb of BW figure comes in.

Anyway, Does anybody have anything anecdotal to add about increasing to maybe 1.5x body weight. Iv'e always just done the 1g per 1lb of BW. I think I'm shorting myself on gains here.


It depends. I personally think 1 gram per pound of lbm is a good target during a cut and 1.25+ grams per pound of lbm during a bulk.

When I get to 1.5+ grams per pound of lbm, I get digestion issues, but ymmv

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