Pro Rated vs. Optimum 100% Whey

Comparsion is for 10lbs Bags!

Pro Rated 100% Whey

Servings per 10lbs. -161
Calories -120
Protein - 22g
Cholesterol- 0mg
Fat- 4g
Saturated Fat- 1g
Carbs- 4g
Sugar- 2


Pro Rated is 98% Lactose Free as well as asperatame free

Price: $38 per 10lbs

Optimum 100% Whey

Servings per 10lbs. - 155
Calories - 110
Protein - 22g
Cholesterol- 25mg
Fat- 2g
Saturated Fat- 1g
Carbs- 2g
Sugar- 1g

DPS Price: $48.99

**I thought this was pretty interesting. Pro Rated's Taste is much better and less chalky in my opinion. As for the vitamins and minerals, they were also very comparable. The edge I believe goes to Pro Rated for the $10 price difference and 6 more servings per bag.
10lb Optimum - Strawberry !

Just a little note regarding the 10lb Optimum.
If you like Strawberry you can get 160 serves.
It`s $43 at
i figured pro rated came in a huge tub?

in any event bump for pro rated! good scorce for guys who like me who can only buy so much.
Ahh I see :)

Still havent gotten mine so im waiting on it.

Man its been 3 days now sure takes them a while to ship it

Im in no hurry tho. But i am waiting for to send in my posing suit and 2 shaker bottles :p
Edge goes to Pro-Rated in the numbers game. Still have some Optimum left but will try pro-rated when I run out and then see who the true winner is.
Hey yellowjacket its cholesterol free. Thats very important for us guys who are taking in multiple servings a day. Very nice!

EAS is terrible. Its got 45 percent of daily allowance of cholesterol in ONE freaking serving. Not good for people who take in a lot of protein powder :)
Based on the Following Pro rated label claims are way off I would tend to think if this is so, how much can you trust their company. 

1 pound = 453.6 grams
1 Gram carbs and protein is 4 calories
1 Gram fat is 9 calories

Pro Rated 100% Whey

Servings per 10lbs. -161
Calories -120
Protein - 22g
Fat- 4g
Carbs- 4g
30 Grams per serving
161 servings per container
30 * 161 = 4830
4830 / 454(1 pound) = 10.63 pounds

claim 120 cals
(4g fat*9) + (4g carb*4) + (22g protein*4) = 140
36 + 16 + 88 = 140

20 Calories off is pretty big

assuming 0 filler so no flavoring is 151 servings so that is off
and all protein powder contains some flavoring so these lable claims are way off.



Pro Rated is 98% Lactose Free as well as asperatame free

Price: $38 per 10lbs

Optimum 100% Whey

Servings per 10lbs. - 155
Calories - 110
Protein - 22g
Fat- 2g
Carbs- 2g

26 Grams per serving avg
26 * 155 servings container = 4030
4030 / 454 = 8.876 lbs
So there is filler in this

Calorie count

(2g Carbs * 4 = 8) + (22g protein *4) + (2g fat * 9) = 114
8 + 88 + 18 = 114
Assuming for some of these they round up for fat and protein the 4 cal diff is explainable
Call me stupid but your math is correct but for some odd reason I went through 5lbs (77-80) servings and got exactly 80 servings (its not that odd that I know if you're wondering, 80 days of whey in a row is right around 11 1/2 weeks) Maybe it all has to do with the size of the scoop you put in, etc. I do however find it interesting that they dont do what Optimum does and list is just as that "155-161 Servings" instead of a flat number because there are far too many variables. Also assuming they round up on their macronutrient ratios, the calories are probably closer to 125-130. Which still is 5-10 cals off, but to me, thats not a big deal, but then again, you do have a very valid point.
got my pro rated today..ove the taste got me worried its too good to be true..nice shiny labels..oooooh sparkley
Pro rated sounds like an awsome deal. I checked it out, the shipping is $4.95 for the 10lbs of whey. Good deal, all around.
For those of you who bought it, let us know hoe you liked it. taste? mixing? ect...If its the same quality as optimum I'll go for it. I'm a cheap mofo. LOL!!! always trying to save $$$
Mixes great in a shaker cup. Ive tried it in milk and water and both mix very weel. Like I said before, taste is unheard of for a whey supplement.
**** man... not like I need anymore whey or anything... good deal though, if taste is great etc...and I don't have any vanilla... lol
Looks to be the standard price, just such a good deal that the marketing does have a kind of "get em while theyre hot" flavor... but what ad doesn't? I'd like to see some quality tests on em, but hell I'm sure they're up to snufff. When you order, since it's two 5lbers, can you specify two diff flavors (ie one choc one van?)
YellowJacket said:
Comparsion is for 10lbs Bags!

Pro Rated 100% Whey
Fat- 4g
Optimum 100% Whey
Fat- 2g

Just saw this and realized something: if you have more than one scoop at a time (as many do) you're looking at at least an 8g fat vs 4g difference. This may account for the noticable taste change between the two that you all seem to notice. Will probably order some myself soon and get in on the savings. But, just something to think about.
Re: Re: Pro Rated vs. Optimum 100% Whey

Originally posted by Biggin

Just saw this and realized something: if you have more than one scoop at a time (as many do) you're looking at at least an 8g fat vs 4g difference. This may account for the noticable taste change between the two that you all seem to notice. Will probably order some myself soon and get in on the savings. But, just something to think about.


Works for a keto!! :D mwuahahahah!
Anyone try the vanilla as well as Optimum Vanilla? I like Optimum's so I usually get that one. CytoWhey (Cytosport) is another one I like for a changeup (much sweeter).
Just tried my Pro-rated protien yesterday.......It mixed and tasted awsome, I may have found my new favorite protein! thanks for the heads up YJ!...........and the price can't be beat!

I got the vanilla and the taste reminds me of the Cytosport cytogainer vanilla. Beleive me it tastes really good.