Preworkout Oxyandrolone ( does it make sense )


New member
Anybody run Anavar as a pre workout. What did you think ? Does it really matter when you take Anavar? Would it be more effective training wise if you take it pre? I am running it at 20 mgs pre workout and overall 7 days a week for 7 weeks. Im about 5 days in , felt a real good pump yesterday and today. I am currently on TRT. This will be the second I ever ran Var. Last time was about 12 years ago at 10/20/30/40/40/30/20/10 with great results along side 250 Mgs test cup per week.
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You say you're taking it as a PWO but you're also taking it 7 days per week? So you're running 20mgs ED and dosing it before your workout?

I've never used it exclusively as a PWO, however I have used it daily like yourself and happen to dose it PWO. I get a great pump and nice vascularity but not 100% sure if that has to do with when I dose it. Something like MENT or dbol probably serves as a better PWO in my opinion.
Thats not pre workout….thats a cycle and it’s built up in your system. The pump your getting is the cumulative effect and synergy with the Test
You say you're taking it as a PWO but you're also taking it 7 days per week? So you're running 20mgs ED and dosing it before your workout?

I've never used it exclusively as a PWO, however I have used it daily like yourself and happen to dose it PWO. I get a great pump and nice vascularity but not 100% sure if that has to do with when I dose it. Something like MENT or dbol probably serves as a better PWO in my opinion.
Yes. Technically. I am using it on training days only before I train. I train 5-6 days a week. On those 5 days I am taking it pre workout out so I viewed it as a pre workout
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Thats not pre workout….thats a cycle and it’s built up in your system. The pump your getting is the cumulative effect and synergy with the Test
Well I was only going to take it originally on training days , but figured it be less effective if I did it that way. So yes technically a cycle but I am using always pre workout
Well I was only going to take it originally on training days , but figured it be less effective if I did it that way. So yes technically a cycle but I am using always pre workout

Yes, Var cycles are less effective if you skip days.
It does increase force output so you should make sure you time a dose preWO if possible, but personally I don’t really feel a difference in aggression or energy on it. Var is like the oral I don’t notice; you just subtly get stronger & more jacked over time.

But for my wife, the added intensity is obvious - it provides a big psychological boost, because women are obviously radically more sensitive to androgens than men. I know some guys definitely notice that for themselves as well.

So whether you feel it or not, it’s probably ideal to get a dose in preWO.
Many times, chew it up and take with grapefruit juice about 1 hour before workout

Great if you mix it with winny even or even Epistane. Super explosive strength gains and hardening

Watch out for injuries on it!
Exactly no added aggression but higher force output, better mind muscle connection and pumps and vasularity obviously.

However that higher force output translates into more intense workouts.

30min to 3 hours pre-wo, is same for me.
It does increase force output so you should make sure you time a dose preWO if possible, but personally I don’t really feel a difference in aggression or energy on it. Var is like the oral I don’t notice; you just subtly get stronger & more jacked over time.

But for my wife, the added intensity is obvious - it provides a big psychological boost, because women are obviously radically more sensitive to androgens than men. I know some guys definitely notice that for themselves as well.

So whether you feel it or not, it’s probably ideal to get a dose in preWO.
Well I been timing 20 mgs same time every day 4pm I’m home training by 5. So I plan on running it for 50 days. 100 pills at 10mgs a piece 2x a day is what I have. Last time I did anavar 12 years ago I went from 215-195 in 2 months and stayed legit solid and strong. Like you said I didn’t notice anything wild I just felt really good which is why I’m running it again

But my wife is running it for the first time ever. She is currently on TRT she is going through menopause , so she has alot going on. But she trains 3 /4 days a week and meal preps , she just started yesterday at 5 Mgs a day. Idk if she’s gonna go to 10 then back down to 5 but right now she said she only wants to do 5 so if that makes her feels safe then it’s all good
Many times, chew it up and take with grapefruit juice about 1 hour before workout

Great if you mix it with winny even or even Epistane. Super explosive strength gains and hardening

Watch out for injuries on it!
Actually I am running stanogen by Apex Alchemy with it right now I’m 10 days in on stanogen and 6 days anavar and I’m leaning out nicely. I meal prep also and my diet is super on point. I lift smart bro I focus on form and range of motion. I never ego lift. I have to many issues so I’m def caustious. Thanks for the heads up bro.

Also I am taking organ support I always do any time I take any anabolics idc how mild it is I always run stuff to protect liver kidneys prostate LDLHDL and heart etc
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Well I been timing 20 mgs same time every day 4pm I’m home training by 5. So I plan on running it for 50 days. 100 pills at 10mgs a piece 2x a day is what I have. Last time I did anavar 12 years ago I went from 215-195 in 2 months and stayed legit solid and strong. Like you said I didn’t notice anything wild I just felt really good which is why I’m running it again

But my wife is running it for the first time ever. She is currently on TRT she is going through menopause , so she has alot going on. But she trains 3 /4 days a week and meal preps , she just started yesterday at 5 Mgs a day. Idk if she’s gonna go to 10 then back down to 5 but right now she said she only wants to do 5 so if that makes her feels safe then it’s all good
My wife is a professional strongwoman. I see a lot of women do a lot of things. I’m going to tell you 2 things:

1.) Have her stop the Var until you order & test it with a Roidtest refill kit for Oxandrolone (like $35 and you can order tonight & have next week). Because she’s on TRT, there’s no rush or downside to stopping, and I’m not exaggerating when I say half of the Var we have bought in the past tests positive for Dbol. Dbol will virilize her some FAST. Test your gear to make sure it’s real Var. It will be the ONLY way to know before it’s too late.

2.) Do NOT exceed 5mg/day, and take a break from it after 4-6 weeks of exposure. That’s 35mg androgens per week. TRT for a woman is like 3mg testosterone/wk - 10x that will be plenty for a significant performance effect, and 10mg/day isn’t just 5 more milligrams - it’s 100% more gear. 100% more is the difference between a guy taking 500mg test/wk and a gram. 70mg per week of Var will 100% deepen her voice forever, plus other more subtle thing.

No, she will not “become a man”, but she WILL lose some femininity forever. There’s time in future cycles if she decides to make permanent tradeoffs, but leave yourself some room to progress without making an accidental gender transition. Most women desire to retain as much femininity as possible, and this stuff sneaks up on them.
My wife is a professional strongwoman. I see a lot of women do a lot of things. I’m going to tell you 2 things:

1.) Have her stop the Var until you order & test it with a Roidtest refill kit for Oxandrolone (like $35 and you can order tonight & have next week). Because she’s on TRT, there’s no rush or downside to stopping, and I’m not exaggerating when I say half of the Var we have bought in the past tests positive for Dbol. Dbol will virilize her some FAST. Test your gear to make sure it’s real Var. It will be the ONLY way to know before it’s too late.

2.) Do NOT exceed 5mg/day, and take a break from it after 4-6 weeks of exposure. That’s 35mg androgens per week. TRT for a woman is like 3mg testosterone/wk - 10x that will be plenty for a significant performance effect, and 10mg/day isn’t just 5 more milligrams - it’s 100% more gear. 100% more is the difference between a guy taking 500mg test/wk and a gram. 70mg per week of Var will 100% deepen her voice forever, plus other more subtle thing.

No, she will not “become a man”, but she WILL lose some femininity forever. There’s time in future cycles if she decides to make permanent tradeoffs, but leave yourself some room to progress without making an accidental gender transition. Most women desire to retain as much femininity as possible, and this stuff sneaks up on them.
Thank you bro. This is super useful. I really appreciate you taking time to help me. I’ll show her this soon as I get home. Thank you again
My wife is a professional strongwoman. I see a lot of women do a lot of things. I’m going to tell you 2 things:

1.) Have her stop the Var until you order & test it with a Roidtest refill kit for Oxandrolone (like $35 and you can order tonight & have next week). Because she’s on TRT, there’s no rush or downside to stopping, and I’m not exaggerating when I say half of the Var we have bought in the past tests positive for Dbol. Dbol will virilize her some FAST. Test your gear to make sure it’s real Var. It will be the ONLY way to know before it’s too late.

2.) Do NOT exceed 5mg/day, and take a break from it after 4-6 weeks of exposure. That’s 35mg androgens per week. TRT for a woman is like 3mg testosterone/wk - 10x that will be plenty for a significant performance effect, and 10mg/day isn’t just 5 more milligrams - it’s 100% more gear. 100% more is the difference between a guy taking 500mg test/wk and a gram. 70mg per week of Var will 100% deepen her voice forever, plus other more subtle thing.

No, she will not “become a man”, but she WILL lose some femininity forever. There’s time in future cycles if she decides to make permanent tradeoffs, but leave yourself some room to progress without making an accidental gender transition. Most women desire to retain as much femininity as possible, and this stuff sneaks up on them.

Great post↑
(As usual)
My wife is a professional strongwoman. I see a lot of women do a lot of things. I’m going to tell you 2 things:

1.) Have her stop the Var until you order & test it with a Roidtest refill kit for Oxandrolone (like $35 and you can order tonight & have next week). Because she’s on TRT, there’s no rush or downside to stopping, and I’m not exaggerating when I say half of the Var we have bought in the past tests positive for Dbol. Dbol will virilize her some FAST. Test your gear to make sure it’s real Var. It will be the ONLY way to know before it’s too late.

2.) Do NOT exceed 5mg/day, and take a break from it after 4-6 weeks of exposure. That’s 35mg androgens per week. TRT for a woman is like 3mg testosterone/wk - 10x that will be plenty for a significant performance effect, and 10mg/day isn’t just 5 more milligrams - it’s 100% more gear. 100% more is the difference between a guy taking 500mg test/wk and a gram. 70mg per week of Var will 100% deepen her voice forever, plus other more subtle thing.

No, she will not “become a man”, but she WILL lose some femininity forever. There’s time in future cycles if she decides to make permanent tradeoffs, but leave yourself some room to progress without making an accidental gender transition. Most women desire to retain as much femininity as possible, and this stuff sneaks up on them.
So I was short before cause I was driving home from work

So she already told me she won’t go past 5 mgs and only for 6 weeks. She has been doing her investigating on using it So glad to see she is on the rig her track. As for the TRT I should have been more clear, so she is on TRT through a Hormone Aging wellness Dr , she gets pellets and does go for blood work a few times a year. So it is all legal legit and monitored through a Dr. everything she classically takes is through a Dr.

Her diet is excellent. She trains 3 days a week. Does cardio 4/5 days a week.

Hyde, thanks again for the help just wanted to reply better and be a bit more accurate.
So I was short before cause I was driving home from work

So she already told me she won’t go past 5 mgs and only for 6 weeks. She has been doing her investigating on using it So glad to see she is on the rig her track. As for the TRT I should have been more clear, so she is on TRT through a Hormone Aging wellness Dr , she gets pellets and does go for blood work a few times a year. So it is all legal legit and monitored through a Dr. everything she classically takes is through a Dr.

Her diet is excellent. She trains 3 days a week. Does cardio 4/5 days a week.

Hyde, thanks again for the help just wanted to reply better and be a bit more accurate.
You’re good man, none of that would change the facts about virilization I was discussing. I’m purely drawing awareness to androgen-mediated sexual characteristic impact (voice, clit, jawline, facial & body hair growth, shedding/balding). Plenty of women know too little too late so I just wanted her to be informed prior.

Even 5mg can change the voice sometimes permanently - if it starts to crack or getting a scratchy throat, stop unless she’s totally on board with the voice change.
You’re good man, none of that would change the facts about virilization I was discussing. I’m purely drawing awareness to androgen-mediated sexual characteristic impact (voice, clit, jawline, facial & body hair growth, shedding/balding). Plenty of women know too little too late so I just wanted her to be informed prior.

Even 5mg can change the voice sometimes permanently - if it starts to crack or getting a scratchy throat, stop unless she’s totally on board with the voice change.
So I am reading this all to her now. Her original plan was 4 weeks at 5 MGs per day no more she just told me. I thought she was doing 6 weeks. My wife ain’t the best at communicating lol she is quiet too quiet sometimes and laid back , but her plan from the get go was 4 weeks 5mg per. She is very feminine and girly and wants nothing to do with clit enlarged or voice change etc So I’ll def be on the lookout for any changes in her voice or physical characteristics.

You’re a decent man for taking your time to give all this advice. Thanks bro I really do appreciate it. My wife says cool and thank you for the advice as well.
So I am reading this all to her now. Her original plan was 4 weeks at 5 MGs per day no more she just told me. I thought she was doing 6 weeks. My wife ain’t the best at communicating lol she is quiet too quiet sometimes and laid back , but her plan from the get go was 4 weeks 5mg per. She is very feminine and girly and wants nothing to do with clit enlarged or voice change etc So I’ll def be on the lookout for any changes in her voice or physical characteristics.

You’re a decent man for taking your time to give all this advice. Thanks bro I really do appreciate it. My wife says cool and thank you for the advice as well.
I hope she has a great smooth run this month 👍
I hope she has a great smooth run this month 👍
Thank you man. She is doing well one week in. No noticeable sides thank God or issues …She is training 3 days a week cardio 5 days , consistent with her supplements. So I am positive her results will be nice. Thank you again and have a good weekend