My wife is a professional strongwoman. I see a lot of women do a lot of things. I’m going to tell you 2 things:
1.) Have her stop the Var until you order & test it with a Roidtest refill kit for Oxandrolone (like $35 and you can order tonight & have next week). Because she’s on TRT, there’s no rush or downside to stopping, and I’m not exaggerating when I say half of the Var we have bought in the past tests positive for Dbol. Dbol will virilize her some FAST. Test your gear to make sure it’s real Var. It will be the ONLY way to know before it’s too late.
2.) Do NOT exceed 5mg/day, and take a break from it after 4-6 weeks of exposure. That’s 35mg androgens per week. TRT for a woman is like 3mg testosterone/wk - 10x that will be plenty for a significant performance effect, and 10mg/day isn’t just 5 more milligrams - it’s 100% more gear. 100% more is the difference between a guy taking 500mg test/wk and a gram. 70mg per week of Var will 100% deepen her voice forever, plus other more subtle thing.
No, she will not “become a man”, but she WILL lose some femininity forever. There’s time in future cycles if she decides to make permanent tradeoffs, but leave yourself some room to progress without making an accidental gender transition. Most women desire to retain as much femininity as possible, and this stuff sneaks up on them.