Pre Workout nutrition for the early riser???



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I just about have my plan together! One thing that has always confused me is should I eat or not eat before I workout???? I get up at 4 am and workout at 5 am. I do it all in one shot, weights and cardio. Should I just load up on BCAAs or eat my egg whites and oatmeal??? I also am starting Dren, sorry didnt know about Diesel before I bougth it lol. So where does all these supps fit in for the early riser. Do I take my beverly international super pak with my first solid meal ???? So confused, they are very little information for the early riser. I am sure you guys can help! Again I always appreciate the input.


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I just about have my plan together! One thing that has always confused me is should I eat or not eat before I workout???? I get up at 4 am and workout at 5 am. I do it all in one shot, weights and cardio. Should I just load up on BCAAs or eat my egg whites and oatmeal??? I also am starting Dren, sorry didnt know about Diesel before I bougth it lol. So where does all these supps fit in for the early riser. Do I take my beverly international super pak with my first solid meal ???? So confused, they are very little information for the early riser. I am sure you guys can help! Again I always appreciate the input.
Personally I find it very hard to eat anything when I wake up, and I'm def not a morning person or lifter. Sorry wish I could help. Either way I dont ever have good workouts in a fasted state. Try to at least get a shake down and you should be ok to protect muscle.


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Personally I find it very hard to eat anything when I wake up, and I'm def not a morning person or lifter. Sorry wish I could help. Either way I dont ever have good workouts in a fasted state. Try to at least get a shake down and you should be ok to protect muscle.
agreed, try to get down a carb/protein shake or a carb/free form amino acid supp right when you wake up. After that take a shower, then jp8 or your inferior preWO supp ;) and then drive off to the gym.

Thats what i do for morning lifts and I have the same qaulity lifts whether eating all day then training at night, or simply slamming simple carbs/protein AM then hitting the gym. Pretty much as long as I get my JP8 and am carbed up then Im good to go and you should be too.

Hope it helps man.

Ideas of simple carbs/protein: upon waking slam two scoops of your fav protein in a shake, then sip on gatorade powder while doing your morning routine. Ive heard of ppl who like Xtreme Nutritions Vendetta for first thing before lifting, but personally I find it to be the worst tasting eaa supp out there and prefer whole proteins, however, some do like that supp so im throwing it out there.

Another idea is a good eaa supp such as LG's or Primaforces (I like both) mixed table sugar and avants supercarb

Lastly, Omega Nutrition ONE gets you aminos (although not a full profile) and hrs, a badass carb source.

Ive went all these routes with success, my fav is the 2 scoops protein and gatorade.
