Well what your kinda saying makes me believe this is a troll post, but I could be wrong. I don't know what you mean by "cutting edge" test booster, there is no natty test booster that will give you steroid like results if that's what your looking for. I guess by "cutting edge" you mean with the newest and most effective ingredients. Arimahex by Apex alchemy is about as "cutting edge" as it gets, its an aromatase inhibitor so it won't supress but its also not natural, you should get very good results from it and it might be what your looking for, someone above linked a priceplow link with a test booster that's pretty knew to my knowledge and has some interesting ingredients, if you want you can give it a try but I'm telling you right now it probably won't be nearly as effective as ones by Apex alchemy, sns, cel, etc. A lot of the new flashy test boosters are just scams, be careful.