Platinum nutraceuticals quad mass 2.0 need help


New member
Hey guys quick question on this quad mass mass 2.0 I ppicked up. it contains 5a-hydroxy-laxogenin 25mg, androst-3,5-dien-7,17-dione-25mg, 10mg of Ostarine, and 5mg of LGD-4033

I was wondering If I could simply take 1 of these caps a day instead of 2.
I am also gynecomastia prone as I had it young and got surgery to have it removed so that is also in the back on my head.
I have blackstone labs pct V on hand as PCT. I've also heard mixed these about this company.

I am asking your guys opinions on this. Would i have to worry about possible gyne? Should I just order Ostarine by itself?
You need a serm for pct. If you had surgery for gyno to be removed then it shouldn't be an issue any more. Get a real ai like exemestane to have on hand in case of any high estrogen sides and you will be gtg. 1 cap is cool if you want to just have a nice little cut cycle. Not sure why a company would stack osta and lgd, super dumb combo imo
I thought serms weren't necessary for sarms since they supposedly don't raise estrogen or aromatise