


  • RockStar
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Im not a big fan of spiders, snakes, or wasps. I was lit up by a bunch of wasps pretty good when I was little. I was probably like 5 yrs old and had a machete clearing a path throught these weeds in the trees behind my house, and busted up a big wasp nest. I get a little nervous around them still, but as long as I can keep an eye on them I am ok.

LOL this reminds me, one time in junior high everyone was hanging outside of the school in the morning and there was a bunch of yellow jackets that lived in the gutter. Well someone stirred them up, and one landed on my hand. Everyone was watching me, so I thought I would play it cool and not run off or anything, also figuring that if I didnt do anything it would just go away. WRONG. I just watched him bury his stinger right into my middle finger, everyone was watching lol and I just waited till it flew off. Went to class, and like 30min later my finger was really swollen up, couldnt bend it or anything, so I went to the office, but there really wasnt anything to do foò it. I should have just ran like a little girl, but I am sure it was funny watching me just stand there and let it sting me lol.

If a snake surprises me I will get a little jumpy, but again as long as I can see them and they dont surprise me all is good. When I was little I would try and catch the long bullsnakes, like 4-5' long, then try and crack them like a whip to snap their head off, I only got it to work once. I actually still have a skin of a bullsnake that I skinned when I was really little, hunted him down with the trusty .410 lol. I have been bit a couple times by water snakes, but that really isnt bad at all.

I have on occasion brown recluses in my house, I hate those bastards. I have several glue boards set up for them. My biggest fear of them is when I am sleeping if I was to roll over on top of one and say it bit your dick!! A chunk of your dick would deteriorate and fall off, how horrible would that be lol!! Or your face, that wouldnt be quite as bad...maybe. Those are just kind of worst case scenarios and something to give you guys to think about before you go to sleep tonight. Sweet dreams.

Karma is a bitch huh?


  • RockStar
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Hey guys, a while back I saw a story on the news....Aparently black widow spiders like to hide in patches of grapes. Someone purchased some grapes from a grocery store and found a black widow in his grapes. Any of you like grapes?


The True Warrior is one who conquers oneself
  • Established
where is the video of the camel spider???

It also says it can run up to 25mph..I'm not really afraid of spiders so much, but i think i would die if this thing was chasing me screaming like a child...

Imagine sleeping outside at night and hearing screaming all around you, knowing its some giant spider? damn


Yari Ka Daw!
  • Established
Hey guys, a while back I saw a story on the news....Aparently black widow spiders like to hide in patches of grapes. Someone purchased some grapes from a grocery store and found a black widow in his grapes. Any of you like grapes?

Yup that's true. I worked in restaraunt part time and I had to make all the fruits. When I was cutting grapes one time I saw a dead black widow. It was female because it had that red mark on it's ass. It was almost the size of my thumb, I don't know how big they can actually be since it was kind of squished. Thank god I don't live in such a hot climate for them to actuall make this thier habitate. But I know for a fact that if your living in an area where it's usually hot they will be there. Australia have spiders called lurkers or something like that? I think it's called the night spider?? But anyways people have been killed over there because of it's venemous bite. A family reported that one got in the house and hid under the television set. They make sure to lock all windows and doors. I want to rent arachnicphobia again :)

Here are a few links if you guys are bored...

Check out this, imagine being a patient in this hospital:,5744,15143465%255E1702,00.html

Same incident, different article:

The article seems to be talking about this spider:

Prison Inmates get high off spider venom:

Different kind of spiders:


Registered User
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i know black widows come out everywhere in VA during the summer time. hot and humid, perfect for black widows. man, i can't wait to move back there. :sick:


Yari Ka Daw!
  • Established
**** are you serious? Why the heck are you moving back there? Have you ever had an incounter with one?


Registered User
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**** are you serious? Why the heck are you moving back there? Have you ever had an incounter with one?
yeah, they're everywhere. my first encounter is in this thread somewhere. either way, VA is home. the marine corps just saw it fit to send me everywhere but near there.


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We have black widows all over where I live. I can't stand them. I know a few people who have been bitten. It makes them very sick and leaves a nasty injury. Usually takes a week or more to be able to go back to work, and a couple more for the swelling to go down.

We also have rattle snakes, which I hate with a passion. There have been times where I have gone on calls for reported rattle snakes in a persons garage or house. The people expect me to rummage through a dark closet, or move objects in the garage to find them. I tell them, "not in this lifetime, I'll stand by with the shotgun while you search." I found fire extinguishers work very well.


Registered User
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We have black widows all over where I live. I can't stand them. I know a few people who have been bitten. It makes them very sick and leaves a nasty injury. Usually takes a week or more to be able to go back to work, and a couple more for the swelling to go down.

We also have rattle snakes, which I hate with a passion. There have been times where I have gone on calls for reported rattle snakes in a persons garage or house. The people expect me to rummage through a dark closet, or move objects in the garage to find them. I tell them, "not in this lifetime, I'll stand by with the shotgun while you search." I found fire extinguishers work very well.
so, it is confirmed. if you have small calves, you're scared of spiders. genetic predispostion to arachnophobia. :eek: