PES High Volume reformulated?


New member
Had a sample packet of HV Raspberry Lemonade (that I received with my reformulated Alphamine Insider order a while back) today and noticed it tasted a bit more "herby" than I remember. Looked at the packet and saw there was a slight formula change:

Link to pic of packet on my imgur - h t t p:// (remove spaces in http)

The noticeable changes on the new packet show a 3g increase in L-Cit and a few changes in the Performance Pump Matrix (Ferulic Acid replacing the Amentoflavone and Rutaecarpine combo):

14g serving
- Vitamin C 250mg
- L-Citrulline 7,000mg
- Performance Pump Matrix 3,750mg (Taurine, Glycerol 65% (HydroMAX), Ferula Asfoetida (Root) Extract (95% Ferulic Acid)
- Arginine Nitrate 2,000mg
- Agmatine Sulfate 1,000mg

I can't find much human data on Ferulic Acid (though admittedly I haven't looked around too much yet), but I'm currently using Ergonine daily and the new Alphamine pre-wo occasionally which both contain FA. Thoughts?

On a side note, I still had a crazy pump during tonight's chest session. As with the first time I used HV last year, I'm still attributing some of that to the bowl of cereal I usually have pre-wo :D
I believe this got addressed on but if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Yup, Ben simply mentioned it was a misprint but I'm always skeptical by nature especially with the supp industry. That being said, I can understand numbers sometimes being misprinted (300mg instead of 200mg caffeine as an example) but the packet shows complete separation of L-Cit from the 'pump matrix' and FA replacing Amentoflavone and Rutaecarpine, even listing it in the blue box on the front of the packet. I don't doubt Ben's response is accurate, but again I am skeptical and this leads me to assume something new is coming or changes will be made at some point, also considering the recent changes made to Alphamine/Norcodrene.

Either way, High Volume is the absolute best pre I have used across stim and non-stim pres and has remained my #1 ever since I started using it. Every workout I've had with it (primarily use it for push days, and never leg days) has given me the anecdotal evidence that it does what it claims it does.
Yup, Ben simply mentioned it was a misprint but I'm always skeptical by nature especially with the supp industry. That being said, I can understand numbers sometimes being misprinted (300mg instead of 200mg caffeine as an example) but the packet shows complete separation of L-Cit from the 'pump matrix' and FA replacing Amentoflavone and Rutaecarpine, even listing it in the blue box on the front of the packet. I don't doubt Ben's response is accurate, but again I am skeptical and this leads me to assume something new is coming or changes will be made at some point, also considering the recent changes made to Alphamine/Norcodrene.

Either way, High Volume is the absolute best pre I have used across stim and non-stim pres and has remained my #1 ever since I started using it. Every workout I've had with it (primarily use it for push days, and never leg days) has given me the anecdotal evidence that it does what it claims it does.

I can promise you the label is what Ben said it was on the other site. We just got HV approved in Canada (slightly different formula), but it still has a full dose of l-cit, agmatine, nitrates, etc.