PCT. how long till your really recovered?


I'm 11 days out from being doing with my 30 day PCT from my Halotest 25 cycle. I'm finally noticing that my mood is starting to come back up, I was dealing with some bad depression for a little bit there, and also my balls aren't back 100%, but they are getting there finally. Oddly enough I didn't lose any strength until about 2 days ago, strength actually continued to go up until then, and since then I've decided to give myself an off week due to the fact that I've been training hard for about 16 weeks with no break. I wanna know you guys, how long does it take you on average, in your opinion, to truly get back to normal from a cycle. Because while I'm coming around now, libido is still pretty suppressed, erections are somewhat weak, balls are not totally back up, and I have lost more gains than I would like to have, watching yourself shrink is one of the worst things I've ever felt.....


On : Halotest 25 - 50/75/75/75/75/75

PCT: Nolvadex - 20/20/10/10, with test boosters and cortisol control.
made good gains, strength really never went up like you would expect on any PH, but put on some good size, and have retained more than 75% of it so far.


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I'd wait out the pct, and see how you feel and if your still not feeling 100 percent don't hesitate to go get some blood work done and see what's really going on.

If it's your libido it could be estrogen related as well. Though I wouldn't think that would be a problem with nolva as your serm, but you would still want to get it checked if you get labs done.

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