pct blues


New member
>need a bait of advice, I did a really mild cycle, Test prop around
>per week for about 8 weeks, did winny for 4 weeks at 5omg a day.
Finished two and a half weeks ago, and my libido is well down - no morning wood etc etc, I think the winny surpressed me loads tbh!! I have nlova and clomid for
PCT been running Clomid PCT fot last few weeks was taking proviron at 50 mgs a day got nadda. Took some cialsis last night - again nothing!!

Should I switch to the Nolva??


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>need a bait of advice, I did a really mild cycle, Test prop around
>per week for about 8 weeks, did winny for 4 weeks at 5omg a day.
Finished two and a half weeks ago, and my libido is well down - no morning wood etc etc, I think the winny surpressed me loads tbh!! I have nlova and clomid for
post cycle therapy been running Clomid post cycle therapy fot last few weeks was taking proviron at 50 mgs a day got nadda. Took some cialsis last night - again nothing!!

Should I switch to the Nolva??
What exactly is post cycle therapy including doses?

I think you need to do a ton of reading in the PCT section. you should have posted this in the PCT section and not here.

You probably need to add an AI like Rebound Reloaded, ATD or 6-OXO. You probably also need 200 mgs of DHEA.

You are scaring me.

Start here:



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It's sometimes quite normal to notice a complete lack of libido even a few weeks after a cycle. Don't worry too much just yet. You are not in trouble.

Drop Proviron use...
I actually used to use Novla/Clomid with Letro for my PCT.. until I found that Novla/Clomid would compete with each other..

Try Toremefine, Powerfull, DHEA, Fenugreek, Maca...and possibly an irreversible suicide AI like Aromasin...

Do you have much stress in your life? Stress can cause a myriad of physical manifestations.. compounded more by you being in PCT at a vulnerable time.

No need to be scared just yet... just work it out.


New member
cheers for the replies!! Ubiq thanks - I am not scared just worried as am meeting a girl in 5 days and need to ahem ahem perform!!! Hence I did a dry run this weeekend with cialis did 20mg it did nadda.

How would you reccommend running the clomid nNolva,, I ma using 100mg a day of Clomid and 20 mg of Nolva, maybe I should swap to Nolve

Have also ordered fenugreek and diesel test, have had joy with tongkat ali in the past


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ATD actually kills your libido. I would try some longjack and tribulus. I would also include your Nolva at 40mg daily for 3 weeks and the clomid at 75mg (most recommend 100 but I get messed up vision at this dosage) for 2 weeks then lower the dosage to 50mg for the remaining 2 weeks. This is what I did for my post cycle therapy of a Halodrol/phera plex cycle. My cycle was for 7 weeks. And this got me crackking at it again. The supps are what cured my libido for the the time until I was recovered and let the serms do their job. Also do an experiment for me. See if your loads are larger while on clomid and back to "normal" while off clomid. I noticed an increase in volume and was wondering if anyone else does too. Get back with me in a PM plz. :blink:


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From my experience, ATD is definitely not something you want to take if you are concerned about libido. I took an ATD product after a cycle of HD50 and even though it got my balls to hang nice and low, it totally obliterated my libido


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Maccer, I was told that Nolva/Clomid compete with each other.. which would make sense... although it is recommended in Pheedno's protocol..

If I was you, I would start dosing Toremefine at 120mg for 3 days, then 90 for another 3... then 60 for 7... then 30 for 14 days. This is probably too late for your *ahem* girl visiting.. but it will help (in my experience)

Good luck in any event.. LH boosters help, just don't go crazy with Tongkat. ;) I think Dr. D had gyno probs from it before during post cycle therapy.. :run:
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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ATD actually kills your libido. I would try some longjack and tribulus. I would also include your Nolva at 40mg daily for 3 weeks and the clomid at 75mg (most recommend 100 but I get messed up vision at this dosage) for 2 weeks then lower the dosage to 50mg for the remaining 2 weeks. This is what I did for my post cycle therapy of a Halodrol/phera plex cycle. My cycle was for 7 weeks. And this got me crackking at it again. The supps are what cured my libido for the the time until I was recovered and let the serms do their job. Also do an experiment for me. See if your loads are larger while on clomid and back to "normal" while off clomid. I noticed an increase in volume and was wondering if anyone else does too. Get back with me in a PM plz. :blink:
my most recent pct, I used clomid for the 1st 2 wks and nolva for the last 3wks. and I must say, it could have been my imagination, but my loads definitely did seem larger than "normal" while using clomid. I guess it could have been infuenced by any of the other supps I was taking at the time (feno, atd, dhea, activate). :blink:


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Cheers guys, any views on dosage of fenugreek I am using the NOW brand.

Do you think I should try 40mg of cialis?


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If by cialis, you mean the erectile enhancement drug, it's not going to do sh*t for your libido.

Cialis, levitra, and viagra work by raising NO levels to increase the amount of bloodflow to that area. Since this mechanism has nothing to do with HTPA shutdown, which is probably the cause of your post-cycle erectile issue, there's no reason why this would do anything.


New member
I want the cialis to make sur eI can get it up lol!!

I have used viagra in the past, that works, used 20 mgs tadafil last weekend and it did jack **** hence the reason I am contemplting 40mgs

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