Old MMv3 question


New member
Is a pct and support supplements really needed since it isnt a real ph? I have an unfinished bottle of it.


It IS a ph. It "isnt realy" a ph in a sense of, it doesnt work well lol. Ive taken it btw. It is technically a class 2 ph btw. As it IS methylated. Which means liver toxic. So YES a pct is needed. Personally, i always would say use a SERM. And tho others will probably bash me for this. U dont need a serm for mmv3. Thatd not to say dont do a pct. my reccomendation would be erase (not pro). At 3/3/2/2/1/1 for a total of 6 weeks. Also, cel pct assist and or cycle assist to repair potential liver damage from the methyl. And maybe DAA or another natty t booster. T-911 if u wanna stay with LG. hope this helps. But please. Use a pct.

EDIT: im assuming by "old" u mean the sublingual god awful cherry tablet u use 4-5 of a day. Correct me if im wrong. That is what im referring to as what i used.


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It IS a ph. It "isnt realy" a ph in a sense of, it doesnt work well lol. Ive taken it btw. It is technically a class 2 ph btw. As it IS methylated. Which means liver toxic. So YES a pct is needed. Personally, i always would say use a SERM. And tho others will probably bash me for this. U dont need a serm for mmv3. Thatd not to say dont do a pct. my reccomendation would be erase (not pro). At 3/3/2/2/1/1 for a total of 6 weeks. Also, cel pct assist and or cycle assist to repair potential liver damage from the methyl. And maybe DAA or another natty t booster. T-911 if u wanna stay with LG. hope this helps. But please. Use a pct.

EDIT: im assuming by "old" u mean the sublingual god awful cherry tablet u use 4-5 of a day. Correct me if im wrong. That is what im referring to as what i used.
PCT should be used with all hormonal cycles, and has nothing to do with whether the hormone run with a methyl or not. But I completely agree with CEL Cycle Assist being run along with it.


PCT should be used with all hormonal cycles, and has nothing to do with whether the hormone run with a methyl or not. But I completely agree with CEL Cycle Assist being run along with it.
i agree totally. sorry, i did make it sound like the only reason a pct was needed was because it was methylated. my fault. bad wording. i agree any thing above a test booster needs pct in my book.


  • Established
Unless you have methyl masterdrol the OG then it is not methylated. MMV3 the sublingual tabs was not methylated.

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