Nootropics unlimited review


Well-known member
Want the thank @TheVenom for the chance to review some of their products. They have a huge inventory of many great ingredients and products and it was hard just to choose 3 items. But in the end I went for lgd, cardarine and limitless.
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First of all their packaging is one of the best I have ever seen.
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Plus they also sent me a scooper to help weight out the 10mg servings that I will be doing. And also sent me face masks which is a very nice gesture.
Started 2 days ago with 10mg of carndarine and lgd. Will be talking about the effects it has on me weekly will take limitless later on today when I do my mandarin studies and report back.
All of this talk about how nice things are and we've hardly made it past looking at the packaging 😁😁😂😂
All of this talk about how nice things are and we've hardly made it past looking at the packaging 😁😁😂😂

Must say it’s some of the best packaging that I have ever seen. Especially for these type of products. Just shows that you guys want to make sure you give out quality products.
First real update. Been about a week of using so want to give feedback so far.

LGD - I am dosing 10mg pre workout
I have used Lgd before and I haven’t felt the effects like this one. The last and only time prior I barely felt anything on hugger dosage than I am running now. It pretty much turned me off from using sarms since I felt like it was a waste for such little benefit. But already on nootropics lgd I feel fuller and my muscles feel harder. It’s a total different experience than before and enjoying it. The powder is fine and easy to just pop 10mg into my mouth and wash it down with water.

Cardarine - first time ever using this and also dosing at 10mg a day pre workout. Powder is fine and also easy to take down straight to the dome and wash it down with water. This might be my new favorite ingredient when it comes to endurance. Even after the first dose my cardio post workout felt effortless. I have been doubling my calories on the threadmill with a faster speed and higher incline. My calves don’t get tired and neither do I. wish I felt like this all the time.

Limitless 2.0 - took the dose pre study- about 45 mins later I felt wide awake. It was a crazy feeling and jus concentrated on my mandarin studies. Usually after a hour I start day dreaming and getting bored. But no not on limitless the effects are strong. I just want to keep going and dident even have a coffee during studying like I always do.
Two weeks in and everything is going great.

Few things I’ve noticed - my endurance is dropping slightly so thinking of upping my dose slightly. My wife is saying I look fuller and feel harder and I agree lgd is kicking in. The lgd powder is courser and has a bitter flavor to it while the cardarine powder is tasteless and smoother. I still just dump them into my mouth and wash it down with my preworkout.

Limitless is still slightly confusing me on how it effects me lol. I feel like a hour after taking I get tired and need a nap so I decided to see how that is. So following a dose a hour later I took a 20 min nap and when I woke up I felt so focused and wide awake. No sleepiness at all and just wanted to focus on something. Studying has been doing good on it also have a coffee mid study and feel the caffeine really hits me more.
My sleep has really tabled lately so going to take 2 days off of all supps and caffeine. It is one side effect I always get when I run orals around this time and taking 2 days off usually allows my body to calm down again and let my sleep go back to normal. Also have headaches the past few days but my blood pressure is normal.
A couple days without any substance is my first step with restlessness and headaches paired with hydrating more than usual