Next Cycle - Vet Opinions welcome


Hey everyone, So I am going to start training with an IFBB pro to get some serious results with a serious competitive diet to get results. I Am not competing but want the physique.

I am doing what he proposed with my orals added in at his intervals. The goal of the cycle was to put on as much keepable mass as possible as quickly as possible.

16 Week Cycle
1-16: Test E 350mg
1-16: NPP 300mg
3-7: 50mg Turinabol
10-14: 50mg Anavar

Goal of the diet was to put on as much muscle as possible without gaining fat of Course. I am just trusting his diet because it looks intense honestly, and tells me he needs me to follow it to the T.

Anyway, I'm wondering how much mass I can expect to keep from this. I was thinking at least 10lb. I honestly don't know how I feel about the high NPP numbers. Feel like my libido may suffer.
Hey everyone, So I am going to start training with an IFBB pro to get some serious results with a serious competitive diet to get results. I Am not competing but want the physique.

I am doing what he proposed with my orals added in at his intervals. The goal of the cycle was to put on as much keepable mass as possible as quickly as possible.

16 Week Cycle
1-16: Test E 350mg
1-16: NPP 300mg
3-7: 50mg Turinabol
10-14: 50mg Anavar

Goal of the diet was to put on as much muscle as possible without gaining fat of Course. I am just trusting his diet because it looks intense honestly, and tells me he needs me to follow it to the T.

Anyway, I'm wondering how much mass I can expect to keep from this. I was thinking at least 10lb. I honestly don't know how I feel about the high NPP numbers. Feel like my libido may suffer.
I dont think npp is that high but if you're worried about it id do 300/300 test and npp.

I'd run the Var at the tail end (12-16) and it will give your body more of a break in between oral and give you some extra push around week 12 where most cycles start to fizzle out. Thats just my 2c but the cycle looks dope. You have 2 of the very best orals and I think your doses are moderate but effective. No need to run high doses of anything imo especially when stacking. Train, eat, rest and let the drugs supplement an already disciplined regiment and watch them do their thing.

I don't think anyone can say How much you will or won't keep. Those things are determined by many factors. There is no x + x equals y factor cycling, but you already know that. If you're going to follow his plan diet and train the best you can and see what happens and hope for the best.

Good luck brosef
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Looks solid to me. Personally if this were my cycle I would run the Var for 6wks. Is there a reason for not starting the tbol week 1?
Hey everyone, So I am going to start training with an IFBB pro to get some serious results with a serious competitive diet to get results. I Am not competing but want the physique.

I am doing what he proposed with my orals added in at his intervals. The goal of the cycle was to put on as much keepable mass as possible as quickly as possible.

16 Week Cycle
1-16: Test E 350mg
1-16: NPP 300mg
3-7: 50mg Turinabol
10-14: 50mg Anavar

Goal of the diet was to put on as much muscle as possible without gaining fat of Course. I am just trusting his diet because it looks intense honestly, and tells me he needs me to follow it to the T.

Anyway, I'm wondering how much mass I can expect to keep from this. I was thinking at least 10lb. I honestly don't know how I feel about the high NPP numbers. Feel like my libido may suffer.
Looks like a great cycle to me. I 2nd the 300/300 idea but 50mg either way won't make or break ya. I like the choice in orals. I think this could be a very solid, dry quality gain if nutrition is solid. How frequent will pin the NPP?