Needing help running a cycle


Hey gang!

I just ordered two bottles of 1 andro and waiting for it to arrive in the mail... tho this virus is causing some delays with shipping they say... hopefully it gets here fast!

This is my first PH run.. i did run an OL LGD cycle a couple years back but i shutdown 6 weeks in. I gained good mass, but the shutdown really affected my mood.. from my research i cant seem to find anywhere that 1 andro will do the same, anyone have any experience with this?

I have OL Pct in my arsenal, however, im thinking of running clomid after cycle for test support. Cip is not something im trying to get into yet. So i figure clomid is the next best thing as far as isolating test by eliminating estrogen.... has anyone used MAresearch? For clomid or can someone suggest anyplace legit?

Igf des and somatropin - im looking to get some help with running hgh and igf + insulin for support... is there anyone out there who knows exactly how to run these hgh+igf des? I tried to run somatropin years ago but i had extreme anxiety from the insulin spikes or drops first thing in the morning... i know i was probably doing something wrong... anyways... daddyR is a little on the pricey side but are they legit and have quality product? Know someplace better?? Reach out on a PM..

