Natadrol stack question


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Winter Bulk Stack!? HELP NEEDED!

Hi everyone!
I already have Activate Xtreme & Triazol and I wanted to use it for my winter bulk but then I decided to order 2 bottles of natadrol since it's pretty cheap and I read awesome reviews. My question is - how should I stack all three of them and also it would be great if you could help with dosing.
My optimal guess is:
natadrol 6caps per day ~6weeks
After week 2 start with Activate Xtreme for 4 weeks
And Triazol as PCT
Thank you guys in advance!


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Natadrol needs a PCT? I didn't know that... I thought it was called natadrol because it is a natural product... hmmph!

I suggest TCF-1+Triazole for PCT, Activate Extreme+Natadrol for the 6 weeks (or staggered activate extreme if you don't have enough for a full 6).


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Natadrol needs a PCT? I didn't know that... I thought it was called natadrol because it is a natural product... hmmph!

I suggest TCF-1+Triazole for PCT, Activate Extreme+Natadrol for the 6 weeks (or staggered activate extreme if you don't have enough for a full 6).
They suggest a pct, but from what I've researched, it seems as if they only put that on the label to trick people into thinking the product is stronger than it is.

OP, I would start activate xtreme 2 weeks into your triazole pct.



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Hi everyone!
I already have Activate Xtreme & Triazol and I wanted to use it for my winter bulk but then I decided to order 2 bottles of natadrol since it's pretty cheap and I read awesome reviews. My question is - how should I stack all three of them and also it would be great if you could help with dosing.
My optimal guess is:
natadrol 6caps per day ~6weeks
After week 2 start with Activate Xtreme for 4 weeks
And Triazol as PCT
Thank you guys in advance!
Hmmmm. I would almost rather save the ActX or Triazole for another run. You can stack all 3, but i think it would be a bit overkill. I would either run the 2 bottles of Natadrol at 8 or 10 caps a day, and then follow it up with ActX or Triazole. If you wanted to do a longer cycle you could do my Natadrol dosing followed by Act X and then in your last week of ActX start Triazole so there's an overlap.

And yes, we do recommend Natadrol having a PCT because at the higher doses it will become suppressive over time. The people that run it from 4-6 caps don't really need to worry, unless you're running it for a few months at a time. 8-10 caps though i do recommend some type of natural t booster post.


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They suggest a pct, but from what I've researched, it seems as if they only put that on the label to trick people into thinking the product is stronger than it is.

OP, I would start activate xtreme 2 weeks into your triazole pct.

I ran 8 caps for 8 weeks and needed OCT PCT. I got a prolactin buildup which i didnt expect at all.

The people that run it from 4-6 caps don't really need to worry, unless you're running it for a few months at a time
And just for my curiosity:
Say i decided to run nata again in the future, would two bottles of 6 a day not need PCT? And could u bump to 8/day for a short period during this cycle and not have to worry too much?


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Thanks kinda tough for me to give you a definite yes or no. 2 bottles @ 6 caps i think you'd be ok. 2 bottles @ 8 caps daily would only be a 30 day run, which i would be ok with not taking anything post cycle. Anything longer than 4 weeks @ 8 caps i would suggest some sort of natural T booster.


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I ran 8 caps for 8 weeks and needed OCT PCT. I got a prolactin buildup which i didnt expect at all.

And just for my curiosity:
Say i decided to run nata again in the future, would two bottles of 6 a day not need PCT? And could u bump to 8/day for a short period during this cycle and not have to worry too much?
What was your prolactin pct then? Please don't say a serm or AI.


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I went to the doctors, she told me it would fix it self. I was freaking the **** out, so i took a high dose of vitex. It took about 2 weeks to feel better. i dont know if the vitex did anything or not.

I also got puffy, so made sure i took formadrol for about 2.5-3 weeks until i started to feel better.


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Hmmmm. I would almost rather save the ActX or Triazole for another run. You can stack all 3, but i think it would be a bit overkill. I would either run the 2 bottles of Natadrol at 8 or 10 caps a day, and then follow it up with ActX or Triazole. If you wanted to do a longer cycle you could do my Natadrol dosing followed by Act X and then in your last week of ActX start Triazole so there's an overlap.

And yes, we do recommend Natadrol having a PCT because at the higher doses it will become suppressive over time. The people that run it from 4-6 caps don't really need to worry, unless you're running it for a few months at a time. 8-10 caps though i do recommend some type of natural t booster post.
Ok I will save ActX and Triazole for individual run and do Natadrol + smthing for PCT like formadrol.


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I went to the doctors, she told me it would fix it self. I was freaking the **** out, so i took a high dose of vitex. It took about 2 weeks to feel better. i dont know if the vitex did anything or not.

I also got puffy, so made sure i took formadrol for about 2.5-3 weeks until i started to feel better.
I have used vitex before for prolactin control, works fairly good but it's no dostinex. A serm really shouldn't be doing much for a prolactin buildup.



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I have used vitex before for prolactin control, works fairly good but it's no dostinex. A serm really shouldn't be doing much for a prolactin buildup.

Completely agree here, would be a waste of money imo to use a SERM for prolactin issues. Vitex seems to be pretty common and effective.


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Completely agree here, would be a waste of money imo to use a SERM for prolactin issues. Vitex seems to be pretty common and effective.
Vitex and Vitamin b6 at 400-600mg works great at preventing prolactin based gyno, but I've had little success using them to treat prolactin induced gyno. Just my experience.



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Vitex and Vitamin b6 at 400-600mg works great at preventing prolactin based gyno, but I've had little success using them to treat prolactin induced gyno. Just my experience.

vit b6 is nerve toxic at that high dose ( more than 200 mg per day )
vitex effect on prolactin is dose dependent ( it only reduces prolactin at high doses ) .

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