My Updated PCT



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My Updated PCT for Hema/Zol/Emax

Thought I'd share this in here for people's future reference, comments, etc.

So I've decided against using Jungle Warfare in my post cycle therapy due to talks on this board, but I am definately planning on doing the evo stack (JW/BAM/Restore) which I've purchased already, sometime in the near future.

Here is how my cycle went (finishing my last 2 weeks now) : this was my first cycle of any PH

Hemadrol 50/50/50/50/75/100
Zol 0/100/300/300/300/300
Ergomax 0/0/0/0/25/25

T3 20/40/80/80/80/40/20 (I tapered a bit more gradually in first 2 weeks and last 2 weeks)
Albuterol 12mg ed
Ketotifen 1mg ed (at night)

super cissus during last 3 weeks.
AI cycle support / life support throughout.

Here is my current post cycle therapy, starting in just over a week:

Nolva 40/40/20/10
6OXO Extreme 600/600/450/300 (updated this)

Lean Xtreme
RPM + Reset AD

NOW's Thyroid Energy

CEE (off days) + greenMAG/Torrent (workout days)
AI cycle support / life support throughout.

+ mega-dose vitamin b5

BTW - this was a 6 week cycle that I had planned, but I may go 7 weeks with it, and start the 6oxo extreme during the 7th week at a low dose.


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2 more days till I start post cycle therapy.

Thinking of running a log of this since it was my first cycle and first time using most of the items in my post cycle therapy stack.. and I want to keep track of libido mostly, that's what matters most to me lol...well that and keeping my gains and getting leaner...but mostly libido

ps: only sides I've had during this cycle were acne (mostly on back/shoulders during the cycle, but once I started the emax I've now got some on neck and face but it's not bad, vitamin b5 will take care of it...I was taking b5 in the beginning but it became a pain to take it so often..oh well now I regret it a bit but i'll be starting it again tomorrow), some hair shedding (not so bad though - mostly noticeable once I started the emax, last 2 weeks), mild back pumps, dry dry joints...oh and random wood that would last forever lol.

I didn't really feel aggressive one bit on this cycle...but I did become more snappy and less tolerant around a week or two ago, but I wouldn't call it aggressive (unless I noticed I was and just tried to control it more...which was likely the case because I'm in my last week and don't feel snappy at all anymore)

pps: I did notice one weird side but I completely attribute it to the extremely dry joints...Once in a while I felt a slight tingling pulse type feeling shoot from my elbows to my hands... was an odd feeling that would be gone as quickly as it came. Very random and it did not leave any signs afterwards. Very strange. If anyone reads this and has any idea as to what it could be, that'd be appreciated if you could shed some light on it. Doesnt' happen very often either, maybe 3-4 times a day that I notice (could be more though).


New member
Thought I'd share this in here for people's future reference, comments, etc.

So I've decided against using Jungle Warfare in my post cycle therapy due to talks on this board, but I am definately planning on doing the evo stack (JW/BAM/Restore) which I've purchased already, sometime in the near future.

Here is how my cycle went (finishing my last 2 weeks now) : this was my first cycle of any PH

Hemadrol 50/50/50/50/75/100
Zol 0/100/300/300/300/300
Ergomax 0/0/0/0/25/25

T3 20/40/80/80/80/40/20 (I tapered a bit more gradually in first 2 weeks and last 2 weeks)
Albuterol 12mg ed
Ketotifen 1mg ed (at night)

super cissus during last 3 weeks.
AI cycle support / life support throughout.

Here is my current post cycle therapy, starting in just over a week:

Nolva 40/40/20/10
6OXO Extreme 300/400/600/(600,500,400,300,300,200,200)

Lean Xtreme
RPM + Reset AD

NOW's Thyroid Energy

CEE (off days) + greenMAG/Torrent (workout days)
AI cycle support / life support throughout.

+ mega-dose vitamin b5

BTW - this was a 6 week cycle that I had planned, but I may go 7 weeks with it, and start the 6oxo extreme during the 7th week at a low dose.

i need a good PCT, im getting off Hemaguno in 2 you know what i should do? and what doses in what days?


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I'm not very familiar with Hemaguno at all, never read up on it so I don't want to recommend any bad info. Other people have likely posted their post cycle therapy for that product on this board too, if you search around a bit you may find some info on that specific product. Sorry I couldn't be more help.


So my post cycle therapy has finally started. Been taking 5caps of 6OXO Extreme for the past 3 nights and took 40mg of Nolva for the first time this morning. The stuff isn't great tasting regardless of the peppermint flavor, but it's not as nasty as some people say it is I don't think...Think I'm going to divide the dose to day/evening though.

Started the Xtend yesterday during + post workout. Going to start the rest today as well.

Last night I was at the gf's place...everything is still fine, functional and hanging proper but then again it was the last day of my cycle.


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Another side note: I started taking COLD FX yesterday to help battle an oncoming cold that I started to feel symptoms of (sore throat) and to boost my immune system. Hoping this has no negative effect on the LeanXtreme I'm taking or my cortisol levels.


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Nolva is now being dosed 20mg in am and 20mg in pm
6OXO extreme x 5 at night

paravol x 3 ed

Leviathan x 2 ed (going up to 4 tomorrow)
taken w/ Reset AD

incarnate x 6 ed (around workout)

Lean Xtreme x3 ed > will go up to 2x3ed soon

powerFULL starting tonight.

Haven't started my RPM yet, decided to run with ECA for a week or two and got some Clen/Keto for after that.

GreenMAG + Torrent now in effect \m/

So far SO GOOD. Waking up with full morning wood and all is still seeming normal + good in that realm. I'm wondering when/if shutdown occurs, when would it be noticeable...I guess I'll just have to see how things go. After reading more on ERGO, I'm worried that I may end up a bit shutdown but I'm not too worried, I only took it for 2 weeks in the end, but I was also doing 75-100mg hema and 300mg that combo might cause some shutdown.

I really liked that cycle and as a first I was very surprised at my lack of sides (or toleranceof the sides...). I DEF am also a lot leaner and meaner/bigger. I switched to more of an HST routine in my last 2 weeks, doing strictly compound movements mostly..and it's working out / worked out well for me. Took a few pics last night, might post them up once I find my cable to capture them. If I were eating more on that cycle, I know I would have gained much more mass but that was not the point of this cycle at all.

ps: the occasional tingly 'pulse' shooting from my elbows to my hands is gone. Must have been the dryness of the compounds...basically wreaking havoc on my elbows. Upped my intake of fish oils (omega-3 - EPA/DHA w/sesamin + olive fruit extract) and taking lots of cissus and things are much better in that aspect.


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Well I took the weekend off from training and spent it with the GF. and I've gotta say some of these products must be kicking in LARGE because my libido is higher than it was on cycle! not even libido but overall sensation, etc etc...

Is this possible so early into post cycle therapy? I was expecting a 'shutdown period' of some sort...not to mention decreased libido from the nolva..but NOPE, everything is A-OK lol

BTW, progress pics posted up here>


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bump, interested in how your pct progresses. looking at alternatives to atd for my next pct as it killed my libido, it's between 6-oxo and novedex xt right now. curious about your 6-oxo dosing... you are running it inverse to serm with quick tappering off in last week, ergopharm recommends going high to low over the lenth of your pct. and are you going to split all your nolva doses into two or just the 40s?

sorry for the many questions, only have a little experience with pcts and it was with torem/atd.


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Yeah I was looking at my 6OXO dosing and I think I'm going to go high to low also now...I basically was dosing it low to high in inverse to my SERM so that I didn't negatively effect my libido, etc....but now that I think of it when I press above the top of my left nipple today, I get a bit of pain..but if I don't touch it, it's not sensitive or bothersome at all. Could be nothing could be something, we'll see what happens. My nipples themselves are not sensitive at all.

I started off with 40 of nolva at night but now I'm going 20/20.
I think next time I'm also going to run with torem, from all the good things I hear about it.


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Now taking 600mg trione (10 pills a night of 6OXO extreme) and 40mg nolva, plus the rest of the stack.

Libido seems down a bit now, and I think the nolva is making my back break out...wasn't like this on cycle, not super bad though but definately enough to make me conscious of it. Going to pick up some pantothenic acid and start mega-dosing it again.

No pain in left side anymore either, I think it was just from an ab machine I was using that pressed hard on one side of my chest. That means no gyno :woohoo:


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heh I was wrong, libido still seems strong. Morning / random wood...and sex is still great :head:


On another note, I've lowered my cal's further and am pushing harder to strengthen my core and uncover those abs. Might take over a month though..but I'm likely doing a cycle of the rest of my T3 + some Clen pretty soon. On ECA now and doing full body workouts x3 a week, and abs everyday plus 1-2 hour cardio sessions with the lady as often as possible lol. Going to start running more now too in the AM. Loving the XTEND. I'm out already..need to pick up some more. Stuff tastes great.


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I don't know if anyone's reading this but I guess it's good for the logs...

This is the end of my 2nd week.

My post cycle therapy is going well...besides occasional sore joints when liftings (prolly due to low e).

I've decided to drop the trione today and run a 4 week stack of JW/BAM/Restore concurently, along side my other supps.

Gains wise, well what can I say, I am still growing while on my post cycle therapy, likely because this is my first year ever to weight training (noobie gains), and I guess my T-levels are good atm, not to mention I've switched to an HST routine of mostly compound lifts.

Been planning on getting bloodwork done soon, and then once after my PCT is done.


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  • Legend!
well first off i like how you are organized with everything and the cycle and PCT looks good.

Why did you drop the 6oxoXT?

Why are you taking ReduceXT 2x3, that is 6 pills a day!!!! way to much.

What did you think of the ZOL?

How are you taking the B5? capping? .....stuff is nasty


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Why did you drop the 6oxoXT?
I felt like I was crushing my estrogen levels a bit too much, and I have 3 ALRI bottles sitting here all nice, begging for me to jump on them haha. Not to mention 6oxoXT is pretty pricey. I think the AI activity in the ALRI stack should suffice.

Why are you taking ReduceXT 2x3, that is 6 pills a day!!!! way to much.
I'm taking Designer Supplements Lean Xtreme.
Going off the info on the bottle, it says I can take 1-2 caps, 2-3 times per day. I started on 4 caps per day at first, and then moved to 6 caps per day.

edit: Now that I will be starting the 4 week EVO stack (minus pro-anabol) I will ramp off the LeanXtreme since the stack should take care of cortisol as well.

What did you think of the ZOL?
Loved it, and I had no rise in sides at that level either. Became MUCH harder on it. Def. going with 300mg next time too...but ramping up on it like I did this time, and then ramping down near end.

How are you taking the B5? capping? .....stuff is nasty
Pre-capped (large bottle). There needs to be a better way of taking this stuff...I feel like I'm swallowing far too many pills everyday lol.

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