My? is...


New member
Why can't a company just bring out a good CHEAP protein for like 3.00-2.50 a pound? i think it is pretty hard to beleive that it costs so much to manufacture that they must charge 10-11 bucks a pound.

Casein is cheap and a good protein whhey is not always the best.

syko said:
Why can't a company just bring out a good CHEAP protein for like 3.00-2.50 a pound? i think it is pretty hard to beleive that it costs so much to manufacture that they must charge 10-11 bucks a pound.

Casein is cheap and a good protein whhey is not always the best.


10 bones a pound is ridiculous unless you taking 2lbers you see out there. right now, you can get simply whey at vitaglo for 20 (at 5 lbs) around 19 after easypricematch. thats under 4 bucks a pound. (shrug) also, YJ's pick of Pro-Rated is a great value as well (38 for 10lbs) Sage
I was just going to mention Pro-rated. I learned about it through one of YJ posts. I've been using it a couple of weeks now and I love tastes, mixes and goes down great. I also buy powdered skim milk, which is about $7 for and good source of casein.
People still use powdered skim sometimes. Gets the casein, makes yo **** creamier (not yo **** ****, talkin bout your protein shake :D ... hell, mebbe you poop **** too I dunno) and that's cheap.

edit- hey I'm an idiot and just saw Scorpio's powdered skim suggestion, so... bump to that lol
of course it would be nice if all supplements were cheaper, but its a business. but if you want a cheap whey concentrate go with 100% whey by optimum , or simply whey by eas, or like they said pro-rated.

btw how does pro-rated taste when compared with 100% optimum? and is this company reputable? just wondering and im thinking about trying it next.,
institutional said:

btw how does pro-rated taste when compared with 100% optimum? and is this company reputable? just wondering and im thinking about trying it next.,

I was turned on to it by YJ. Wouldn't actually know if it was reputable until mabe someone had a lab analysis done. Anyhow it tastes way better than optimum 100% whey....mixes well and goes down smooth. YJ has a comparison thread on the two in the supp sec.

I was turned on to it by YJ. Wouldn't actually know if it was reputable until mabe someone had a lab analysis done. Anyhow it tastes way better than optimum 100% whey....mixes well and goes down smooth. YJ has a comparison thread on the two in the supp sec.

thanks i need to read it again. but i do like the price.
Hey guys, not sure if you know about or not but you can put together your own protein powders with them and it's pretty cheap. The deal in bulk.

They have all different kinds of whey (concentrate, isolate, CFM isolate, serum). They'll mix whatever flavouring you want in and you can add BCAA or Malto or whatever you want. They have a **** load of stuff to add including sweatners and stuff.

I just bought 3 pounds of their night time formula (Casein, CFM whey, egg protein for $6 a pound), 4 lbs of CFM whey Isolate ($8 a pound, a bit pricey but it is the best), 4 lbs of Maltodextrin (like $2 pound), and 3 lbs of Dextrose for $70. Now I can make all my own protein shakes, MRPs and Post Carb Drinks myself with the help of a little Crystal Light drink mix or koolaid with some dextrose.

Anyways just thought I'd mention it incase others hadent heard of it.
Draven said:
Hey guys, not sure if you know about or not but you can put together your own protein powders with them and it's pretty cheap. The deal in bulk.

They have all different kinds of whey (concentrate, isolate, CFM isolate, serum). They'll mix whatever flavouring you want in and you can add BCAA or Malto or whatever you want. They have a **** load of stuff to add including sweatners and stuff.

I just bought 3 pounds of their night time formula (Casein, CFM whey, egg protein for $6 a pound), 4 lbs of CFM whey Isolate ($8 a pound, a bit pricey but it is the best), 4 lbs of Maltodextrin (like $2 pound), and 3 lbs of Dextrose for $70. Now I can make all my own protein shakes, MRPs and Post Carb Drinks myself with the help of a little Crystal Light drink mix or koolaid with some dextrose.

Anyways just thought I'd mention it incase others hadent heard of it.

Somebody had lab analysis done a while ago on a protein factory product. It definitely did not meet its claims.
ex_banana-eater said:

Somebody had lab analysis done a while ago on a protein factory product. It definitely did not meet its claims.

Really? Do you know where those tests are? I would love to read them. Was it done on just one product? I'm not buying any mixes really just plain whey.
Originally posted by Draven

Really? Do you know where those tests are? I would love to read them. Was it done on just one product? I'm not buying any mixes really just plain whey.

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Well both the products I purchased I think are well within the floating range.

Lab Sample ID: 026-528
Product Name: 25% each of Calcium Caseinate, CFM Whey, Milk, Egg White
Date Received: 11/15/02
Date Reported: 12/10/02


372 (370.0) Calories/100 g
Total Carbohydrate
<1 (1.1) %

Total Fat 0.5 (0.9) %

91.9 (89.4) %

Dry Weight
93.7 %

3.54 %


Lab Sample ID: 026-525
Product Name: CMF Whey Isolate
Date Received: 11/15/02
Date Reported: 12/10/02


373 (383.0) Calories/100 g
Total Carbohydrate
3.78 (0.0) %

Total Fat 0.4 (1.0) %

88.5 (93.5) %

Dry Weight
94.9 %

2.22 %


I don't think thoughs numbers are all that bad, the protein is lacking a bit on the CFM but..... Now if they were more like the Hydrolized Whey then I would be a bit more concernced. Certainly not as bad as those damn DeTour Bars. :D

Thanks for the link though, it was an interesting read.