My first dance with LG P-Sarm

Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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Last night was my first workout the the New P-Sarm form LG science's. Lets recap shall we......

I took 2caps P-Sarm about 30minutes before my workout with 25gr Whey Isolate, 30gr WMS & 1 scoop Cold Fusion.

Well right off the bat I really didn't notice anything out of the norm. I really didn't want to go to the gym. Catching 100 pitch bullpens and takeing 500swings 2 hours before you go to the gym can do that sometimes.

Im warming up and stil not much of a difference. I get to my 4th set of Seated DB presses and look to my workout partner and say "This stuff better start working cause I really dont feel like beeing here"

Well I then proceded to throw the 65's up for 8 solid reps. Good burn going in the delts. I proceed to go thru my workout. I usually do about 14 sets for shoulders, ecspecially beeing on a TKD I seem to hit a wall where I can't really do much more.

My workout partner is bulking right now and we were following his routine. Thru the whole workout I stayed 2-4 reps ahead of him, we both used the same weights.

Well we went on to do 20more sets, totalling 24 for the workout!!!! After we finished out last set of shrugs I said "Ok whats next?"

He looked at me with this blank look, and replied "Are you kidding we just did 24 freaking sets"

Endurance as crazy last night. I'm only eating 2,500cals/day. on a TKD, so endurance is somthing Im not really accustomed 2.

2day my traps a little sore but for the most part feeling good. Keep and eye open for P-Sarm its somthing your not going to want to miss, and the logs that will start popping up here shortly.

Best thing. My workout was at 6pm and I was in bed and sleeping like a baby by 10:30 :thumbsup:


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I can't wait to start logging this stuff. Sounds awsome. This is gonna make it even harder to leave the gym. F- work, I got liftin to do!


Yeah i'm quite interested in this stuff! When will it be acailable at Nutra?


Saw this on dps as well, just wondering what the dosing would be, is this weight dependent? Trying to see whether to buy this now or wait a bit, funds are low.
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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Saw this on dps as well, just wondering what the dosing would be, is this weight dependent? Trying to see whether to buy this now or wait a bit, funds are low.
Well I'd def say work your way up. Take 4-6caps/day. Divided into 2 doses. I do 2 upon wakeing up and another 2 before I workout. On non-workout days I'll do 2 upon wakeing and 1 ~6hrs later.


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Well I'd def say work your way up. Take 4-6caps/day. Divided into 2 doses. I do 2 upon wakeing up and another 2 before I workout. On non-workout days I'll do 2 upon wakeing and 1 ~6hrs later.
That dosing for NHA seems to be effective.


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what kind of results could someone expect from this product? agradual increase in strength and lbm? I would like to try this at some point
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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what kind of results could someone expect from this product? a gradual increase in strength and lbm? I would like to try this at some point
Pending on diet, I say that because it can effect you slightly different depending on calorie intake.

Cutting: Decrease in Body Fat, increased endurance, increased muscle harness and vascularity, slight strength & LBM increases

Bulking/Mass: Increased in strength, LBM, endurance, and maybe some slight loss of body fat.....or keep you gains a little leaner

Now one shouldn't expect dramatic gains like from one of our hormonal products such as MMV2 but the gains from pSARM are all hormone free, requiring no p.c.t


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Looks good so far DW. I'm interested in seeing the end results.


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Looks good so far DW. I'm interested in seeing the end results.
This stuff has me wanting to run it during PCT. We will see what happens as I have a couple more weeks on cycle.


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Last night was my first workout the the New P-Sarm form LG science's. Lets recap shall we......

I took 2caps P-Sarm about 30minutes before my workout with 25gr Whey Isolate, 30gr WMS & 1 scoop Cold Fusion.

Well right off the bat I really didn't notice anything out of the norm. I really didn't want to go to the gym. Catching 100 pitch bullpens and takeing 500swings 2 hours before you go to the gym can do that sometimes.

Im warming up and stil not much of a difference. I get to my 4th set of Seated DB presses and look to my workout partner and say "This stuff better start working cause I really dont feel like beeing here"

Well I then proceded to throw the 65's up for 8 solid reps. Good burn going in the delts. I proceed to go thru my workout. I usually do about 14 sets for shoulders, ecspecially beeing on a TKD I seem to hit a wall where I can't really do much more.

My workout partner is bulking right now and we were following his routine. Thru the whole workout I stayed 2-4 reps ahead of him, we both used the same weights.

Well we went on to do 20more sets, totalling 24 for the workout!!!! After we finished out last set of shrugs I said "Ok whats next?"

He looked at me with this blank look, and replied "Are you kidding we just did 24 freaking sets"

Endurance as crazy last night. I'm only eating 2,500cals/day. on a TKD, so endurance is somthing Im not really accustomed 2.

2day my traps a little sore but for the most part feeling good. Keep and eye open for P-Sarm its somthing your not going to want to miss, and the logs that will start popping up here shortly.

Best thing. My workout was at 6pm and I was in bed and sleeping like a baby by 10:30 :thumbsup:
Have you continued to use p-sarm?
What do you noticed a using it for almost a month? Any negatives?


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Hey D-water! How come LG recommends PCT with pSarms but you claim its unnecessary? Just to sell more formadrol xtreme? confused
LG Sciences

LG Sciences

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We don't recomend PCT, just recomend you keep your gains going with Formadrol! No PCT necessary...


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Can you take p-sarm and formadrol at the same time after doing a cycle of MMV2 and M1-D?


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Can you take p-sarm and formadrol at the same time after doing a cycle of MMV2 and M1-D?
Yup you sure can! Thatd be an awesome stack that would yield great results!

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