Muscle Gain with Hormone Problems (protein shakes?)


New member
I am looking for a bit of advice here. I am trying to avoid HRT, but I know i will need it in the next year or so.

I have a 'nerd' like build (tall, skinny, long limbs and pale looking). I am looking to change this as much as possible, in the hope that some weight/muscle gain from lifting will help improve my testosterone levels somewhat and build my self confidence.

I am not even considering a gym membership until I build myself up a little more.

To give some background:

Height: 6ft
Weight: 9.3 Stone
Age: 26

I have very long, thin limbs and while I know bone growth (or regeneration) isn't possible since puberty has ended (though I still don't think i made it properly to the final stage), maybe adding some muscle will help improve my overall health, body comp and confidence.

I am looking to improve my sex hormones (DHT, Free T, E2, etc). I am also looking to optimize thyroid hormone production, increase cortisol production (since my cortisol is low) and maybe even increase E2 (since E2 is also showing as low).

At present I have no symptoms of high estridol, and feel I have low cortisol/estridol symptoms.

Current problems:

I have signs of three simultaneous conditions:

1. A high stress nervous system - causing high norepinephrine (with low dopamine, low serotonin, low GABA)
2. Hypothyroidism
3. Adrenal fatigue

I have little muscle mass, no muscle definition and somewhat 'flabby' appearance.

Suppliment wise I am thinking:

- Zinc
- B6
- B12
- Multi-Vit

Would Whey Powder (bulking powder) be a good choice? I seen these milkshake drinks allot, and I not sure if I would benefit from them or not.

I am thinking to get some light weights (maybe 10/15kgs) for my arms and do these a few times daily while modifying my diet and taking the whey protein.

Looking for as much advice as possible, keep in mind I am still dealing with hormone problems :)


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You should concentrate on the large muscle groups ie back , chest , legs and forget about the smaller muscles like biceps . Working large muscles especially legs will increase testosterone.
I would suggest you go to a gym now and explain to the trainer what you want to achieveHe should tailor a programme to suit your needs.He should also advise on nutrition and your daily calorie intake.
A high stress nervous system - causing high norepinephrine (with low dopamine, low serotonin, low GABA)
2. Hypothyroidism
3. Adrenal fatigue
Are you under medical supervision?
How do you Know you have these conditions

You will have to put your muscles under stress ie break the muscle fibers down to justify taking in more protein If you are simply doing arms then you can get enough from food

If you are under a doctor, he /she should be the first person to consult before embarking on any exercise programme


  • Established
you sound like you need to learn about a regular proper diet. not even one for BB reasons. just eat healthy and more frequently, and do chin ups, push ups, and situps at home to build a base. sounds like you need to get healthy first. protein powder is not "
bulking powder" is protein. even if u dont lift, u need more protein than i am sure you get right now. protein powder is beneficial to everyone.

start simple..shake with breakfast, shake before bed or after your at home workout.

eat better,



NutraPlanet NinjaMonkey Rep
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Also consider your diet. If you were restricting fats, this may have led to decreased hormone production. Also in the upcoming training, remember that overtraining can cause some hormonal suppression so dont underestimate the importance of recovery time.

Coconut Oil is a healthy fat that has been shown to boost thyroid acitivty; might be a good idea (It has a variety of other health benefits too).
Whey Protein is a great source of protein pre and postWO as it digests quickly. You need to eat healthy, here's a good read


New member
I am looking for a bit of advice here. I am trying to avoid HRT, but I know i will need it in the next year or so.

I have a 'nerd' like build (tall, skinny, long limbs and pale looking). I am looking to change this as much as possible, in the hope that some weight/muscle gain from lifting will help improve my testosterone levels somewhat and build my self confidence.

I am not even considering a gym membership until I build myself up a little more.

To give some background:

Height: 6ft
Weight: 9.3 Stone
Age: 26

I have very long, thin limbs and while I know bone growth (or regeneration) isn't possible since puberty has ended (though I still don't think i made it properly to the final stage), maybe adding some muscle will help improve my overall health, body comp and confidence.

I am looking to improve my sex hormones (DHT, Free T, E2, etc). I am also looking to optimize thyroid hormone production, increase cortisol production (since my cortisol is low) and maybe even increase E2 (since E2 is also showing as low).

At present I have no symptoms of high estridol, and feel I have low cortisol/estridol symptoms.

Current problems:

I have signs of three simultaneous conditions:

1. A high stress nervous system - causing high norepinephrine (with low dopamine, low serotonin, low GABA)
2. Hypothyroidism
3. Adrenal fatigue

I have little muscle mass, no muscle definition and somewhat 'flabby' appearance.
Address the 3 items you listed above, first. Look into IsoCort for the adrenal fatigue and Iodoral for hypothyroidism, both are available over the counter.
