MitoBurn Gel by XPG - Maximum Strength Slimming Gel - Available Now


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Maximum Strength Slimming Gel
MitoBurn® (L-BAIBA) Skin Gel

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125 mg. MitoBurn Per ml.
100 ml. Per Bottle
12.5 Grams MitoBurn Per Bottle

What is MitoBurn Gel?
MitoBurn® Gel is a topical MitoBurn® (L-BAIBA) product that contains 125 mg. per ml. (12.5 grams per bottle) plus added CaloriBurn GP® (Aframomum/Grains of Paradise) for improved synergistic fat incinerating results.

What is MitoBurn®?
MitoBurn® is a revolutionary fat loss ingredient & natural exercise mimetic and is the first clinically tested and verified form of L-BAIBA.

What is MitoBurn® commonly used for?
MitoBurn® is commonly used to help promote fat loss and burn stubborn body-fat.
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MitoBurn Gel is a product that Xtreme Performance Gels has had completed for a little while now and had been holding off on the release on just to space out new product launches some.

It is one that a few bottles have quietly been sent out to some people to try and feedback has been good on it.

The feedback included a very common question - is MitoBurn Gel systemic or localized?

The answer is that it is systemic but just as with CurcuPrime Gel where it is systemic but with localized benefits, the same appears to be the case with MitoBurn Gel - in that pretty much everyone that was sent bottles to try reported seeing some localized benefits to the areas that they applied it to.

I'm not saying that it is a localized fat loss product, don't misquote or misunderstand me on that - use it with the intention of it being for systemic use and with any localized benefits being a nice extra, but very commonly reported bonus.
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Does MitoBurn need to be a topical product?

No, MitoBurn is orally bioavailable so it does not need to be a topical product.

The reason that Xtreme Performance Gels decided to make a MitoBurn Gel is the same as with some other ingredients XPG offers - that some people may prefer topicals over capsules or vice versa.

(The reports of there being some nice localized benefits was just a great but unintended extra bonus).

For people that prefer capsules, SNS offers MitoBurn XT and Thermo Scorch and Competitive Edge Labs offers LipoVantage and Lipo Elite. Any of these can be stacked with MitoBurn Gel.
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MitoBurn Gel is now available to retailers and is already in transit to DPS. Flexit Nutrition has it and will turn it live for sale tomorrow, and Unreal Supps in the UK has it in stock and will turn it live for sale tomorrow as well.
Man I will be ordering some of this! I have a log starting soon and don't want to skew the results of that but I'll have this in my stock for September/October use!!
Man I will be ordering some of this! I have a log starting soon and don't want to skew the results of that but I'll have this in my stock for September/October use!!

I look forward to hearing your feedback on it.
Does MitoBurn need to be a topical product?

No, MitoBurn is orally bioavailable so it does not need to be a topical product.

The reason that Xtreme Performance Gels decided to make a MitoBurn Gel is the same as with some other ingredients XPG offers - that some people may prefer topicals over capsules or vice versa.

(The reports of there being some nice localized benefits was just a great but unintended extra bonus).

For people that prefer capsules, SNS offers MitoBurn XT and Thermo Scorch and Competitive Edge Labs offers LipoVantage and Lipo Elite. Any of these can be stacked with MitoBurn Gel.

this is the post guys

take this information for what you will and order the best product for you and your goals...
Edited the original post - it is 125 mg. per ml and 12.5 grams per bottle, which it said in the body part of it but the bullet points at the top said 100 mg. per ml. The 125 mg. per ml is correct.
Would really love someone who's used mitoburn caps to compare.

It'll take me a little while, but I'll be in that category. Used MitoBurn + Paradoxine caps from SNS last summer. Still working my way through another 'stack' at the moment, but this gel will 100% get used in the future haha.
How does/would this compare to AB-Solved, as in which would be the better option for fat loss?

They're completely different, but would make for a great stack.

MitoBurn is going to help with overall fat loss whereas Ab-Solved is a localized fat loss ingredient that is more specific to helping lose fat in the abdominal and love handle area.

They would make a good stack together as Ab-Solved basically helps you be able to burn more fat, including visceral fat, in that area - and MitoBurn can increase overall fat burning. So it should help intensify the results of Ab-Solved.

I hope I explained that in a way that makes sense.
They're completely different, but would make for a great stack.

MitoBurn is going to help with overall fat loss whereas Ab-Solved is a localized fat loss ingredient that is more specific to helping lose fat in the abdominal and love handle area.

They would make a good stack together as Ab-Solved basically helps you be able to burn more fat, including visceral fat, in that area - and MitoBurn can increase overall fat burning. So it should help intensify the results of Ab-Solved.

I hope I explained that in a way that makes sense.

Perfect sense and, as usual, very precise and knowledgable answer.
Thank you.
Perfect sense and, as usual, very precise and knowledgable answer.
Thank you.

You're very welcome.

And thank you. I really appreciate that.
I bet this would stack well with Ab-Solved at the same application. The two of them together would be excellent. I love Ab-Solved

Edit: oops you just said that above. Lol
I bet this would stack well with Ab-Solved at the same application. The two of them together would be excellent. I love Ab-Solved

Edit: oops you just said that above. Lol

Ha. No worries, it always helps and is appreciated to have my opinions backed up.

I'm really considering testing a theory with these where I use Ab-Solved and then apply MitoBurn gel in the same area as the Ab-Solved. I'm focused primarily on gaining muscle right now, but if my theory is correct, then I think I could bring down my waistline some while still having my diet setup more for gaining.
Ha. No worries, it always helps and is appreciated to have my opinions backed up.

I'm really considering testing a theory with these where I use Ab-Solved and then apply MitoBurn gel in the same area as the Ab-Solved. I'm focused primarily on gaining muscle right now, but if my theory is correct, then I think I could bring down my waistline some while still having my diet setup more for gaining.

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For a limited time, buy your Xtreme Performance Gels products along with your SNS products.
See this thread for full details -

MitoBurn Gel:

MitoBurn Gel - 3 Bottle Multi-Pack:

MitoBurn Gel - 6 Bottle Multi-Pack:

MitoBurn Gel - 12 Bottle Multi-Pack: