Middle Age Is A Great Excuse To Blast And Cruise


The media (and the internet is included in this) says such fear-mongering things about ALL of the things that only the select few are willing to take. For instance:

Steroids = inevitable death
Insulin = inevitable death for non-diabetics
GH = inevitable death by gigantism
DNP = inevitable death
Ephedrine = at least a heart attack

And the list goes on. But sad thing? A lack of proper amounts of sex hormones leads to worse symptoms of aging and quality of life than having supraphysiological doses. Insulin is actually relatively benign and demonstrably more dangerous FOR TYPE-I DIABETICS since they don't have proper feedback mechanism to dump glucagon and adrenaline into the blood when the BG is too low. GH really can be harmful over time and but it's easily mitigated by using slin as needed and cycling it with GHRP's, which are very healthy. DNP is dangerous and can kill you but you still have to get stupid with it to do that. Smaller amounts are being considered in trial runs to fight cancer and cure Type-II diabetes. Ephedrine is safe for all who have a healthy heart respond normally to other stimulants such as caffeine, yohimbine and modafinil.

And no one on the web ever speaks up against the nasty sides that many prescription drugs carry - they just keep pushing it b/c the doc says to.

So please, always take the interwebs, media (and anyone else that assumes needles are illegal and all GH products, fat burners, steroids and creatine are basically the same) with a grain of salt!!!
Too true.


Okay, brothers. I have two vials of tren:

One is Ace at 100 mg/mL

One is Enanthate at 225 mg/mL

I am sticking with 150 mg test enanthate ED. I figure adding a total of 50 mg tren would be good..?

As of Sunday there are six weeks left. 42 days. I figure I start 40 days out for ease of division and do 25 mg per day. I would say 25 mg of tren E to make it an even 50 mg ED, but the Tren E is 225 mg so the easier figure is 22.5 mg ED.

My belt and wraps high bar squat has pushed in the mid-400 range @ <190 on test alone. And my conventional deadlift is sitting at a little over 510 right now. I'm adding about 20-30 lbs per week to each of these lifts at this point. And I think I have hit on a routine combo that really compliments the gear. I've taken this much gear before without getting results this good. I was struggling to back squat 315 eight weeks ago.


I started pinning the Tren E today. Just going to front load a bit for a week. 112.5 mg ED till I begin the 40 days of Ace at which point I'll drop it to the 22.5 mg ED to go with the 25 mg of Ace ED.

Then Next Morning...

I have been having some very vivid dreams in the last few weeks since the Wellbutrin kicked in. I mean they have been pretty linear -- if somewhat fantastical -- and I am able to remember details days later. But my dreams took a turn toward the nightmarish last night. I can't say for sure, of course, that it's the tren, but I suspect it is.


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Daily low intensity cardio can be a big help on Bp. 30 minutes of walking or bike a day never hurt anyone.


Wildfires disrupted my test E delivery, but at least I still have a house. Been blasting tren E at 130 mg ED for five days and plan to double up on test E for a week because I think higher test suits me better.

Back squatted 405 with no belt or wraps at 190 this week. Only other time I managed that was last year at 193. And today was with a pulled hamstring that is only halfway healed.

I am starting tren A tomorrow at 25 mg ED. Tren E going down to 43 mg ED. Test E will be 250 mg ED for a week (to catch up from zero test E for the last five days), then at 150 mg ED for the rest of the blast. EQ TBD.

My deadlift took a dip, maybe because of ham injury holding me back. But also maybe programming error. I was hoping to squat 500 with belt and wraps and pull 600, but 475 and 560 seem much more realistic. I got 435 squat today with belt and wraps, but hamstring started complaining. Ten pounds per week on each lift is a safe target. Five weeks till meet. It's still possible the tren could surprise me when it really kicks in, though.


Just checked my high bar, beltless, wrapless squat and paused squat from exactly seven weeks ago: 325 and 295.

This week those numbers are 405 and 375 and done with less difficulty. So 80-lb increase in seven weeks or an average 11.5+ lbs per week. And the gains started smaller and jumped as the enanthate kicked in hard.

The tren hasn't had a chance to kick in yet. Let's see if it can accelerate the gains to 15 lbs per week. Or more! 20?

I'm using enanthate for test and for 2/3 the tren. So I will be feeling the effects of the blast for a few weeks after my last blast pin. So I want to find one more meet in December to take advantage of the continued increases. I could total 1500-1600 raw @ 198 if that worked.


The tren is kicking in. Front loaded with the E and have been adding the Ace. I felt so full of energy today that I had to rewrite my approach to include more frequent training and then go to the gym and lift. I'm no longer bothering with a belt or wraps. Went in and hit my previous best of 405 deep and with surprising speed. 415 went smoothly despite my lingering hamstring pull and then 425 went really well, too. That's a 20-lb PR from last week and a 20-lb lifetime PR, too.

I ordered some Anadrol from a very trusted source along with some Clomid. I am starting to think that I may blow right past 500 lbs on the raw with wraps squat for this meet. Hell, I may use 500 as my opener without belt or wraps!

Going to try to hit 405 for a solid 2-second pause in a couple of days, then try for 440 on Friday.I weighed 193 this morning, but wouldn't be surprised if I were waking up at 195 by the end of the week. I'm 10 lbs up from eight weeks ago.


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Don't mix Anadrol with Tren and EQ. You are asking for uncontrollable RBC and veritable motor oil for blood. Use a different oral if strength


Don't mix Anadrol with Tren and EQ. You are asking for uncontrollable RBC and veritable motor oil for blood. Use a different oral if strength
I have a prescription blood pressure medication that has lowered my BP despite the tren and EQ. Would that help?

Also, I just realized that with yesterday's performance, my average gain in the last seven weeks has shot up from 11.5 lbs/week to just under 15 lbs/week.


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I have a prescription blood pressure medication that has lowered my BP despite the tren and EQ. Would that help?

Also, I just realized that with yesterday's performance, my average gain in the last seven weeks has shot up from 11.5 lbs/week to just under 15 lbs/week.
Take natto please. The prescription blood pressure med won't protect you from excessive clotting and consequently a heart attack thereafter. Nattokinase will. It's a $25 supplement that will stave off any real chance of blood clotting that is worthy of inducing a heart attack. Hardly expensive considering what it offers.

Take Natto any time you are taking Tren, EQ or Anadrol. You're taking all three (or about to).

Might also consider 81mg Aspirin too and you need to be thinking about that shotty set of kidneys you have in lieu of all these kidney grenades. I'm gonna offer tough love and say stop adding drugs and let the programming, diet and sleep do the rest of the work for your strength gains.


Take natto please. The prescription blood pressure med won't protect you from excessive clotting and consequently a heart attack thereafter. Nattokinase will. It's a $25 supplement that will stave off any real chance of blood clotting that is worthy of inducing a heart attack. Hardly expensive considering what it offers.

Take Natto any time you are taking Tren, EQ or Anadrol. You're taking all three (or about to).

Might also consider 81mg Aspirin too and you need to be thinking about that shotty set of kidneys you have in lieu of all these kidney grenades. I'm gonna offer tough love and say stop adding drugs and let the programming, diet and sleep do the rest of the work for your strength gains.
It's all good, man. I appreciate the input of those with experience and looking to help me here in my thread log.

I will order some Natto. The drol would be for the last three weeks till the meet and then that's it. This isn't an ongoing thing of course. I'm just tired of falling short of my lifting goals these past couple of years since I hopped on gear. This time I seem to have a clear shot at at least 500/600 SQ/DL. And with the combo of drol with the tren, I may shoot way beyond that.


Just got back from blood work followup. I am headed to the gym and will input the exact numbers later. Long and short: HDL looks great. RBC and hematocric are just a little high, but not so far that my doc is worried. Urinalysis was clean as a whistle. No proteins or blood there.

My EDIT: EGFR (estimated glumerular filtration rate is 55 EDIT: and should be 60 or more. So I'm in mild chronic kidney failure. She doubled my blood pressure med dose (it was at a very low dose to start) and told me to keep drinking water and come off any and all anabolics forever; she doesn't even like HRT of any kind. She suggested that I don't even use and PCT drugs and instead let my body recover naturally(???!!!).

I also have to lower sodium intake to help combat the pressure.

Will update in a few hours.
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It's all good, man. I appreciate the input of those with experience and looking to help me here in my thread log.

I will order some Natto. The drol would be for the last three weeks till the meet and then that's it. This isn't an ongoing thing of course. I'm just tired of falling short of my lifting goals these past couple of years since I hopped on gear. This time I seem to have a clear shot at at least 500/600 SQ/DL. And with the combo of drol with the tren, I may shoot way beyond that.
For your own sake, just promise to consider three things during these next few weeks:

1) Listen to your body. Don't say stuff like "well the natto should not allow it to happen" or "surely that isn't my kidneys giving me problems, I haven't been taking the drol long enough for that to matter" or "I'm sure I can deal with these sides for a few more weeks"..

2) Perspective: remember that your health is far more important than a single weight-lifting meet. Don't be one of those guys that prioritizes the last 40yrs of his life below 3hrs of glory.

3) Commit to detoxing your body and building your immune, cardiovascular and organ health back to an ideal state over the next 6-12 months.


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Just got back from blood work followup. I am headed to the gym and will input the exact numbers later. Long and short: HDL looks great. RBC and hematocric are just a little high, but not so far that my doc is worried. Urinalysis was clean as a whistle. No proteins or blood there.

My glucose filtration rate is 55 and for my age group it should be around 90. So I'm in mild chronic kidney failure. She doubled my blood pressure med dose (it was at a very low dose to start) and told me to keep drinking water and come off any and all anabolics forever; she doesn't even like HRT of any kind. She suggested that I don't even use and PCT drugs and instead let my body recover naturally(???!!!).

I also have to lower sodium intake to help combat the pressure.

Will update in a few hours.

HRT, with blood thinning drugs like Natto, Aspirin & Fish Oils and ACE-II's for BP is perfectly fine long term. Your doctor needs to tell you what the goal is rather than just saying "get off all anabolics". You need to explain to her you aren't the dumb lemming that she is used to serving and that you don't need her interpretation but rather a professional opinion and goals.

If the goal is low BP, that can be done with 200-500mg Test weekly, albeit, more stuff is required for the higher doses (i.e. Blood thinners, vesse relaxers & getting blood drawn every 6 weeks or so). Totally leaving yourself shutdown and with critically low T and E could pose all sorts of different risks while not necessarily solving the issue with the initial risk.


For your own sake, just promise to consider three things during these next few weeks:

1) Listen to your body. Don't say stuff like "well the natto should not allow it to happen" or "surely that isn't my kidneys giving me problems, I haven't been taking the drol long enough for that to matter" or "I'm sure I can deal with these sides for a few more weeks"..

2) Perspective: remember that your health is far more important than a single weight-lifting meet. Don't be one of those guys that prioritizes the last 40yrs of his life below 3hrs of glory.

3) Commit to detoxing your body and building your immune, cardiovascular and organ health back to an ideal state over the next 6-12 months.
I will take your advice. Everything honestly looks either perfect of just slightly out of whack. In fact, as I was typing this up I was on the phone with a close family member who is also a medical professional. She told me not to worry about my kidneys' EGFR results because I'm really not that out of whack and a false positive is created by dehydration and recent exercise, two things that definitely usually apply to me. So I feel a lot better about that one result now. I have been chronically dehydrated for years and only recently have been working on correcting that. So let's see where I am in a few weeks when I get retested and when I've taken a layoff after the meet.

Creatinine is on the high side, but red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelet count are all only very slightly high. Vitamin D is insufficient because I'm a fairly dark-skinned black man.

Urea Nitrogen (BUN)12 / 7-25 mg/dL
Creatinine 1.74 / 0.60-1.35 mg/dL *high
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate African-American 55 / >=60 *low
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 7 / 6-22
Sodium 139 / 135-146 nmol/L
Potassium 5.1 / 3.5-5.3 nmol/L
Chloride 102 / 98-110 nmol/L
Carbon dioxide 28 / 20-31 nmol/L
Calcium 9.9 / 8.6-10.3 mg/dL
Protein, total 7.4 / 6.1-8.1 g/dL
Albumin 4.4 / 3.6-5.1 g/dL
Globulin 3.0 / 1.9-3.77 g/dL
Albumin/Globulin ratio 1.5 / 1.0-2.5
Bilirubin, total 0.7 / 0.2-1.2 mg/dL
Alkaline Phosphatase 98 / 40-115 U/L
AST 26 / 10-40 U/L
ALT 29 / 9 -46 U/L
T-4, Free 1.0 / 0.9-1.8 ng/dL
White blood cell count 5.7 / 3.8-10.8 Thousand/uL
Red blood cell count 5.86 / 4.20-5.80 million/uL *SLIGHTLY high
Hemoglobin 17.8 / 13.2-17.1 g/dL *SLIGHTLY high
Hematocrit 53.1 / 38.5-50.0% *SLIGHTLY high
MCV 90.6 / 80.0-100.0 fL
MCHC 33.5 / 32.0-36.0 g/dL
RDW 12.5 / 11.0-15.0%
Platelet Count 404 / 140-400 thousand/uL *SLIGHTLY high
MPV 10.8 / 7.5-12.5 fL
Absolute neutrophils 3,055 1,500-7,800 cells/uL
Absolute lymphocytes 1,932 / 850-3,900 cells/uL
Absolute monocytes 507 / 200-950 cells/uL
Absolute eosinophils 177 / 15-500 cells/uL
Absolute basophils 29 / 0-200 cells/uL
Vitamin D 25 / >=30 ng/mL optimal *Low

Point is that the one thing I was really worried about was the EGFR which technically has me in chronic kidney failure, but only by a bit and which is explained by poor hydration habits and constant training habits. The other usually worrisome values -- even the RBCC -- are not high enough to cause concern!

And I hit another couple PRs today: 430 and then 440 on the beltess/wrapless Olympic-style squat. And I absolutely buried these as usual and came up strong enough to get the bar to whip. I had more in me, but I am finding that leaving a few pounds in the tank keeps me fresh to keep making PRs based on higher frequency. And this Tren Acetate is the ****. I just increased my 1RM twice in four days for a total of 35 lbs.

I can hardly wait to see where my deadlift is when I get back to it. I find that driving my squat up often without deadlifting too often so I spare my lower back and grip works very well for me for increasing my deadlift. My deadlift increases a pound or two for every pound my squat increases, then it flies up more if I carefully up the frequency for a week or two (then it stalls if I keep at it). So I want to push my no no no Olympic squat up to 500 (which may come in a week or two at this rate) and then see what I'm pulling. I really think I'm going to get up around 550 squat with belt and wraps and a over 600 pull with just a belt. Too bad I hurt my shoulder this cycle else I might have totaled 1500 @ 198.


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Took Nattokinase, Doctors Best, twice a day with the trenavar and I can definitely say it's worth it. ~$20 and a breeze to take.


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I'd watch the blood thickness too though. Too many red blood cells is a cause of high BP and it is high BP that causes kidney issues. The other main issues is hereditary, diabetes or manutrition.

3 out of 4 major causes are preventable. For what it is worth, my coach put me on something called Kidney Stuff and also 6g of Astragalus per day for on-going kidney health.


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Your kidneys will need a long break w/ low BP, lower protein intake, and a diet high in nutrtition. When you test, just get the basic panel from privatemdlabs that includes CBC and CMP (blood count and metabolic panel) for something like $40 after the discount.

Something else too is understanding how your kidneys have been functioning prior to gear. While I was taking steroids here and there years ago, I went back and checked my kidney values dating back to 2011 and it appears that I've always been in stage 2 CKD, between 70-85 on the eGFR. My creatinine is almost always at the top of the range, if not slightly over. This is no doubt hereditary but still, it's good to know that while my eGFR test was at 70 a month ago, it has not gotten worse b/c I've always been in that range. I've just got some crappy kidneys (thanks dad!).

Still, we have to be real about our health and in my case, if I cannot get those values back up to 85-95 consistenly, I will not be doing bodybuilding much longer than 2-3 more years, as stuff like Tren/EQ and orals tax the crap out of the kidneys.

I'll keep everyone updated on how my supplementation does in terms of improving kidney performance. I may even just dedicate a thread on the subject and perhaps it could wind up as a sticky for future AAS users to consider.


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Took Nattokinase, Doctors Best, twice a day with the trenavar and I can definitely say it's worth it. ~$20 and a breeze to take.
Is natto better than naringin for blood thinning?


Had a garbage squat session this morning and couldn't get past a double with 365 Olympic-style.

This was a warmup for a heavy deadlift session later; that went well. Pulled 535 conventional without a belt at 190.


Is it possible that test really is best for me?

I have lost weight since starting the tren (both e and a) and anadrol because my appetite seems to have been severely curbed since the addition of these drugs.

I have not been able to get past 385 on the squat these last couple of sessions even though I hit 440 with relative ease a couple of weeks ago. I've only lost five pounds since then, but it seems as though each pound is worth 10 lbs of barbell weight.

The meet is in two weeks. I am going to try to force feed myself back up to 195. But I'm wondering if I should not have cut the test dose in half from 1050 to 525 when I added the 500 mg of tren.

Any advice is welcome. Also, I want to point out that my deadlift keeps getting stronger because unlike the squat and bench, the deadlift is not sensitive to bodyweight. I pulled 535 at 190 last week, conventional, no belt, and my best ever in this fashion was 510 at 190 on my blast last year.


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Your kidneys will need a long break w/ low BP, lower protein intake, and a diet high in nutrtition. When you test, just get the basic panel from privatemdlabs that includes CBC and CMP (blood count and metabolic panel) for something like $40 after the discount.

Something else too is understanding how your kidneys have been functioning prior to gear. While I was taking steroids here and there years ago, I went back and checked my kidney values dating back to 2011 and it appears that I've always been in stage 2 CKD, between 70-85 on the eGFR. My creatinine is almost always at the top of the range, if not slightly over. This is no doubt hereditary but still, it's good to know that while my eGFR test was at 70 a month ago, it has not gotten worse b/c I've always been in that range. I've just got some crappy kidneys (thanks dad!).

Still, we have to be real about our health and in my case, if I cannot get those values back up to 85-95 consistenly, I will not be doing bodybuilding much longer than 2-3 more years, as stuff like Tren/EQ and orals tax the crap out of the kidneys.

I'll keep everyone updated on how my supplementation does in terms of improving kidney performance. I may even just dedicate a thread on the subject and perhaps it could wind up as a sticky for future AAS users to consider.
Removing Tren EQ and orals still leave lots of great options
Low dose test and sarms can give a great physique .
Trt and S4 had me looking great and numbers were all perfect.
S4 just makes everything yellow ish but its not terrible if you don't drive at night.
I'm on prop/NPP 500 mg each and honestly at week 5 I'm asking myself daily if 100 mg test and 100 mg s4 wasn't better.
It actually was better in many ways.
No AI no caber no bloat no sweats


Removing Tren EQ and orals still leave lots of great options
Low dose test and sarms can give a great physique .
Trt and S4 had me looking great and numbers were all perfect.
S4 just makes everything yellow ish but its not terrible if you don't drive at night.
I'm on prop/NPP 500 mg each and honestly at week 5 I'm asking myself daily if 100 mg test and 100 mg s4 wasn't better.
It actually was better in many ways.
No AI no caber no bloat no sweats
I want to be STRONG; a nice body is important to me, but being stronger than I look is even more important.

I was my strongest ever two weeks ago when I Olympic-style squatted 440 at 195. That was right around the time I switched from 1050 mg test E to half of that with thr addition of tren and anadrol. My appetite has dried up and now I'm 187 with a 385 Olympic-style squat.

I am going back to high test only, but it is too late for me to undo the damage in time for the meet. Plus my right shoulder is still too banged up to bench. If I had just stuck with test, I might have added 60 lbs to my 440 squat instead of losing 60 lbs.


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I want to be STRONG; a nice body is important to me, but being stronger than I look is even more important.

I was my strongest ever two weeks ago when I Olympic-style squatted 440 at 195. That was right around the time I switched from 1050 mg test E to half of that with thr addition of tren and anadrol. My appetite has dried up and now I'm 187 with a 385 Olympic-style squat.

I am going back to high test only, but it is too late for me to undo the damage in time for the meet. Plus my right shoulder is still too banged up to bench. If I had just stuck with test, I might have added 60 lbs to my 440 squat instead of losing 60 lbs.
I thought you just mentioned bodybuilding. I totally get the strong part but I always have in the back of my head that once I can't lift heavy anymore I'll just resort to bodybuilding at least look good


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I'm do tempted to run tren
I got a vial of ace just waiting.
NPP/test is pretty good.
Do you run peptides?


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Removing Tren EQ and orals still leave lots of great options
Low dose test and sarms can give a great physique .
Trt and S4 had me looking great and numbers were all perfect.
S4 just makes everything yellow ish but its not terrible if you don't drive at night.
I'm on prop/NPP 500 mg each and honestly at week 5 I'm asking myself daily if 100 mg test and 100 mg s4 wasn't better.
It actually was better in many ways.
No AI no caber no bloat no sweats
You miss the greater point I was making though. At some point, if your body isn't performing well, you just need to back off altogether and do it the more frustrating and difficult way.

This is all based on whether your health is good or not. While steroids are not all equal, they all can provide the same sort of benefits and damage in different amounts.

There is no certain way to stay on gear with failing kidneys and an enlarged heart and at the same time avoid making things worse. My point is that competing generally requires at the very least some low to moderate doses of certain drugs that are bound to accelerate aging and dysfunction and I'd rather just get out of the sport than to insist on using them to stay competitive.

However, it's worth trying to compete with only Test/Primo/Mast though. Those will be my preference to maintain a tight body and some strength in my older years but at much lower doses (the sum around 300-400mg/wk max).


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You lost the weight because you're organs are now so stressed you can't even eat enough to maintain. Plus the tren is obviously cranking up the metabolism hard.

You need to drop the Anadrol, up your water, & do your best to crank the calories - drop veggies and try to process your food more. Basically do whatever is the opposite of healthy eating.

Don't do whole meat when you can grind it or pull it, eat more white rice or potatoes instead of whole grains and complex carbs, consider blending things. I can eat a lot more calories of Jasmine rice and ground 80/20 beef than a sweet potato and steak, for example. Don't feel like eating bfast? Blend oats, whey, pb, milk, fruit for an easy 1,000 calories. Drinking calories is a tremendously easy way to gain weight very quickly. Consider adding olive or coconut oil into meals to drive empty calories up further.


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Also, you should be done with heavy pulling now that you are 2 weeks out. You should have 1 heavy squat to go around 10 days out and a bench 7-8 days out. Everything else should be getting dialed back now to recover, especially overall volume.


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You lost the weight because you're organs are now so stressed you can't even eat enough to maintain. Plus the tren is obviously cranking up the metabolism hard.

You need to drop the Anadrol, up your water, & do your best to crank the calories - drop veggies and try to process your food more. Basically do whatever is the opposite of healthy eating.

Don't do whole meat when you can grind it or pull it, eat more white rice or potatoes instead of whole grains and complex carbs, consider blending things. I can eat a lot more calories of Jasmine rice and ground 80/20 beef than a sweet potato and steak, for example. Don't feel like eating bfast? Blend oats, whey, pb, milk, fruit for an easy 1,000 calories. Drinking calories is a tremendously easy way to gain weight very quickly. Consider adding olive or coconut oil into meals to drive empty calories up further.
I'm guessing this protocol is just for a few weeks til he competes? B/C after the meet he needs to go full retard in the other direction and become a Vegan + fish only for 3 months.

Kid you not. That kidney is screaming at him right now.


You lost the weight because you're organs are now so stressed you can't even eat enough to maintain. Plus the tren is obviously cranking up the metabolism hard.

You need to drop the Anadrol, up your water, & do your best to crank the calories - drop veggies and try to process your food more. Basically do whatever is the opposite of healthy eating.

Don't do whole meat when you can grind it or pull it, eat more white rice or potatoes instead of whole grains and complex carbs, consider blending things. I can eat a lot more calories of Jasmine rice and ground 80/20 beef than a sweet potato and steak, for example. Don't feel like eating bfast? Blend oats, whey, pb, milk, fruit for an easy 1,000 calories. Drinking calories is a tremendously easy way to gain weight very quickly. Consider adding olive or coconut oil into meals to drive empty calories up further.
Thanks! I am adding a lot of whole milk and will get some pb for sandwiches. I used to scarf a few onion bagel/ cheese/ egg/ turkey bacon sandwiches throughout the day on top of my regular meals. I dropped tren and anadrol on Sunday and I can already feel my food lust returning.

Also, you should be done with heavy pulling now that you are 2 weeks out. You should have 1 heavy squat to go around 10 days out and a bench 7-8 days out. Everything else should be getting dialed back now to recover, especially overall volume.
I only pull heavy once every third week, so that pull was a well-planned test exactly three weeks out. If I pull every week, my pull immediately starts decreasing. Learned that the hard way. Every. Time.

I have been noticing that I thrive on leg press volume. Leg presses let me keep thigh mass on without killing my lower back and killing my back squat. My quads are huge when I keep the leg press in for volume and bigger quads boosted my squat to those lifetime bests.

I'm guessing this protocol is just for a few weeks til he competes? B/C after the meet he needs to go full retard in the other direction and become a Vegan + fish only for 3 months.

Kid you not. That kidney is screaming at him right now.
I am getting off everything as of yesterday. Beginning clomid after meet. Want to see if I can PCT and start fresh in the new year. I want to get my libido up and my kidneys back. Will add test at 500 - 750 mg when I'm ready to blast again.


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So did or does the tren really make you stronger?


So did or does the tren really make you stronger?
This time not sure. My squat was doing much better on just test this time. I think it was because I was a few pounds heavier on just test and body mass helps squat and bench a lot more than it does deadlift. I think the tren would eventually help my squat.


I was using mostly tren A so the bulk of the tren I took is already out of my system. Appetite has continued to increase and I am eating much more frequently because the food cravings cannot be resisted. I also have started drinking a half gallon of whole milk daily. Glycogen loading has added a few pounds of water; I have gone from a depleted low of 185 up to a much fuller, brawnier-looking 193 since the weekend. I feel more solid and immovable. Hoping that I will at least be able to dunk 405 naked and high bar again before the meet. I can never let myself fall below that mark again until I am really too old to keep this up.


Got non-sensitive estrogen results (I asked for the ultra-sensitive, but was ignored):

Ref range 60-190 pg/mL
My result > 4000 pg/mL

I'm going to guess this was a major factor in the lost gains, lost libido, and increased anxiety and depression.


I started Clomid 23 days after my last injection which contained 500 mg Test E and 500 mg Tren E.

I started the Clomid at 150 mg for the last five days. I am torn about keeping this up for a couple more weeks or dropping down to 100 mg for the next two weeks and then two weeks at 50 mg. I've seen all kinds of high and low recommendations online. Probably will do the latter.

I had MW for a couple of days, but the last two days nothing. I'm wondering if I crashed my e2 when I panicked and ran 12.5 mg Aromasin twice a day. Keep in mind that I only panicked because e2 was literally off the scale at over 4000 pg/mL

Either way, I'm sticking with the plan to restart with Clomid and see what my bloodwork and strength look like after a dedicated attempt at PCT.

I've upped the volume for this six-week training cycle that ends just before I travel for the New Year. This is my attempt to keep my muscle from slipping away. I will get full blood work when I get back in February.

There is a chance I will give in to the temptation to cycle again, but if I do, it will be with test and mild compounds like Proviron (DHT-derivative for strength and libido) and EQ (for joint resilience). I'm actually happy with my retention of lean tissue and strength a month out from my last pin. I'm down around seven lbs and I think a lot of that is water shedding with the lowering of e2. My squat has suffered the most, but that's to be expected since the squat thrives on plumper physiques.

At 185-188 lbs, I'm still able to do a max set of five with double bodyweight (375 lbs) in the Olympic-style squat with the use of a belt and wraps just two sessions into this training block. At 194 mid-blast I got a very good 440 without belt or wraps. That's about a 40-lb drop altogether. But I'm actually kind of hopeful that I will regain that ground over the next three weeks at the end of which I'm aiming to get a max set of five with 405 with belts and wraps.

My upper body pulls (rows and weighted chins) are looking amazing and I'm as strong on these moves now as I was when I was blasting and closer to 200 lbs than 185 lbs. My bench isn't worth talking about right now (I couldn't bench because there was pain pressing from the supine position; I've since decided to stick mainly with close grip press), but my standing barbell press is within five or ten lbs of my strongest ever.


I am down to 181 lbs today. My weight is in freefall. My testicles have definitely re-plumped in the last two days so the Clomid seems to be working, but I'm still dropping a lot of weight.

I had to pick up a backbreaking seasonal unloading job that is killing me. It's the kind of job for someone with much younger, healthier joints. It's certainly not leaving me much energy to train and it's also accelerating my weight loss.

MW is coming back with a good showing these last couple of days. Libido is starting to come around, though it is still very, very weak.

My shoulders are still almost as big as they were on blast (currently 52" versus 53"+ on blast). I'm dreading a likely strength drop, however.

Just got done with today's pull and assistance. I'm still about as strong now on these movements as I was at my very biggest. At 180 lbs body weight I was able to do four solid, full range chin ups with 90 lbs added. I was also able to do stiff-legged deadlifts with 405 for five reps, which is 20 lbs higher than my previous best.

Body dysmorphia is starting to kick in. I'm down 15 lbs from my peak and feeling tiny. Looks like a lot of the mass was water, however, due to my sky-high e2.

Still, I'm down a whole weight class. I guess I should mainly be happy that I'm still able to lift comparably to when I was 15 lbs higher (except for the squat).


Weight has climbed back up and stabilized aroujnd 185. Strength is holding steady and inching upward.

I took 0.25 mg of Prami last night and within an hour I was thinking about sex. And I swear I reclaimed some flaccid hanging length that I'd lost since my e2 got so high. My girl noticed it too. And my boys are definitely fuller. I put my new sexual feelings to use and ended up shooting an almost disturbing volume. I can see why people say that porn stars take Clomid for bigger loads.

The Prami had me nauseated later in the night, however, and I spent hours tossing in bed and fighting the nausea. I'm not sure it's something I'd take all the time because of this. But I will probably take a smaller amount tonight and try to get myself used to it.

Going down to 50 mg Clomid every night for the next five weeks. Six weeks after that last dose I will get BW.


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If youre dosing 50mg+ clomid ed then that may not be helping much with sides, especially high e2.


If youre dosing 50mg+ clomid ed then that may not be helping much with sides, especially high e2.
No doubt, but I have to restart. I am researching all over the 'net and I see that some people just accept that libido is crushed during PCT and just wait it out.

I am looking into Proviron as a way to combat low libido, but I'm not sure about running that during a PCT.

Every morning I wake up worrying that I am weaker than I was yesterday. But so far my strength has been holding and making the normal progress it does during a training block. I'm down a little over 10 lbs. My squats and presses have suffered the most; my standing press is down 15 lbs and my back squat is down 55 lbs. Pulls are just fine: my chin up is just as strong in absolute terms, but I am 10 lbs lighter so relative strength has improved; I won't deadlift again for a couple of weeks, but my stiff-legged pull is higher than ever and still climbing. My goal this training cycle is to get my standing press up another 10 lbs and my squat up another 30.


I put in for some Nolvadex to boost my restart.

Weighing 182.5 and holding at that weight +/-1. I look amazing. No two ways about it. So I don't mind being leaner (though I miss the extra confidence and caged aggression I felt >195).


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Nolva will help a bit with the estro, and definitely aid the restart attempt. Prami at 0.1, man - it’s very harsh and requires a lot of time to accommodate up without illness.


Nolva will help a bit with the estro, and definitely aid the restart attempt. Prami at 0.1, man - it’s very harsh and requires a lot of time to accommodate up without illness.
Eagerly awaiting the Nolva. I libido is still dead Dead DEAD, yet last night I had a vivid sex dream with my GF and ejaculated like crazy in my sleep. Weird. I'm holding off on any more Prami until I get blood work done. I want to see where my prolactin is.

The ray of light is that I am still holding on to plenty of strength. The biggest hit was to the totally raw/unequipped Olympic-style squat in which I went from 440@194 to my current 385@182. I just got a very good single with 380 tonight followed by a very poor 390 in which my upper back rounded horribly when I froze at the sticking point. Still a comfortable bit over 2x bodyweight and the most I have ever been able to squat in this fashion at this weight.

I am dreading the drop in size and strength that will likely hit once I am done with PCT and get off Clomid.


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It shouldn’t be much more than what’s already come off now unless you didn’t restart on your own. In which case you either get back on a SERM or use some fashion of TRT


It shouldn’t be much more than what’s already come off now unless you didn’t restart on your own. In which case you either get back on a SERM or use some fashion of TRT
Right on.

I am thinking of going back to SARMs and combining those with SERMs when I cycle again in a few months. Test and Proviron are still on the table, but I would like to try LGD as a "bridge".


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Right on.

I am thinking of going back to SARMs and combining those with SERMs when I cycle again in a few months. Test and Proviron are still on the table, but I would like to try LGD as a "bridge".
Bridging isn’t real, as far as avoiding shutdown. SARMs work just like androgens at the doses needed to be effective. Look up the human studies on LGD. 1mg/day will have your natural production suppressed within 2 weeks time.


Bridging isn’t real, as far as avoiding shutdown. SARMs work just like androgens at the doses needed to be effective. Look up the human studies on LGD. 1mg/day will have your natural production suppressed within 2 weeks time.
Yeah, I'm aware. My boys starting hurting and shrinking within the first few days I tried LGD. In fact in retrospect I think not doing a PCT after a few SARMs cycles is why my test levels where on the low side. BUT I felt like the side effects were less as far as emotional problems and organ stress. That may be bullocks though.

I was able to have sex last week, but my libido is still way down though. I am about to wrap up week four with Clomid. I added some Nolvadex to aid it. Since I've been shut down for two years, I may need to extend this restart.

My blood work came back. Doctor is thrilled. My eGFR increased 10 pts. Still not a good level, but doc is happy that it's trending in the right direction.

Weight has dropped a couple more pounds so now I'm 178-181 instead of 181-184. Strength on Deadlift dropped to match drop in squat: 440 and 540 are down to 375 and 455. This is about where I was when I peaked in my late 30's.


I haven't touched any gear of any kind since Christmas when I wrapped up my Clomid PCT. Sadly I also haven't been able to train regularly because of work and having to move (much farther away from my gym). So I wasn't able to hold onto my gains. I still look way better than I did before I started blast and cruise and I'm stronger than my old baseline, too. But I'm back down under 200 on my bench and 300 on my squat.

My kidney function has shot way back up and my latest eGFR number was over 80; it was 55 on blast.

Testosterone, total: 375 ng/dL [280-827 ng/dL]
Estradiol: 23 pg/mL [<= 39 pg/mL]
Prolactin: 5.4 ng/mL [2.0 - 18.0]

My test is "normal" but low. My libido is dead, but my doc doesn't seem to think it's worth thinking about. My prolactin is within range and closer to the low end, but I worry that it's too high while my test is too low.


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Get back in the gym. Find a way to get in a couple-three days/wk and do a couple compounds each time. You can do more than you think in 30-45 minutes if you work hard and smart.

You don’t have to take drugs to be a strong man, and lifting has a lot of psychological benefits, as well as being good activity for your heart and well-being.

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