Metabolic Adaptation


New member
It seems like my body adapts quickly to the amount of calories I eat, and I have a very strong "set point". I'm 6'5 and about 220 lbs. In February I started cutting and got down to about 214 lbs after 2 full months of eating clean food, adequate protein, and averaging around 1900 calories a day. I would "cheat" with a burger and fries or something like that once a week. Since this whole pandemic has happened I've gone back up to 218 lbs over the last 7 weeks and that's with a worse exercise routine and not worrying about my diet at all. I'm eating probably closer to 3000 calories a day with the extra coming from burgers, chips, ice cream, just cheat foods. So my question is how do I reduce the speed of the metabolic adaptation during a cut. I know that my metabolism will slow, but it seems like it happens in a matter of a couple weeks.
