Medfit RX MethylTrienolone nasal spray


Well-known member
As the title reads it’s available at quite a few supplement shops here in the US and was very surprised this was being sold. Anyone have any thoughts on this? 6 sprays is equal to 750 MCG
As the title reads it’s available at quite a few supplement shops here in the US and was very surprised this was being sold. Anyone have any thoughts on this? 6 sprays is equal to 750 MCG

Saw this and didn’t want to say anything. If that’s really what it contains then they are openly selling a schedule 3 steroid.
Saw this and didn’t want to say anything. If that’s really what it contains then they are openly selling a schedule 3 steroid.

Yes which to me was simply mind boggling. I don’t know too much about MedFitRx. I also don’t know how this would work as a nasal spray

They sell cereal?
That sounds... painful haha. I would not trust this brand, their packaging is too colorful, makes me suspicious
Anybody thinking of trying this stuff (Especially new guys)....
This stuff is supposed to be OFF THE CHARTS TOXIC.
In case anyone didn’t realize, you don’t have to snort it, as it’s oral bioavailability is already very high.

Snorting would just in theory bypass the first pass maybe making it 1% safer. Maybe.
Im more astonished with the fact that they are openly selling a C3 steroid that has been banned for many years. Also, I notice they don't give the IUPAC name, so maybe they patented the name methytrienolone and it contains some proprietary BS. Either way the CSA says claiming to sell a C3 steroid, even if your product doesnt contain one, carries the same penalties as selling an actual steroid.
Im more astonished with the fact that they are openly selling a C3 steroid that has been banned for many years. Also, I notice they don't give the IUPAC name, so maybe they patented the name methytrienolone and it contains some proprietary BS. Either way the CSA says claiming to sell a C3 steroid, even if your product doesnt contain one, carries the same penalties as selling an actual steroid.
It’s too expensive for me to give it a try.
All of their prices are redonkulous
Snorting test/ tren base before a powerlifting meet is not uncommon from what I hear. Nasal spray makes it even easier, I always wanted to do this but never got around to it.
If this really is oral Tren just like you see on UGL brands then I don’t know what the hell they are thinking. I know they don’t list the nomenclature on the bottle but the MCG dosage gives it right away about it being methyl trienone.
It’s not actually snorting anything. They used to have nasal spray PHs back in the day for a few compounds. It’s a liquid mist that goes into your nostrils. Not powder
750 mcg is top end of dossage for that compound, it's toxic as ****.... And the scary thing is, in my country few guy sell it in 2 MG NOT MCG tablets... Someone will get suicide not knowingly...
Plus what really scares me is if there is such a toxic and powerful steroid really in there, how the hellnwould you even feel safe to assume your getting an accurate dose from a spray, just sounds so inaccurate. I mean when it comes to a compounds that’s doses in micrograms I would be so paranoid that I overdid it. Of course panic attacks in the past only made me more paranoid now a days where as back in the day prior to any of that I wouldn’t think twice about doubling a dose on certain things etc. I would feel much more comfortable with these guys maybe doing say tablets of 250mcg each instead
Anyone learned anything else about this product? Can’t seem to find much info on it other than it’s super toxic.
I dont understand what other info anyone could possibly need.

Fair enough. Sounds to toxic to run as a cycle but could it be used as a PWO on heavy days as long as they’re not strung to close together? Or should it just be tossed if I have a bottle already?
Fair enough. Sounds to toxic to run as a cycle but could it be used as a PWO on heavy days as long as they’re not strung to close together? Or should it just be tossed if I have a bottle already?
Regular tren sounds scary enough so to me this methyl tren I would be to worried it would make me very edgy and aggressive!
Regular tren sounds scary enough so to me this methyl tren I would be to worried it would make me very edgy and aggressive!

Well to be honest I tried two sprays PWO on my last heavy day during a cycle of msten. It definitely made a difference at the time (placebo or not I’m not sure) but I felt more aggressive and a lot more focused. I haven’t touched it since because I’m unsure if the risks outweigh the little added benefit just to hit a higher number in the gym.
Taken via the nose its snot that bad.

I see what you did there lol.

I think a lot of people are overreacting on dosages. Have any of you guys done methyltren before? I have quite a bit and never saw it to be that toxic. Doses of 1.5mg -2.5mg was where it was it. I see no problems selling it at 2mg tabs or 750mcg sprays.

Just driving to the gym made me road rage. Aggression through the roof. Stuff is intense
I see what you did there lol.

I think a lot of people are overreacting on dosages. Have any of you guys done methyltren before? I have quite a bit and never saw it to be that toxic. Doses of 1.5mg -2.5mg was where it was it. I see no problems selling it at 2mg tabs or 750mcg sprays.

Just driving to the gym made me road rage. Aggression through the roof. Stuff is intense

What did your bloodwork look like after running it a "good bit"?
I think maybe you misunderstand....
Nobody is overreacting here.
You know how people talk about sone steroids as being toxic (because they are)? .......well MTren is FACTUALLY more toxic than all of those. Its toxicity isnt based on a feeling. Its based on reality
I see what you did there lol.

I think a lot of people are overreacting on dosages. Have any of you guys done methyltren before? I have quite a bit and never saw it to be that toxic. Doses of 1.5mg -2.5mg was where it was it. I see no problems selling it at 2mg tabs or 750mcg sprays.

Just driving to the gym made me road rage. Aggression through the roof. Stuff is intense

What did your bloodwork look like after running it a "good bit"?
I think maybe you misunderstand....
Nobody is overreacting here.
You know how people talk about sone steroids as being toxic (because they are)? .......well MTren is FACTUALLY more toxic than all of those. Its toxicity isnt based on a feeling. Its based on reality
Guess it just comes down to what you’re really trying to accomplish. I doubt very much anyone would suffer measurable permanent damage using this preWO a few times a week for the last few weeks of a peaking cycle. But you have to ask yourself if there aren’t better ways to get a preWO surge. There are damn sure better ways to grow in general.

Halotestin is far more proven amongst lifters of every variety for example, but still rather toxic and pricey. Wouldn’t it be way cheaper and easier on the body to just load the slinpin up with a shot of test or tren suspension and take your stimulant cocktail of choice? Or simpler yet, toss back some non-toxic legal caps of oral Trest or Mentabolan?

I’m not sure I see the point in Mtren, especially not this very pricey release, with all the simpler cheaper safer proven things already available for whatever purpose you need.
Guess it just comes down to what you’re really trying to accomplish. I doubt very much anyone would suffer measurable permanent damage using this preWO a few times a week for the last few weeks of a peaking cycle. But you have to ask yourself if there aren’t better ways to get a preWO surge. There are damn sure better ways to grow in general.

Halotestin is far more proven amongst lifters of every variety for example, but still rather toxic and pricey. Wouldn’t it be way cheaper and easier on the body to just load the slinpin up with a shot of test or tren suspension and take your stimulant cocktail of choice? Or simpler yet, toss back some non-toxic legal caps of oral Trest or Mentabolan?

I’m not sure I see the point in Mtren, especially not this very pricey release, with all the simpler cheaper safer proven things already available for whatever purpose you need.
