making your own transdermal with salvo?


i will be experimenting with salvo and a progestin. judging by the literature for similar chemical structures/molecular weight salvo should work well(i hope). i will hopefully be able to dose this at 2.5g per bottle, wish i could get 3 but that may be pushing it. i dont want it to crash, would you use a hot water bath when slowly adding the progestin? any experience will be helpful
I'm going to tag @delsolrob for you, as he's probably the best one to answer this question.

I know he hasn't been able to get on in a few days, so bear with him if it does take him a day or two, but I'm sure he'll be glad to answer and help the next time he logs on.
I'm not sure - did a little digging and pregesterone may be a little challenging to get that high of a concentration.

you can email me or DM me, (@lanky) I can't DM you for some reason - if you wanted to send me some material, I could run some solubility tests for you and determine roughly how much we can get per bottle/ml in Salvo - I could send you the finished goods - just charge for the Salvo bottles.
I'm not sure - did a little digging and pregesterone may be a little challenging to get that high of a concentration.

you can email me or DM me, (@lanky) I can't DM you for some reason - if you wanted to send me some material, I could run some solubility tests for you and determine roughly how much we can get per bottle/ml in Salvo - I could send you the finished goods - just charge for the Salvo bottles.

thank you so much for thinking of me, it is micronized progesterone that i am using for the experiment, i have 10g to work with only cost 50 bucks from epothex, and the salvo bottle only was 20 ish w shipping from DPS. i have read up on it and the barriers for transdermal use regarding its need for high dose for efficacy. i think LogP for progesterone is 3.9 so its right on the edge, even the progesterone does not have great kinetics for getting into circulation hopefully some of the metabolites at the application site may have the ability for better permeability w repeated dosing at the same application site. some of the research i have read is that even though serum progesterone levels may not be that elevated compared to baseline, local tissue levels not at the site of application may be significantly higher than normal suggesting better kinetics than previously thought not including the the downstream metabolites. My interest in neurosteroids all started with pregnenolone in salvo that i had great experiences with a few years back. i dont know why my DM is not working, someone else said the same thing a week or two ago, i will try and play around with my settings. i will give it a shot with 2 grams and see how it goes. i can always send you the remaining 8 to play around with if you want to experiment also. neurosteroids are one of the most overlooked niche market in the bodybuilding and general health/longevity market. most of the neurosteroids products out there are pretty cookie cutter, no one thinks outside the box for delivery methods. usually it is the same old capsule, or maybe it your lucky it is in a liquid suspension of ethanol, or maybe some form of lecithin.
i just made the transdermal progesterone with 2grams. i feel like this solvent can hold a good amount more maybe 3 or 4 grams(jut speculation), it dissolved easily in a hot water bath within 2 minutes, it is cooling as we speak before i put the label and dropper back on. hindsight i should have got a mini funnel. i lost my research chemical micro spoon that would have also helped
currently running 11KT at 2ml a day on my 2nd of 3 bottles and just added my progesterone on a few minutes ago, will be getting a bmp and total and free testosterone level check at work in 3 weeks once i fully recover from covid. i really want o see what progesterone will do to my test levels. it has dropped over 450 points over the past 23 years..went from 856 to now 400ng/dl on the dot
i am on day 2 of progesterone in salvo at 2ml a day, nothing noticed yet. had a weird dream of a female coworker wearing assless chaps made out of fishnet material..not sure if it was the progesterone messing w my brain😂
on day 5 now. starting to get some slight facial changes, cheeks are a little bit more full now. no change in mood or libido or strength in the gym. i also took 500mg oral last night before bed.
on day 8 now, the skin on my face seems nice and smooth and hydrated, similar to when i used transdermal pregnenolone in salvo. i am not retaining fluid anywhere else and if anything the rest of my body look a little bit more lean and dry, could just be normal diet and water intake variation so i will have to continue to monitor that, i also had bloodwork drawn this morning at work for a CMP, lipid panel, and total and free testosterone. the only send out lab will be the testosterone levels. i got my results back of the other two tests an hour ago.

cholesterol 219
triglycerides 98
HDL 53
LDL 147

my CMP results were unremarkable besides a BUN of 22

lipid panel has been getting worse over the past 10 years, so thats not a new finding, i have made dietary modifications and stay physically active but despite my best effort it keeps getting worse despite staying lean and eating healthy. i used to work with my pcp so i am expecting him to bust my balls later today because he just electronically reviewed my results 😂
on day 10, skin continues to look a little bit more smooth on my face and hydrated, have missed the gym the past two days because of long work days
i just about finished the bottle, overall i thought it was ok besides skin looking good on my face i did not notice much else from a "feeling" standpoint. next time i might have to try with 4g per bottle
i just about finished the bottle, overall i thought it was ok besides skin looking good on my face i did not notice much else from a "feeling" standpoint. next time i might have to try with 4g per bottle

It may depend on the compound, but I thought there was a point of diminishing returns around when dissolving over 3g or so per bottle?
It may depend on the compound, but I thought there was a point of diminishing returns around when dissolving over 3g or so per bottle?

not so sure, ran 1-andro back in 2016 or maybe 2018 ish(the years run together in my head) in salvo that was suspected over concentrated w a half to 3/4 inch of undissolved raw at the bottom of the bottle that was ridiculously effective even after a few days of starting, i did have to heat it up in a hot water bath to keep it in solution before application but that stuff was very potent at keeping my muscles full of glycogen. on my 3rd bottle of a recent batch at over 2ml/day w no undissolved raws in the bottom w minimal results. who knows. i may have to try to overconcentrate a few compounds and compare it to a normal dose of each to compare with easily obtainable regular dhea and pregnenolone