MA Labs temporarily down


Well-known member
Hey guys so we are working on a fast resolution to this issue.

MA Labs currently can't take orders this moment because of a temporary Merchant Account issue.

We are working to get an immediate temporary solution such as Customers emailing their orders manually and then MA invoicing you guys back until this issue is fully resolved and orders can be taken normally from the website

I will get you guys additional info ASAP.

Please hang tight, I might have an update later today.

Any questions, please tag me WesleyInman in this thread!!!

Ok here goes everyone:


Several of our sponsors are having Merchant Issues. If you guys need to order, we can still do it manually.

This effects IronMagResearch, IronMagLabs, MA Labs, IML Hers, MuscleGELZ Directions are below in full how you can order in the meantime

Guys we have a merchant account issue right now on various sites. I am making a post about it now. BITCOIN still works but we can do orders manually, please read below!!!

If you wish to order, we have to do them manually for the next few days most likely.

This is how to do it:

EMAIL me "[email protected]"

I need the following IN FULL

1) Provide exact details of the exact items you want, and please triple check this for accuracy.

2) Email me the REP code you wish to use (important) If you are from SSB2.0 then your discount code is "WES15" by default so please include that.

3) Email me your username and which forum you are on.

4) Email me a shipping address

5) Make sure the email address you are sending from will be able to get an invoice sent to it and we need the invoices paid immediately within 24 hours

The process:

Send me the information requested above for each order. You will receive an invoice within 24 hours. Tracking should be provided within 24-48 hours SO LONG AS THE ITEMS are in stock.

There are NO REFUNDS. If you decide you change your mind, after the order, we cannot refund you.

Mind you, you have me personally 100% at your service for customer service on these orders and we guarantee you will still receive the high quality products and orders in a timely manner.


This is a temporary arrangement. Once we have the merchant issues resolved the websites will be up and running and orders resume as normal. Hopefully this is only for a few days.

Please guys do not blow up my inbox with random questions or tracking requests. If you order, give it 48 hours to get tracking. CHECK JUNK folders and also look for the terms SHIP CENTRAL when ordering to find your tracking, etc..

Again please follow all of the directions above and specifically NAME the REP whos discount code you are using on the order


Manual orders are available for the following sites
Guys the website "might" be up and running this week. Hoping so.

Don't hesitate to do a manual order, because I am personally handling it, so like all my other rep orders, I guarantee you get your products!!
Guys the website "might" be up and running this week. Hoping so.

Don't hesitate to do a manual order, because I am personally handling it, so like all my other rep orders, I guarantee you get your products!!

Guys we are still temporarily down

I got a handful of orders out. I invoiced quite a few people and only half paid within 24 hours. The other half paid 3 days later and the orders could not be taken.

So I did have to do a few refunds

I cannot do manual orders at this time

Please be patient..we are hoping to have an account up and running in the next few days

Either way MA will be back full steam ahead soon!!!!!!
Hey bro I sent you an email, just wanted to make sure you got it. You're probably swamped sorry.
Hey bro I sent you an email, just wanted to make sure you got it. You're probably swamped sorry.

I did not, but no orders can be taken right now

Sorry man :(
Who ordered and didn't make the "13" that got shipped?

I was one of the "6" that didn't make it in time. However, I have not been refunded.

Did any else not receive their refund?
Who ordered and didn't make the "13" that got shipped?

I was one of the "6" that didn't make it in time. However, I have not been refunded.

Did any else not receive their refund?

I cannot say who were part of the 13 orders. I have to respect client confidentiality.

Please PM me the info again and check your emails tygatyga

I personally did all the refunds, so you should have it in your email folder.

You do have to click on it and "accept it" for it to transfer, otherwise it will not go into your bank account.
MA Labs Now Accepting Credit Cards

"Obtained a New Merchant Account"

Guys, we just got a new merchant account! This means you can order through the website with a credit card again! We don't know how long it will last (hopefully forever, LOL), but if you want to order NOW is the time!

MA-PUMP will be released within 24-48 hours!!
Looking forward to seeing the formula