Low test high tren


New member
I have switched to 100mg test and 300 tren cause 300 test gave me nipple pain even with ai, so i had to use nolva… what do you think about 100 test and 300 tren cycle?
Low test/high tren is only popular on the internet, for some ppl it works but for the majority of ppl it's more side effects
Tren is probably causing the nipple problems, it's called prolactin gyno and it's way worse then estrogen gyno
This low test higher other compounds is ridiculous and was popularized online based off the idea that it lowers side like test had more side than anything. It’s plain and simple stupid. Test should always be higher than everything else on your cycle. If you can’t handle test then you shouldn’t run gear. If you can’t manage estrogen / prolactin on testosterone than it’ll be 5 times worse on stuff like tren npp or deca.
and you’re more likely to face sexual problems/libido and other shitty sides too.
This low test higher other compounds is ridiculous and was popularized online based off the idea that it lowers side like test had more side than anything. It’s plain and simple stupid. Test should always be higher than everything else on your cycle. If you can’t handle test then you shouldn’t run gear. If you can’t manage estrogen / prolactin on testosterone than it’ll be 5 times worse on stuff like tren npp or deca.
and you’re more likely to face sexual problems/libido and other shitty sides too.

Since when are there universal rules for abusing androgens lol?

Everyone is different, its a trial and error thing how cycles should be structured. Hence why its generally recommended to do test only for first rodeos.