Losing belly fat

Byron Tem

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Looking for some advice on losing my belly fat. I currently weight 85kgs (187lbs), 5'9 at 39 years old, currently on a test E TRT at 150 a week taken once weekly and I'm struggling to lose the belly. I try what my macros and am on about 2800 calories a day with 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats. Currently train 5 times a week but not much cardio, probably 4 times a week I take my dogs for a walk for about 2.5km, pretty lean throughout my body but the belly thing is getting to me. What would be the best way around keeping the weight I have as I've worked super hard to get to where I am now. I try not use many supplements but happy to give them a go but in return some thing I can come off and keep toned mid section. I have been on test e, masterone and anavar cycles previously, everything gets toned but the belly never really seems to go down. any suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated
Is the 2800 you mentioned your maintenance calories? How overweight are you?

At any rate, few things to keep in mind:
1.If you are seeking to target belly fat, you will surely fail. Localized fat loss is not a thing to any measurable degree of significance.
2. Do not go down the "cycle/supplements for weight loss" route. If you rely on drugs to lose fat, what are you going to do when you hop off them?
3. Cardio and caloric deficit are your friends. Depending on how overweight you are, you should use them at variable ratios. If 2800 is your maintenance and you don't have much to lose, then throwing in 20-30 min of daily LISS cardio will be a game changer without any changes in your diet. If you have a lot to lose, it may be a good idea to run 20-30 min of daily cardio in combination with a 200-300-400 caloric deficit.

Getting lean is one of those things that requires plain good ole hard work. Supplements will help, but will not replace actual dieting.
The annoying truth is you just need to get leaner. Some people can be pretty vascular or even look toned in quite a few places but still not be super defined in the midsection. I had to get pretty low to get them to pop.

The unfortunate truth is you aren’t going to lose that fat and hope to stay the same weight you’ll have to decide what is most worth it.

Luckily if you are already using hormonal help you’ll have a better chance maintaining lean mass as you cut and it’ll come down to just sticking to it.
Is the 2800 you mentioned your maintenance calories? How overweight are you?

At any rate, few things to keep in mind:
1.If you are seeking to target belly fat, you will surely fail. Localized fat loss is not a thing to any measurable degree of significance.
2. Do not go down the "cycle/supplements for weight loss" route. If you rely on drugs to lose fat, what are you going to do when you hop off them?
3. Cardio and caloric deficit are your friends. Depending on how overweight you are, you should use them at variable ratios. If 2800 is your maintenance and you don't have much to lose, then throwing in 20-30 min of daily LISS cardio will be a game changer without any changes in your diet. If you have a lot to lose, it may be a good idea to run 20-30 min of daily cardio in combination with a 200-300-400 caloric deficit.

Getting lean is one of those things that requires plain good ole hard work. Supplements will help, but will not replace actual dieting.

The 2800 calories is my maintenance. Im not overweight by any means, actually very lean but yeah, the belly fat.
Ill add some more cardio to my daily workouts and see from there. I dont mind losing 1 or 2kgs but i dont want to drop larger amounts
Dude I kind of have a similar problem ,but different areas. Quads, arms, midsection, shoulders are cut and veiny. Yet still got a tiny bit of love handles left on the rear and also chest fat. My body fucking loves storing fat in the love handles and chest area. So fn annoying and makes it really hard to tell overall how lean I am. This year I have resolved to get rid of them once and for all. already dropped 36 pounds since August, but I'm not satisfied.

Don't worry too much about losing size. Keep your protein intake and training up, maybe bump trt dose a little and you'll be fine.

In August I hopped on 100mg test/200mg deca/240mg EQ, on top of my 175mg test/10 days trt dose and stayed on that for 5 months while cutting up until Christmas. I swear I've def recomped, def didn't lose any strength or size. Now that I still have more to lose I'm just going to stay on 400 test and 3.33iu GH for next 5 months and see how lean I can actually get for next summer.
same here, i tend to store fat in midsection and hips and am skinny everywhere else. definitely getting older has made it harder to stay lean, partially because they gave me a cushy job at my career and i do not have to do much physical work/walking anymore(actually i think that is 90% of it). my caloric requirements have gone way down in response and my overall composition has got much worse in the past 7 years or so. definitely transdermal ursolic acid (Ur spray from prototype nutrition, PA's company) did help a bit but you need about 3 months worth to see any results.

i do love food and find myself mindless eating a bag of chips and cookies,,some people can eat 2 cookies and walk away but not me, i dont stop until the bag is empty or i hate myself.lol
Same problem(s). I work from home and I have an insane appetite. The only solution I have found is Retatrutide. Started on it about a month ago and it is pretty much the sole reason that I did not gain back a bunch of weight over the holidays like I have always done because I literally just was not hungry at all and had no cravings.

My hope is that prolonged exposure combined with prolonged period of staying lean will help reprogram my brain/hunger signaling. We will see. But for now, it has done WONDERS.
Just a warning if you aren’t willing to lose some weight you are just going to be disappointed. If you haven’t ever been lean enough to have definition in your midsection you won’t suddenly get some by just hoping to by losing a few pounds. You’d have to offset the loss with a ton of muscle gain as well, which would be unlikely or unsustainable.

Even if you find an approach that increases the ratio of fat lost from your midsection versus other areas that’s still going to require actual losses and weight reduction.

Don’t set yourself up for unrealistic expectations and disappointment. Just make sure you realize what you want. If you don’t want to lose weight then that is fine, but you likely can’t have both outcomes. You can always slowly gain back weight and try to keep fat gain more minimal once you’ve reached the leanness you want if that is your ultimate goal.
I believe in the “burn it down” and build it back up theory…the only certain way to lose that belly fat is to get super lean, but you will at one point be very light/small/ and definitely weaker. When you have the ab definition you want start adding in and increasing calories and gradually put on lean mass. I did it in 2013…went from 170 to 154 absolutely shredded then came back to where I am now at 49 years old 168 with visible abs and vascular shoulders forearms etc….just my experience
caloric deficit - think tv show Survivor where they eat rice and water for like 2 weeks and slowly introduce food JK
I noticed that's my trt dosages went up my belly fat just melted away. The only thing I changed in my diet is less alcohol I had about a 10-year stint of not working out because of injuries which made me really fat, hopped on trt and the weight just started coming off. Obviously I started working out again and I'm not talking crazy amount of time in the gym. Maybe an hour to an hour and a half with cardio 4 days a week. I'm 57 closer to 58 and never had visible abs when I was younger. My diet is far from clean so I don't know if alcohol was making that much of a difference. All my blood work has vastly improved. Also was on the verge of being a diabetic before starting TRT.
What is up all

Looking for some advice on losing my belly fat. I currently weight 85kgs (187lbs), 5'9 at 39 years old, currently on a test E TRT at 150 a week taken once weekly and I'm struggling to lose the belly. I try what my macros and am on about 2800 calories a day with 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats. Currently train 5 times a week but not much cardio, probably 4 times a week I take my dogs for a walk for about 2.5km, pretty lean throughout my body but the belly thing is getting to me. What would be the best way around keeping the weight I have as I've worked super hard to get to where I am now. I try not use many supplements but happy to give them a go but in return some thing I can come off and keep toned mid section. I have been on test e, masterone and anavar cycles previously, everything gets toned but the belly never really seems to go down. any suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated

If your lean and only still holding fat in the mid section. It could be high cortisol? Have you ever thought about doing a cortisol test? The 4 point saliva one? Just atleast rules it out. The test is relatively cheap and would just give you a good insight into how your adrenals are functioning.

If it does come back high then you could look into cortisol supplements.

I've used Evomuse Ammo and also suppress-C. Both will have a huge impact.

You could also just run any of those for 4 weeks in a calorie deficit and see how it impacts your mid section?
definitely dropping alcohol will have a huge impact on holding fluid/fat in the midsection

Yeh alcohol is a killer.

I go on holiday two times a year and I definitely indulge in alcohol. It's the only time I actually drink tbh. The way I can look after 1 week of alcohol is scary. I don't stress it though as I know that as soon as I'm home and dialed back in. A few weeks and I'm looking good again. Usually better tbh.
Yeah a belly. Is not a 5lb loss, it is usually 15-20llbs honestly. Have to get away from scale and look in the mirror. If it was easy to have abs at a heavier weight everyone would.
Yeah a belly. Is not a 5lb loss, it is usually 15-20llbs honestly. Have to get away from scale and look in the mirror. If it was easy to have abs at a heavier weight everyone would.
The picture I posted I was 270 when I started working out again all 3 after pictures I'm 225 my weight didn't change but my body fat levels definitely dropped and I added some muscle.
The picture I posted I was 270 when I started working out again all 3 after pictures I'm 225 my weight didn't change but my body fat levels definitely dropped and I added some muscle.
I was referring to the OP. But great job for you
If your lean and only still holding fat in the mid section. It could be high cortisol? Have you ever thought about doing a cortisol test? The 4 point saliva one? Just atleast rules it out. The test is relatively cheap and would just give you a good insight into how your adrenals are functioning.

If it does come back high then you could look into cortisol supplements.

I've used Evomuse Ammo and also suppress-C. Both will have a huge impact.

You could also just run any of those for 4 weeks in a calorie deficit and see how it impacts your mid section?

I have checked blood pressure and blood sugar levels and they are all perfect, stress levels on the other hand could be the problem, Ill go get the test again and see where I am at. Ill look into the supplements as well, but the main thing would be to use it once and then come off it as I would prefer to not rely on supplement for years to come
I have checked blood pressure and blood sugar levels and they are all perfect, stress levels on the other hand could be the problem, Ill go get the test again and see where I am at. Ill look into the supplements as well, but the main thing would be to use it once and then come off it as I would prefer to not rely on supplement for years to come

Do a cortisol test + dhea blood test. This will give you a good insight into how your body is using cortisol.

You can't really use cortisol supplements for too long anyway tbh. Usually their cycled. 4 weeks on and a decent period off. Even though cortisol can mess up your physique it also is needed to function daily.

You ever used adaptogens? Rhodiola? Could be useful in balancing out your stress levels. You could also try breathing techniques/Meditation.

How long have you been training?