Looking to run Trifecta soon


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Currently finishing off a 6 week cycle of Animal Test and I'll be taking a month off hormonal products when it's finished. Debating between Trifecta and Epistane, also considered P-mag but being my first cycle I will probably go with Trifecta first since it's a bit more mild.

Anyway, looking to run M1D at 6 a day for 6 weeks and Masterdrol at 3 a day until 1 bottle runs out. Going to use AI Post Cycle Support in place of Formadrol for PCT. Would all that be sufficient or would it be better to just go with Epistane? Would cost about the same once everything is added up. Just trying to put on some decent muscle mass and maybe lean out a bit, I don't want to use anything as heavy as SD but looking for something a bit stronger than the average test boosters etc.


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Personaly I will not take time off between Animal Test and Epi or Trifecta. Just jump rigth iinto it


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Personaly I will not take time off between Animal Test and Epi or Trifecta. Just jump rigth iinto it
Seems like it would be a long time without a break on hormonal products. 6 weeks on Animal Test, 6 week Trifecta plus 4 week PCT. So 16 weeks in all with no break in between things altering hormone levels, just seems like way too long for my comfort without cycling off for a bit. Running M-Stak during the non-hormonal break since I have on hand, had good results in the past from it. Just trying to plan out my next hormonal run so I can have it on hand and order at the same time when I run out of a few staples in a couple weeks.


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I would take a bit of time off to normalize. Trifecta can be a good starter stack, EPI can also be a nice starter PH for a cut, not the best bulker. P-Mag i'm a big fan of just like EPI, P-mag is a great starter and good for a bulk. Running Epi or p-mag you will want a legit SERM though. Kinda up to you to decide how much work you want to put in to the cycle, how much money you want to spend and what you want do gain/lose by it.

Epi i would use on a cut and i would advise buying NAC and hawthorne and a real SERM.

P-mag i would use on a bulk and would also buy the necessary support supps and a real SERM.

Trifecta can be used on either a cut or bulk, but will work better if you're trying to gain some weight. Great thing about Trifecta is it comes with PCT, has little to no sides, and no liver stress.


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I would take a bit of time off to normalize. Trifecta can be a good starter stack, EPI can also be a nice starter PH for a cut, not the best bulker. P-Mag i'm a big fan of just like EPI, P-mag is a great starter and good for a bulk. Running Epi or p-mag you will want a legit SERM though. Kinda up to you to decide how much work you want to put in to the cycle, how much money you want to spend and what you want do gain/lose by it.

Epi i would use on a cut and i would advise buying NAC and hawthorne and a real SERM.

P-mag i would use on a bulk and would also buy the necessary support supps and a real SERM.

Trifecta can be used on either a cut or bulk, but will work better if you're trying to gain some weight. Great thing about Trifecta is it comes with PCT, has little to no sides, and no liver stress.
I am not an expert but I don't see the point of a break on taking something that help boost you natural test and a product that will shutdown your production of test. People talk about the body Homeotasis but I think this apply to lenght of time for natty test booster. There should not be any Homeotasis concern when you are providing your body with an external source of test. Any imput on this ?:blink:


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I would take a bit of time off to normalize. Trifecta can be a good starter stack, EPI can also be a nice starter PH for a cut, not the best bulker. P-Mag i'm a big fan of just like EPI, P-mag is a great starter and good for a bulk. Running Epi or p-mag you will want a legit SERM though. Kinda up to you to decide how much work you want to put in to the cycle, how much money you want to spend and what you want do gain/lose by it.

Epi i would use on a cut and i would advise buying NAC and hawthorne and a real SERM.

P-mag i would use on a bulk and would also buy the necessary support supps and a real SERM.

Trifecta can be used on either a cut or bulk, but will work better if you're trying to gain some weight. Great thing about Trifecta is it comes with PCT, has little to no sides, and no liver stress.
Thanks, definitely a bulking diet. Trying to get close to 200 then cut. Just slightly over 170 now, obviously not expecting that much gain from Trifecta but seems like a good starter so I think I'll go with that after some time off hormonal products. I know where to get a SERM but kind of paranoid about ordering one and not exactly comfortable leaving my recovery up to chance doing an OTC PCT for something like P-Mag or Epi so for now Trifecta seems like the safest bet for what I'm looking for.


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I am not an expert but I don't see the point of a break on taking something that help boost you natural test and a product that will shutdown your production of test. People talk about the body Homeotasis but I think this apply to lenght of time for natty test booster. There should not be any Homeotasis concern when you are providing your body with an external source of test. Any imput on this ?:blink:
You "can" if you want to. For a more advanced cycle user i have no issue going from natty to PH or stacked PHs or extended PH runs or extended natty runs. I like to advise obtaining homeostasis before going in to a cycle for beginners.

And i completely agree with you regarding shut down. I have had much success bridging natty boosters to PHs. :D


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I got the kit today, was under the impression the Formadrol was only a 2 week supply but got the bigger size so I will go with that for PCT after all. Question is I got an extra bottle of the 135 cap size M1D and got T-911 for free with that. So after running M1D at 6 a day for 6 weeks and MMV3 4 a day until it runs out what would be the best way to dose T-911 and Formadrol together for PCT? Was planning on starting with 4 caps a day for Formadrol and taper down but wondering how I should dose T-911 with it.


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I got the kit today, was under the impression the Formadrol was only a 2 week supply but got the bigger size so I will go with that for PCT after all. Question is I got an extra bottle of the 135 cap size M1D and got T-911 for free with that. So after running M1D at 6 a day for 6 weeks and MMV3 4 a day until it runs out what would be the best way to dose T-911 and Formadrol together for PCT? Was planning on starting with 4 caps a day for Formadrol and taper down but wondering how I should dose T-911 with it.
honestly the T-911 i found 1 tab a day had my libido sky high.
Keep in mind it has yohimbine in it so dont go tooo crazy with dose and try not to take it too close to bed, some might get a bit of energy from it.
i would say start at 1 tab ed (pre-WO if on workout days, I loved the pump it gave me) and maybe go up to 2 or 3.
for me i never used more then one a day.
i would rec not passing 3 a day max.
start at one first though.

good luck! :)


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honestly the T-911 i found 1 tab a day had my libido sky high.
Keep in mind it has yohimbine in it so dont go tooo crazy with dose and try not to take it too close to bed, some might get a bit of energy from it.
i would say start at 1 tab ed (pre-WO if on workout days, I loved the pump it gave me) and maybe go up to 2 or 3.
for me i never used more then one a day.
i would rec not passing 3 a day max.
start at one first though.

good luck! :)
Ok, I tolerate yohimbe/yohimbine fine. Never had a bad interaction with either before so shouldn't be an issue there. So something like 4/4/3/2 with Formadrol and 1 a day for T-911 or 2 if needed look solid enough? Thought about adding DAA to PCT but probably will just save that to run with Triazole or something later this year.
