Hey guys so I’m looking to start a mild cut cycle and I need a sarm to top it off. Going to run 8 weeks then pct 4 weeks. What’s a good SARM with low sides and good results not looking to run osta cause it probably won’t do much. S4 or LGD maybe?
I’ve heard osta help keep gains while cutting but does it help you get bigger at all? I have no problem adding weight (slow metabolism) just curious if I’d be better off with maybe LGD and maybe have the epi taper off the water weight and what not. Just curious of your opinion. Love getting cut but breaking PRs every week is pretty fun too lol
I've gained 8lb on an Osta only cycle before, I was eating a lot though..I do think LGD is better for strength if you want to hit some PRs but it's more suppressive and more prone to lethargy issues
I've gained 8lb on an Osta only cycle before, I was eating a lot though..I do think LGD is better for strength if you want to hit some PRs but it's more suppressive and more prone to lethargy issues
When you ran Osta how’d you take it? Probably gonna take 20mg but it says to take 2 in the morning nothing about spacing it out. Just curious if this is accurate or should I be taking one morning and one at night. Or one before preworkout then one later at night?
Osta is basically one of the worst gain/side ratio. It’s one of the sarms that will suppress you the most and will trash your lipids. And it’s garbage as a stand-Alone. S4 is great in a cut (no sides except the effects on eyes that simply go away after use) rad is -also awesome during a cut. I’ve also used lgd during cuts which is very mild (pretty good tho idk why some ppl think it’s only good during bulks) if you want a boost in your endurance to help you push thru cardio GW will do just that.
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