Looking for input on 2nd cycle


Just finishing up my first cycle pinning, ran Test Cyp @ 500mg/week & Turinabole at 60mg/day for 8 weeks. Results where great, put on some good size for a short run. I half to keep the cycle short, as my TRT Dr test my blood every 10 weeks or so depending on appointment. The good thing is I always know where my bloods are at...

I would like to plan a lean bulk for my next cycle. I was thinking of running this for 8 weeks:

Stanozolol @ 25mg/day (week 1-8)
Mesterolone@ 50mg/day (week 1-8)
Tren Ace @ 150mg/week (week 1-4)
Tren Ace @ 225mg/week (week 5-8)

Is this a little to far on the cutting side of the scale?

Know, I can add my TRT dose of Test C @ 200mg/week on top of this as well, any reason I should not?

I will run cycle assist all the way through to help with sides, and will have Adex on hand, but should not need it with this cycle. No PCT required due to TRT.

So, what do you think of this as a good 2nd cycle?
alpinecoach said:
Just finishing up my first cycle pinning, ran Test Cyp @ 500mg/week & Turinabole at 60mg/day for 8 weeks. Results where great, put on some good size for a short run. I half to keep the cycle short, as my TRT Dr test my blood every 10 weeks or so depending on appointment. The good thing is I always know where my bloods are at...

I would like to plan a lean bulk for my next cycle. I was thinking of running this for 8 weeks:

Stanozolol @ 25mg/day (week 1-8)
Mesterolone@ 50mg/day (week 1-8)
Tren Ace @ 150mg/week (week 1-4)
Tren Ace @ 225mg/week (week 5-8)

Is this a little to far on the cutting side of the scale?

Know, I can add my TRT dose of Test C @ 200mg/week on top of this as well, any reason I should not?

I will run cycle assist all the way through to help with sides, and will have Adex on hand, but should not need it with this cycle. No PCT required due to TRT.

So, what do you think of this as a good 2nd cycle?

Deff run your TRT dose test alongside especially with tren. Why did you decide on tren? You'll need caber or prami for prolactin related sides when running tren. Lucky for not having to so pct. Pct blows lol
Ya, I was thinking the Test would increase the androgenic effect, this is the primary reason why I added the Mesterolone, that and to make sure my libido stays in check. As far as why Tren, all of the research I have done, indicates that this compound is extremely strong with no estrogenic qualities, so I thought this would be a good choice due to my desire for a lean bulk and the short cycle duration.

So, I have tried to research prolactin over the past couple of days, and have not found the information that has givin my that "I get it moment". Perhaps you could inlighten me and point me in the right direction to do some research so that I fully understand this? I have seen several thread refering to caber, but no absolutely nothing about it, what it is/does/prevents/dose, Etc.

Thank you for your input, much appreciated.
alpinecoach said:
Ya, I was thinking the Test would increase the androgenic effect, this is the primary reason why I added the Mesterolone, that and to make sure my libido stays in check. As far as why Tren, all of the research I have done, indicates that this compound is extremely strong with no estrogenic qualities, so I thought this would be a good choice due to my desire for a lean bulk and the short cycle duration.

So, I have tried to research prolactin over the past couple of days, and have not found the information that has givin my that "I get it moment". Perhaps you could inlighten me and point me in the right direction to do some research so that I fully understand this? I have seen several thread refering to caber, but no absolutely nothing about it, what it is/does/prevents/dose, Etc.

Thank you for your input, much appreciated.

Well tren zeros out your natty test production most immediately so I'd deff keep your TRT dosing up if you still want to have sex lol :D yeah trens awesome I was just curious as to why you wanted to do it. I'm running tren for my second cycle soon too.
Without breaking it down too far as I'm on night shifts atm and it's 3 am tren can raise your prolactin levels which in turn causes prolactin related sides like gyno for example. Caber is a dopamine agonist so in turn lower prolactin levels. Caber does have it's own set of side effects so it's usually just kept on hand in case sides arise. .25mg e3d is a good starting dose and you can adjust from there as needed.