Looking for info on 6-Keto-Pregnane (6-mass, Trien, PH-19)


New member
I'm very interested in taking 6-mass for a recomp. I'm interested in mild prohormones like this and 1-andro, because I'm not ever going to be in any contests. I just want to get my build back from when I played football, and I don't really want to spend the next 5 years of my life doing it "naturally". Everywhere I read about it, the claims are that it kind of acts like mild tren, but has no side effects. The chemical structure is identical to 6-ketoprogesterone. I have no idea what 6-ketoprogesterone does in men, but progesterone definitely can produce side effects in men.

I've read Todd Lee's articles on it, watched his vids, etc. I didn't really feel like I gained an understanding of it from those sources. He, alongside the manufacturers, say that this works outside of the normal PH model and that there's no risk of any side effects, while mass/strength gains are good with it, alongside a curious "nutrient partitioning" effect, which seems ****ing perfect for someone at my (~19%bf, 200lbs) comp trying to "turn fat into muscle". It just seems too good to be true. Time and again, **** like this either does nothing, or actually has ****ty side effects when it works really well.

Its exceedingly difficult to find independent information on this compound. I really don't care what LG sciences or another manufacturer says about it. They're trying to sell it to me. No offense. Just like I'm not going to buy an F-150 based on what the Ford salesman tells me, I'm not going to buy a PH based on what the mfg tells me.

Anyone used it? Care to elaborate on how it affected you? If it doesn't bind to androgen/estrogen/progestin receptors as claimed, I see absolutely no reason to use anything other than OTC test boosters like natadrol/rise and swell and OTC AIs. Is this sane/safe logic?


New member
Alright, I'm still researching this like crazy. I want this to be legit. I really do. About me: I am currently an engineer. I have a little bit of knowledge of hormones based on the fact that I was a compounding pharm tech like 5 years ago while I was in college. I made hormone creams for menopausal women.

Progesterone converts to estrogen and testosterone in males. At the same time, it regulates estrogen. It's very important in pregnancy, as it helps maintain muscle mass for women while the fetus is sapping resources. Obviously, that's where the "nutrition partitioning" effects come from.

The concern I have is with shutdown. The testes make 10-15mg of progesterone per day in men. Women produce a lot more in their ovaries, depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle.

Since progesterone plays a huge role in regulating estrogen in males, if you experience progesteronal shutdown, taking PCT to boost natural test levels is not going to do anything about the negative estrogenic side effects of not having any natural progesterone once you come off cycle. Progesterone also inhibits 5-alpha reductase in males. That's right. INHIBITS. So... during shutdown when you no longer have any natural progesterone, what happens to your DHT levels? Hair loss? Prostate issues?

How can claims be made about "no side effects" with this?

I'm really looking for some answers here. What does putting a keto at the 6th carbon of progesterone do that inhibits these effects? Anyone??


Holy ****- this is way over my head. Andro is not worth the money IMO, too expensive for such little results, unless used as a test base. I've ran every PH besides Tren, there are PH's that most definitely have nutrient partitioning effects- specifically Triumphalis, which is awesome. Every DHT based PH I ran came with limited hair shredding, sometimes hard to pee, etc... but it came back within a month after. If you are this concerned about sides then I wouldn't run anything if I were you. It takes risks to get results.

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