Looking for information on S4 and S-23 stack.


New member
I cannot seem to find anyone who has ran this stack.

Can anyone supply any feedback? The information I have found, people seem to be running them independently and not stacked.

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…because there’s so many better choices!

S4 can cause vision sides and s23 has the nickname “male contraceptive” (I know I’ve seen that, can’t remember where lol)
Not a SARM, but you'd benefit from stacking cardarine with just about anything else, so you can start with that and then research each SARM. I personally wouldn't touch S4 (vision sides from Clomid scare me enough, S4 would make me too paranoid to be enjoyable, my vision is everything like most people. The S23 fertility thing doesn't bother me so much because I've read a couple studies that show 100% recovery of the trial group by 12 months, so it's not like I'd be worried about it chemically castrating me, but there are also better options like @Rad83 said.

I wouldn't do a SARM at all, but if you are dead set on it, see if you tolerate ostarine well and go for it with the cardarine, but it will shut you down and you are gonna need an actual PCT. It would be even worse on S23. Rad-140 is another option but cardarine and osta might be better for cutting.

If you will consider something besides SARMs, how about some cardarine and anavar? If you don't want to pin, find an actual test base alternative which will be hard to find and more expensive than a vial of test, but it can be done. From what I've learned, it can be done with oral mentabolan (7 ment) or transdermal trest. You could use oral trest but your liver wouldn't appreciate it as much and I am almost certain the bioavailibility of TD trest is much, much better than oral trest, so try to find something like that and run var and cardarine for 6-8 weeks with a trest base and a good PCT. Not many would argue that isn't a good cutting cycle instead of SARMs, but this is just my opinion, I'm not a huge fan of SARMs, but cardarine is awesome, obviously not a SARM.