Looking for help, Gyno after 3 days.



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I started my cycle this week 500mg split 2 days of test e and 50mg dbol ed, after day 3 I noticed what I think is Gyno, no lumps under nipples but painful lumps on right side of right pec, and left side of left pec. I was taking 12.5 Aromasin eod and have taken 2mg letro since noticing. Am I early enough in cycle to stop all together? I just want it to go away, I was prepared for sides just didn’t think it’d be this early so I’ve changed my mind. Any recommendations? Thanks.


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Mate if you have all the ancillary's that you need (Ai's, serm's), there is no need to stop the cycle. Just take your serm and Ai and that's it.

3 days however is extremly fast and imo frankly impossible. So you either had gyno before or you don't actually have gyno. You can not develop gyno in 3 days. Even if you had e2 levels at 200, 300 ... And besides the point, even if your aromasin is fake, 500mg test and 50 dbol can't arometise so much so quickly. And even if it did, as I said, gyno couldn't develop this quickly.


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Well this would be my first cycle, and never noticed any Gyno previously. I tried not to overthink it but idk if it’s in my head but my nipples feel weird, not sensitive or painful just like a feeling. So I started checking around and found the two lumps, almost like glands rather than balls cause I notice people mention “pea size” lumps. Mine are more wide than round if that makes sense and today they’re painful/sore, idk if that’s from me feeling around or from then progressing. I don’t want to keep taking letro or Aromasin and shut down my e2 if it isn’t necessary, but I don’t want anything to get worse either so I’m stuck not knowing what to do.
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Well this would be my first cycle, and never noticed any Gyno previously. I tried not to overthink it but idk if it’s in my head but my nipples feel weird, not sensitive or painful just like a feeling. So I started checking around and found the two lumps, almost like glands rather than balls cause I notice people mention “pea size” lumps. Mine are more wide than round if that makes sense and today they’re painful/sore, idk if that’s from me feeling around or from then progressing. I don’t want to keep taking letro or Aromasin and shut down my e2 if it isn’t necessary, but I don’t want anything to get worse either so I’m stuck not knowing what to do.
You can stop the cycle if you're that worried about it.


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But, all together cold turkey or PCT?
I almost never say this... But you could probably go without a SERM (I get the impression you don't have one anyway).
I'd taper the AI usage though.


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No puffy nips, appreciate the impression but I have clomid and awaiting nolva. I thought I had both before starting but didn’t know my shipment was in two different packages and the second one with nolva isn’t in yet.


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Mate if you have all the ancillary's that you need (Ai's, serm's), there is no need to stop the cycle. Just take your serm and Ai and that's it.

3 days however is extremly fast and imo frankly impossible. So you either had gyno before or you don't actually have gyno. You can not develop gyno in 3 days. Even if you had e2 levels at 200, 300 ... And besides the point, even if your aromasin is fake, 500mg test and 50 dbol can't arometise so much so quickly. And even if it did, as I said, gyno couldn't develop this quickly.
I agree with this, you either had it before or you don't at all...it's too soon. And stop messing with your nips, you WILL cause an irritation and become mentally aware of every pain, or sensation associated. When I did my first cycle I did this a couple of times (is this gyno? Is that gyno?), and once I stopped worrying things went back to normal. So stop poking and prodding your nips.


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No puffy nips, appreciate the impression but I have clomid and awaiting nolva. I thought I had both before starting but didn’t know my shipment was in two different packages and the second one with nolva isn’t in yet.
That's good bro.


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I agree with this, you either had it before or you don't at all...it's too soon. And stop messing with your nips, you WILL cause an irritation and become mentally aware of every pain, or sensation associated. When I did my first cycle I did this a couple of times (is this gyno? Is that gyno?), and once I stopped worrying things went back to normal. So stop poking and prodding your nips.
Yeah bro.... Don't mess with them.


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Thank you gentlemen, I don’t really mess with my nips for that reason (which I’ve read here before while researching before cycling) it’s more the lumps I’m feeling that are sore/painful so I’ll leave them alone but that’s why I ask if I should continue the AI, start a PCT, or leave it alone cause I’ve also read that pain=progression. I planned to taper down my letro, 5 days 1.5/1/.75/.50/.25 and just want to make sure I do things right is all. Sorry for the inexperience, I’d just rather ask experienced guys than to do something I “think” is right.


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Thank you gentlemen, I don’t really mess with my nips for that reason (which I’ve read here before while researching before cycling) it’s more the lumps I’m feeling that are sore/painful so I’ll leave them alone but that’s why I ask if I should continue the AI, start a PCT, or leave it alone cause I’ve also read that pain=progression. I planned to taper down my letro, 5 days 1.5/1/.75/.50/.25 and just want to make sure I do things right is all. Sorry for the inexperience, I’d just rather ask experienced guys than to do something I “think” is right.
If you actually have lumps I don't think you can attribute it to the gear at this point it's too soon. if they are cause for concern I would see a doctor.


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If you actually have lumps I don't think you can attribute it to the gear at this point it's too soon. if they are cause for concern I would see a doctor.
Wouldn't hurt. That way you could stop worrying so much about something you really don't know about.
He'd either tell you... No, it is not gyno (case closed).
Or he'd say you have a mild case of gyno, and you could make a plan (with or without the Dr.)


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If you actually have lumps I don't think you can attribute it to the gear at this point it's too soon. if they are cause for concern I would see a doctor.
Yep, exactly this. Really really unlikely to be the gear. I’d just be straight to the doctor to get it properly checked


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Not much more to add... but the fact that something is hurting means something isn't quite right imo.

The best advice I can give you is to check the anatomy of the brest area in mean. See what should be there and what not. Maybe the thing you are feeling actually should be there, you know.


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Mate if you have all the ancillary's that you need (Ai's, serm's), there is no need to stop the cycle. Just take your serm and Ai and that's it.

3 days however is extremly fast and imo frankly impossible. So you either had gyno before or you don't actually have gyno. You can not develop gyno in 3 days. Even if you had e2 levels at 200, 300 ... And besides the point, even if your aromasin is fake, 500mg test and 50 dbol can't arometise so much so quickly. And even if it did, as I said, gyno couldn't develop this quickly.
Agreed about the gyno not for ming in 3 days, but that said...it could have already been present from pervious cycling and introducing 4 hormone modulatoing agents could be *starting* to flare it up/kick it in.

I would drop dbol immediately, it is one of the harshest androgens out there, period. It may not be likely to cause gyno directly, but the human body has millions of pathways/millions of ways for **** to go wrong, especialy with dbol.

Drop the test e down to a total of 200mg per week, run for another 3 weeks.

Add in low dose nolva, ASAP/when it arrives.

3 weeks from now, drop everything and run a standard 4 week nolva PCT.

When that is done, run low dose clomid (TRT dosing) for 4 weeks.


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I know I have chest fat but I feel it’s questionable and I’m not sure if my nipples are considered puffy or not.


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It's clearly visible in the last picture yes.


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Agreed about the gyno not for ming in 3 days, but that said...it could have already been present from pervious cycling and introducing 4 hormone modulatoing agents could be *starting* to flare it up/kick it in.

I would drop dbol immediately, it is one of the harshest androgens out there, period. It may not be likely to cause gyno directly, but the human body has millions of pathways/millions of ways for **** to go wrong, especialy with dbol.

Drop the test e down to a total of 200mg per week, run for another 3 weeks.

Add in low dose nolva, ASAP/when it arrives.

3 weeks from now, drop everything and run a standard 4 week nolva PCT.

When that is done, run low dose clomid (TRT dosing) for 4 weeks.
While that might be the safest option, it really isn't necessary if a serm is thrown into the mix and e2 kept in check.

OP; order some Ralox. You are actually not preventing gyno, you are treating it - you already have it. So take tamox as soon as you get it, then switch to ralox once that arrives. Keep your e2 in check with letro and you also might consider ordering some caber. Get bloods done, and check your progesterone and prolactin. I know you aren't on any 19nor's at the moment but that doesn't mean Pr and Pl aren't elevated. I had high progesterone for instance, and also wasn't on any 19nor...


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You already had gyno and it’s responding to the hormones. Very normal, but you will need to stay on ralox if you wish to cycle wet compounds and not have to obliterate your estrogen (some is important for new growth, but will also increase your gyno if you don’t block it).

You could also use masteron or radarine to compete with the chest estro receptors, but ralox or nolva are more solid general options. Ralox is king.

It is EXTREMELY common for guys to have gyno (glandular) / pseudogyno (estrogenic chest fat) from puberty, like 40% of men. Factor in development later in life from guys who smoke a lot of weed, gain a lot of weight, or get gyno from certain script meds like opiates and it’s easy for a guy who’s never touched anabolics to have pre-existing tissue.


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I’m not sure where to get ralox, but I’ve been taking 2mg letro ed waiting on my nolva. Glands in Chest have been sore and nipples are sensitive off and on but I haven’t seen any progression. Very nervous cause I feel the letro isn’t doing much plus I was taking Aromasin as well that didn’t block it. I’m sure the hormones hit quicker than it took for AIs to get in my system and I’m assuming the AIs still haven’t caught up.


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No way all that formed in 3 days, that's pre existing, which is likely being flared up . AI should bring things back to normal


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No way all that formed in 3 days, that's pre existing, which is likely being flared up . AI should bring things back to normal
I mean, maybe? Never really noticed it growing up through high school I’ve always had some chest fat but wouldn’t say Gyno. I was pretty thin also. I just had a feeling after the 3rd day that’s when I started coming in here asking and sure enough I have it. I stopped the masin and am at 2mg letro daily but so far nothing. Chest feels sore but don’t see any progression still, hopefully it’s not because I’m constantly checking and can’t see a difference. Any idea when it should subside? Like if I stopped taking them last Thursday, when should my e2 stabilize? So ****ing annoying.


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The "lines" of fat running under your chest from the nip areas take time to form. You will develop lumps first which will, over time progress into the line of fat I speak of. But we are talking about way more time than you have been on cycle


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Taking 2mg of letro a day is going to get real painfull real fast.
I see slight puffiness....definitely not legit gyno IMO.
Also like RB said that chest fat didn't appear in 3 days period!
You seem a little too sketchy to be cycling steroids.
BUT.....you can drop the dbol cut back to 250mg test a week. Take a SERM eod and bump up the test after your comfortable.
Got any pics of your chest before the 3 days?


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I mean, maybe? Never really noticed it growing up through high school I’ve always had some chest fat but wouldn’t say Gyno. I was pretty thin also. I just had a feeling after the 3rd day that’s when I started coming in here asking and sure enough I have it. I stopped the masin and am at 2mg letro daily but so far nothing. Chest feels sore but don’t see any progression still, hopefully it’s not because I’m constantly checking and can’t see a difference. Any idea when it should subside? Like if I stopped taking them last Thursday, when should my e2 stabilize? So ****ing annoying.
Dude stop fcking with your nipples for 24 hours......your freaking yourself out and its making things worse.


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Sorry I seem sketchy, I feel I’m more skiddish than anything. I prepared and researched a lot before starting and right away I run into this which I wasn’t Too prepared for cause I didn’t expect it so soon. This was before, also in the morning when I’m a little lighter.

Taking 2mg of letro a day is going to get real painfull real fast.
I see slight puffiness....definitely not legit gyno IMO.
Also like RB said that chest fat didn't appear in 3 days period!
You seem a little too sketchy to be cycling steroids.
BUT.....you can drop the dbol cut back to 250mg test a week. Take a SERM eod and bump up the test after your comfortable.
Got any pics of your chest before the 3 days?


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Yeah. Its a flare up of existing gyno. Gotta be careful and if I were you I would not run a high dose of aromatizing compounds, I would run trt test along with things like primo or EQ plus masteron. I wouldn't touch dbol or anadrol either. Just my .02


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Yeah. Its a flare up of existing gyno. Gotta be careful and if I were you I would not run a high dose of aromatizing compounds, I would run trt test along with things like primo or EQ plus masteron. I wouldn't touch dbol or anadrol either. Just my .02
If I was staying on cycle I’d follow, but I’m honestly just looking to drop everything. Would the flare up subside by cutting everything off? I haven’t pinned or taken dbol since those first 3 days and I hate to stay on letro.


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If I was staying on cycle I’d follow, but I’m honestly just looking to drop everything. Would the flare up subside by cutting everything off? I haven’t pinned or taken dbol since those first 3 days and I hate to stay on letro.
Yeah, you should be alright.


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Sorry I seem sketchy, I feel I’m more skiddish than anything. I prepared and researched a lot before starting and right away I run into this which I wasn’t Too prepared for cause I didn’t expect it so soon. This was before, also in the morning when I’m a little lighter.View attachment 177981View attachment 177982
Looks like something was already there.
Very minor stuff bro. Just stop dbol. And practice AI /SERM combo untill you find your sweet spot.
Your gunna be fine. But don't crash your e2.


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Yeah. Its a flare up of existing gyno. Gotta be careful and if I were you I would not run a high dose of aromatizing compounds, I would run trt test along with things like primo or EQ plus masteron. I wouldn't touch dbol or anadrol either. Just my .02
This sound ideal.


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Yeah. Its a flare up of existing gyno. Gotta be careful and if I were you I would not run a high dose of aromatizing compounds, I would run trt test along with things like primo or EQ plus masteron. I wouldn't touch dbol or anadrol either. Just my .02
This is good advice, especially the masteron part. Run T at a dosage you know how to control. How high it is, really doesn't matter as long as Ai is dosed accordingly. Adding masteron or proviron is a good idea as both will help with the e2 binding in breast tissue. Both are DHT analogues and thus help a lot with the e2/DHT ratio which is the thing that helps create gyno in the first place.

Otherwise, your gyno is not that bad. It's there, but not bad.

To answer your question regarding how long it takes to stop... Well, I had a flare up recently (rebound after PCT) and it stopped hurting a month and a half after I added Ralox. It didn't really stop until I added caber and letro though. And I started a 40mg dbol kicker as of almost 3 weeks ago now. Not the best of ideas, but letro is taking care of e2. This is why I'm saying don't quit your cycle on the account of a small gyno flare up. Add a DHT like viron or mast to the cycle, take better care of your e2 and add a serm = done.


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Do you see how there’s a slight increase in tissue off the bottom side of the pecs? This is pseudogyno. It is fatty tissue on the chest very sensitive to estrogen, and will readily promote true glandular gyno as well as grow itself.

You lost that aspect of the genetic lottery. Me too, no biggie. Take a SERM and you can take anything you want.


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Dropped everything yesterday, quick update pics idk if it’s got any worse or if it’s all just in my head considering you guys say It’s preexisting which I can live with, but idk if it’s progressing g


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This is good advice, especially the masteron part. Run T at a dosage you know how to control. How high it is, really doesn't matter as long as Ai is dosed accordingly. Adding masteron or proviron is a good idea as both will help with the e2 binding in breast tissue. Both are DHT analogues and thus help a lot with the e2/DHT ratio which is the thing that helps create gyno in the first place.

Yeah but my fear is it getting worse than it is, I don’t think I have time to experiment and find that sweet spot for SERMs before it’d be too late. What I want to do is get it controlled and cut everything so I can do MORE research and ask more questions now that I know how sensitive I am.
Otherwise, your gyno is not that bad. It's there, but not bad.

To answer your question regarding how long it takes to stop... Well, I had a flare up recently (rebound after PCT) and it stopped hurting a month and a half after I added Ralox. It didn't really stop until I added caber and letro though. And I started a 40mg dbol kicker as of almost 3 weeks ago now. Not the best of ideas, but letro is taking care of e2. This is why I'm saying don't quit your cycle on the account of a small gyno flare up. Add a DHT like viron or mast to the cycle, take better care of your e2 and add a serm = done.

Yeah but my fear is it getting worse than it is, I don’t think I have time to experiment and find that sweet spot for SERMs before it’d be too late. What I want to do is get it controlled and cut everything so I can do MORE research and ask more questions now that I know how sensitive I am.


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Do you see how there’s a slight increase in tissue off the bottom side of the pecs? This is pseudogyno. It is fatty tissue on the chest very sensitive to estrogen, and will readily promote true glandular gyno as well as grow itself.

You lost that aspect of the genetic lottery. Me too, no biggie. Take a SERM and you can take anything you want.
Appreciate this post, I was so focused on the nips I didn't see that lower tissue. NOW I can see it, it's subtle but it's there


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Yeah but my fear is it getting worse than it is, I don’t think I have time to experiment and find that sweet spot for SERMs before it’d be too late. What I want to do is get it controlled and cut everything so I can do MORE research and ask more questions now that I know how sensitive I am.
20mg tamox or 60mg ralox. That's it. Then after a month drop down to 10 or 30. The problem with just quitting the cycle is hormonal ballance. You'll have elevated estrogen compared to DHT for some time.

Staying on cycle means predictable/stable blood values of androgens with a great ratio of dht/e2 in favour to DHT offcourse.

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