Looking for any and all cycle advice. First timer wanting to do a SHORT cycle of Test E


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Im 26 years old and have been training since high school. I am interested in taking a short cycle right now just to see how my body responds and how I feel about everything. At first I thought about doing Anavar for a cutting cycle, but it seems like every bodybuilder doesn't like that idea for men. Anyway, Im now thinking about test E for a short cycle just to gauge how i feel. By short i am talking like 3-4 weeks. I know this likely wont produce much results or anything but I am fine with that for now. I would just like some advice on how much I should take a week, do I still need to do PCT and for how long, etc. Also, which side effects may I expect to see during those first 4 weeks? Thanks to all.
A long ester like Test E will take 3-4 weeks to kick in. You would basically be shutting down you own testosterone production for nothing. Why would you want to put yourself at risk when you know you won't see any results. Doesn't make much sense to me brother. Honestly no offence but it doesn't sound like you are ready for aas. Whatever you decide to do I wish you luck.
Yep as above bro. It’s a horrible idea.

if you wanted to run test for a 3-4 week cycle then test prop is the only ester that makes any sense but even then I would suggest it’s a bad idea (just not as bad as test e or cyp).

at 26 your still pretty young. Why do you want to take anabolics? Are you confident you’ve hit your genetic limits? Is your training and diet on point?

messing with your endocrine system isn’t something to do lightly bro. My personal view is that I wouldn’t do it for 3-4 weeks (which on any substance will have very limited outcomes, virtually all of which would be lost in pct imo).

3-4 weeks will be enough to shut you down though so a pct is definitely the smart thing to do if you were to go down that route.


I would really recommend taking your time and doing a sh1t tonne of research before you start anything. Don’t be in a rush bro, all this stuff has potential for negative sides. You can find everything you need on this forum to make a balanced view on whether it’s right for you or not
OK, everything else aside, I'm not following your logic at all.

Why not plan to do a 12-16 week cycle, and if you don't like how things are going at any point, stop. Why stop at 3-4 weeks if everything is OK? It makes no sense.
A long ester like Test E will take 3-4 weeks to kick in. You would basically be shutting down you own testosterone production for nothing. Why would you want to put yourself at risk when you know you won't see any results. Doesn't make much sense to me brother. Honestly no offence but it doesn't sound like you are ready for aas. Whatever you decide to do I wish you luck.
Pub med research paper shows the experimental group had significant increases in strength and mass compared to placebo after 3 weeks. Hence where 3-4 week number came into play. Couple other articles show short term benefits as well.
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OK, everything else aside, I'm not following your logic at all.

Why not plan to do a 12-16 week cycle, and if you don't like how things are going at any point, stop. Why stop at 3-4 weeks if everything is OK? It makes no sense.
I would like to gauge how I feel once I'm off the cycle/while my hormones return to baseline. Assuming less side effects and potential for harm if I do a short cycle, no?
I would like to gauge how I feel once I'm off the cycle/while my hormones return to baseline. Assuming less side effects and potential for harm if I do a short cycle, no?

It's good, sincerely, that you are wanting to be cautious and health-minded. I'm not being patronizing when I say this, it's genuinely great.


Consider antibiotics. You are prescribed a course where you are intended to see that out for the duration, as that will reap the most benefits. Unless you react badly, acutely, and have to stop short. But the doctor won't say only take the drug for 1 day and stop, just so we can assess your reaction. You go for as long as needed, or until sides prevent continuation.

Cos, what if you run steroids for 4 weeks and are fine, you recover great. Awesome. But you have reaped little benefit from taking this risk. And next time, you run 6 weeks. Then 8 weeks. Then 10. But at any point you might get sides. And at any point you might not recover like last time.

So my point: successfully running a 4 week AAS "cycle" will make no guarantees for future cycles, especially, ESPECIALLY if you increase exposure (cycle length). And you will want to increase exposure, otherwise there is little point.

So if you're going to do this, trial AAS, plan for a normal cycle. Do your pre- bloodwork. Have your health supplements and ancilliaries. Plan to run the whole cycle out. And stop it, if any concerns arise.
Pub med research paper shows the experimental group had significant increases in strength and mass compared to placebo after 3 weeks. Hence where 3-4 week number came into play. Couple other articles show short term benefits as well.

Something else to take away from that study is the 3.5mg/kg dosing protocol. If I could go back to being natty and looking at my first cycle again, I'd start with something like that dose (so around 300mg test e per week). If you don't see any body composition improvements at that dose, you are likely too high in bodyfat, and/or diet is not on point.
Pub med research paper shows the experimental group had significant increases in strength and mass compared to placebo after 3 weeks. Hence where 3-4 week number came into play. Couple other articles show short term benefits as well.
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Yeah water and gloycogen will make you stronger. If you want to do a short cycle of four weeks your going to need daily objects of test suspension. Even then I’d go six. Prop for 6 also may work. If your set on four weeks only straight dbol at 30mgs is a better option. Still I recommend six weeks.
Yeah water and gloycogen will make you stronger. If you want to do a short cycle of four weeks your going to need daily objects of test suspension. Even then I’d go six. Prop for 6 also may work. If your set on four weeks only straight dbol at 30mgs is a better option. Still I recommend six weeks.

Was thinking the same thing.

If a true 4-weeker use Dbol, but test prop fro 6-8 weeks would be much better, and ideally just a true 12 week test e cycle around 3-400mg is the most ideal to me.
What a stupid idea.

Yeah I couldn’t imagine stopping a long Ester test at the four week mark. First time I ran it it was week four or three I had a big jump in strength. I remember checking the weight on the bench thinking I added wrong. Stronger and more reps every workout until it was over at eight weeks. If I could do it again I would of went ten or twelve.

Let’s be real though. You know the guy is not stopping until the vial is gone. When I started in my early twenties I was going to run just a few cycles. Lol I’m in my 40s now and running trest.
Yeah I couldn’t imagine stopping a long Ester test at the four week mark. First time I ran it it was week four or three I had a big jump in strength. I remember checking the weight on the bench thinking I added wrong. Stronger and more reps every workout until it was over at eight weeks. If I could do it again I would of went ten or twelve.

Let’s be real though. You know the guy is not stopping until the vial is gone. When I started in my early twenties I was going to run just a few cycles. Lol I’m in my 40s now and running trest.

do any of us only ever run the one or two cycles we all say we are gonna do when we start 😂
I pretty much agree with what has been said above .....

But OP .... I personally Love Anavar.
I'm not necessarily saying you should run it .... I just think your perception of it may be off.
It's a Great compound.
Thanks for the advice bro

Respectfully, he’s not wrong. Your idea to be conservative out of the gate is good, but understanding the chemistry as well as how cycles & recovery go on a practical level greatly influences recommendations.

You’re essentially trying to play “Just the Tip” with steroids. But really what you want to do is understand how to just use a condom and have sex properly on your first time. And be emotionally/mentally ready for it and potential consequences.
Respectfully, he’s not wrong. Your idea to be conservative out of the gate is good, but understanding the chemistry as well as how cycles & recovery go on a practical level greatly influences recommendations.

You’re essentially trying to play “Just the Tip” with steroids. But really what you want to do is understand how to just use a condom and have sex properly on your first time. And be emotionally/mentally ready for it and potential consequences.

yes brother. So happy to see someone other than me bringing the sex analogy 👌