Looking for a little insight with my PCT


New member
Well I am new here, so to start off I'll just tell you a little about myself. I'm 25 and weighing 170 with very low body fat. Been lifting a good solid 7 years now with some gaps in between due to injuries (none we're related to lifting). I've done 2 other cycles of PHs before and didn't use a SERM, and go figure I didn't keep much of my gains. We'll I finally wizened up and got a SERM for this one. I'll just be running DMZ for this cycle for 6 weeks starting at about 30mg and possibly going up to 60 by the end of it. I figured I would do what felt right once I start it. I have liver protection for during and after cycle, nolva for my SERM and AD-3 as an AI, I can get letro if I absolutely need it.

My question is being new to SERM's and just trying to get as much info as I can is how to run it with this cycle. I've read things such as run an AI first and then a SERM, some say to run it at the same time and some say not to run an AI at all unless it's needed. I've also read that since DMZ doesn't aromatize, nolva could actually be bad and cause the estrogen levels to spike after getting off of it. I'm not an expert or experienced so I won't pretend to know what I'm talking about and thus why I'm here to learn as much as possible. I was thinking of something like 30/20/20/10 for nolva.

If you have any insight or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated! Just trying to get all my bases covered. If I am missing anything please let me know!
Nolva is fine 20/20/10/10 and your DMZ dosing is a bit high for me I'm 240 and 40mg is as high as I've ever seen need to go.
Right on, I was just basing my dosing off of what I've found mostly on these forums so far. So 30 for 6 weeks sounds good then? Also do you think a natty test booster would be worth throwing in there and if so which one? Thanks for the info!
If it's your first run yes start there and bump slowly to find your sweet spot.
If it's your first run yes start there and bump slowly to find your sweet spot.

This ^^ You will want to start low, you don't know how you'll respond so why start at a dose that may potentially cause sides? Who knows, maybe since it's your first time on DMZ you may respond well to 20 mgs.