as you have noted.. there are not studies to pick and choose from. My source is purely anecdotal going back all the way to the OG PH androstenedione. circa, 1997ish. I fell for the marketing hype myself early on, (19 nor) as it was the first deca like PH to hit the market..
19 nordiol and frankly it sucked and no one would argue that who have actually tried it. like i said, there is a enzymatic process and you concur. what you are not seeing is that for example, the 4diol actually converted to test at a high rate, yet the dione version didnt as well. this should have been the case with 19nordiol as well. yet in viva CORRECTION: Invalid Link Removed I think you mean) it didnt convert well at all, and I personally theorize that its because there is too little of the proper enzymes floating around the system. Companies like LG tried to enhance the enzyme condition in hopes to help conversion of poorly converting PHs. this led to finding what we know now about TD's and how the conversion is better because the sustained delivery, combined with the higher enzyme pooling in certain areas of the dermis. I can go round and round with you but i think if you dive into the surrounding data around PH/DSs conversions and uptakes you can make some of the leaps i have made. Plus i think i remember PA agreeing with my stance. if it was worth it he would have marketed it along side 4diol which is the one he brought to the table which forever changed the landscape of legal anabolics
Well, I mean, I can't argue with your personal experience. I never tried 19nor-diol back in the day, but I remember warning a lot of people to stay away from the dione version.
But, in theory, they're all converting via the same enzyme so there should be no difference between taking 4androstenediol and 19-norandrostenediol in terms of conversion. I'd probably just say that nandrolone is probably just weaker because of it's conversion to DHN and for OP who is combining 2 different DHEAs (1-DHEA and 19nor-DHEA) there could be enzyme saturation where you're taking a lot of compounds that convert via the same enzymes, you have to the potential to not get the conversion you're looking for.
I haven't seen a TD 1DHEA, 1,4DHEA, or 19-nor-DHEA, but they would probably make good supplements. I think the reason we don't see much of that kind of stuff is because I believe Hi-Tech owns the patent on them and so you first have to pay them the rights to use it, and then it's very expensive and hard to source the stuff. But, the only reason these DHEA derivatives exist is because they are
legal. In actual practice, it's very dumb to use a compound that has to convert to another compound via 2 different enzymes, but because the FDA/DEA scheduled all the old PHs, the DHEA derivatives were found as a legal workaround to be able to sell prohormones to people without getting in trouble with the authorities.
Obviously, just using AAS would solve all these problems. But, for those trying to go the legal route, I would not use 2 different DHEA compound together at the same time. There are plenty of other DS/PHs out there that would work much better. For example, I might use M1AD instead of 1DHEA and combine that with 1,4DHEA, which, IMO, is probably the best of the DHEA derivatives out there since both the 1,4androstenedione and diol are active and don't convert to estrogen or DHT.
Anyway, just my 2¢. It's a very interesting topic to discuss.