Life expectancy on TRT?



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Guess what im asking has their been anyone on HRT for 40-50yrs and still alive? Hear all the negatives about hormone replacement from doctors,media,etc..Ever hear of someone in their 80's and feel like they are in their 30's because of HRT?


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I dunno brother.. Ive been on TRT for 7 years now.. Time will only tell.. Do I think it could harm me down the line?? Possibly, however I would rather live a great life feeilng good, then go thru life feeling bad, have a limp noodle, become obese, etc etc etc etc... Maybe Im not gonna feel this way in 30-40 years, but for now its where I stand


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there are people with AIDs on steroids for over 20 years now that are still alive and doing well. i would imagine that without other health issues you will live just as long as anyone else. It is not as if women haven;t been on HRT since the 1950s and living a full life.
The Matrix

The Matrix

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there are people with AIDs on steroids for over 20 years now that are still alive and doing well. i would imagine that without other health issues you will live just as long as anyone else. It is not as if women haven;t been on HRT since the 1950s and living a full life.
Pmgamer has been on it for the longest I know of so he is living proof :)
You more likely not to die of low T, but rather heart disease, diabetes, mental disorders or other health related issues associate with not having it in the first place

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