Lets see if DTH delivers



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well like the tittle says let see if DTH delivers and if it was worth it to pay next day shipping:toofunny:

i havent runned any testbooster[EDIT: i havent runned any testboosters in a while] or similar products to DTH , matter fact this is my first Diesel supp to try.

i been feeling kind of down and without motivation, then i remmember about Chuck's products. i said why not try chucks DTH it might give me the little push i need to get back my motivation.

cant wait for my DTH to arrive:sad:
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my order is processin i hope it gets out soon, i still havent decided if im going to start with 6 or 9 tabs


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my order is processin i hope it gets out soon, i still havent decided if im going to start with 6 or 9 tabs
I did 6caps and loved it. Was glad it actually WORKED.


Never enough
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I am pondering what else I can add to my current megarecomp stack, have considered this


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i was going to do a Havoc cycle and used this as part of PCT along with something else but i dont have a serm , i was thinking on getting some clomid but i would rather some torem but itst not available now :( thats why i overnight this **** to get it here fast


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Subbed zombo. Interested to see your results. I plan on using diesel test hardcore on off days next time i pulse havoc. Now that the shoutbox is mia i never know where you're at lol. Found you......;)


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i got my stuff early today i alredy took 2 doses of 2 tabs each. i didnt like the smell of the tabs . lets see how it goes :)


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well i have taken 9 tabs today, i dont have anything to report yet. lets see how much time does it takes to kick in


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well i have taken 9 tabs today, i dont have anything to report yet. lets see how much time does it takes to kick in
9tabs? ahha Always have to MEGA dose huh? ;) Took me a good week to notice it and 2 weeks to enjoy it.


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I was feeling it right away....on 4 or so. Not sure what 9 does....let us know.


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So I take it you guys don't really pay attention to the directions. Does everybody do this? (it says not to exceed 3 tabs the first day, you did, it says not to exceed 6 tabs, and apparently a few of you did).
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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So I take it you guys don't really pay attention to the directions. Does everybody do this? (it says not to exceed 3 tabs the first day, you did, it says not to exceed 6 tabs, and apparently a few of you did).
how long u been on DTH and how many are u taking a day?


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I'm using DTH and Paravol now on PCT. They seem to have an effect. Although I'm only 1 week into PCT, so I have a ways to go.


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So I take it you guys don't really pay attention to the directions. Does everybody do this? (it says not to exceed 3 tabs the first day, you did, it says not to exceed 6 tabs, and apparently a few of you did).
i did read the directions before buying it and when i had the bottle on hand, but i have used several other icariin containing products and i havent had luck with the recommended doses(a few months ago i was dosing like 12 Drive caps ED) i had to up the dose to get similar results/feeling that others did.
Its my 3rd day no upset stomach and no headache.


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i did read the directions before buying it and when i had the bottle on hand, but i have used several other icariin containing products and i havent had luck with the recommended doses(a few months ago i was dosing like 12 Drive caps ED) i had to up the dose to get similar results/feeling that others did.
Its my 3rd day no upset stomach and no headache.
I wasn't trying to be critical or an assh*le, I was really just trying to learn. I'm going to be giving this stuff a try this Summer so, just trying to get some input from others who have used it.


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its ok, zombie is an addict, so its a little different. He's part of the megadosers anonymous support group, but he rarely comes to meetings.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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i did read the directions before buying it and when i had the bottle on hand, but i have used several other icariin containing products and i havent had luck with the recommended doses(a few months ago i was dosing like 12 Drive caps ED) i had to up the dose to get similar results/feeling that others did.
Its my 3rd day no upset stomach and no headache.
so wait, how many DTH are u taking a day? Did u ever try 5/6 tabs/day. Ive NEVER heard of anyone having to mega dose DTH to get results, not even go over the rec. dosage.


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so wait, how many DTH are u taking a day? Did u ever try 5/6 tabs/day. Ive NEVER heard of anyone having to mega dose DTH to get results, not even go over the rec. dosage.
i havent try 5/6 tabs. 9 tabs all the way. after a week or at 5 days i might go down to 6
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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i havent try 5/6 tabs. 9 tabs all the way. after a week or at 5 days i might go down to 6
and how long you've been on 9/day? U notice anything? Thats alot of DTH, it might shut down ur libido


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i had a good workout yesterday.

when i took my 3 preworkout DHT i also took 500mg calcium and 4ml Sesamin oil and 60mg Coq 10, it was along time since i sweat that much. i noticed i had some pump not alot but i could feel it. i felt some agression at that dosage so as warm up i punched the punch bag without gloves, so my hands got ****ed up they didnt hurt yesterday but they do now its mostly bruises and some burns i got from hitting that ****.

i have to give props to Chuck , i tought i wasnt goign to feel **** from this. but to be my 5th day i do feel a mild mood boost and im starting to get acne. i got a really nasty pimple on one of my lats, i never get them there. and im starting to get some itchi red dots on my pecs. i think they are goign to turn in to pimples.
2 more days till i drop it to 6 tabs :)


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i had a good workout yesterday.

when i took my 3 preworkout DHT i also took 500mg calcium and 4ml Sesamin oil and 60mg Coq 10, it was along time since i sweat that much. i noticed i had some pump not alot but i could feel it. i felt some agression at that dosage so as warm up i punched the punch bag without gloves, so my hands got ****ed up they didnt hurt yesterday but they do now its mostly bruises and some burns i got from hitting that ****.

i have to give props to Chuck , i tought i wasnt goign to feel **** from this. but to be my 5th day i do feel a mild mood boost and im starting to get acne. i got a really nasty pimple on one of my lats, i never get them there. and im starting to get some itchi red dots on my pecs. i think they are goign to turn in to pimples.
2 more days till i drop it to 6 tabs :)

I using during my PCT right now, and it seems to be working well.

Are pimples really a good indicator that anything is effective though?


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I using during my post cycle therapy right now, and it seems to be working well.

Are pimples really a good indicator that anything is effective though?
not sure but since my skin has been clear for some time now well it must mean something lol


Never enough
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it is a sign of high testosterone, but only a sign. still in the absence of anything else, a fairly decent sign


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i started 6 tabs today. i didnt feel the mood boost like in other days, im kind in the blues, i have ex gf problems right now, it ****ing sucks, but my face its really oily and acne desapeared


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well i been on 6 Tabs for like 1 week and i dont really feel nothing compared to what a felt when i was on 9 tabs. i might add another cap preworkout
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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well i been on 6 Tabs for like 1 week and i dont really feel nothing compared to what a felt when i was on 9 tabs. i might add another cap preworkout
maybe you have a nutrient absorbtion problem with the doses you say you normally take on everything.


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maybe you have a nutrient absorbtion problem with the doses you say you normally take on everything.
maybe i do, im going to add another tab preworkout. to see if it makes a diff. i recalled that you said about affecting libido(at a high dose), i hope i dont end up with a limp d1ck
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Maybe he has a 'more is better' mentality.
Yeah but he listed some super mega doses of other products he have used and said he never responds to the low dose....or maybe he just super mega doses everything.


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i dont megadose everything i just increase the doses as needed


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i dont megadose everything i just increase the doses as needed
Which is for almost everything. Don't worry I have the same problem. Oddly enough 6tabs of DTH was more then enough for me.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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i dont megadose everything i just increase the doses as needed

i did, i used 9 caps the first week, then second week lowered to 6 caps , today starts my 3rd week and im on 7
so how did you think you needed 9/day if you had never used it?

anyway herbal sups just dont work better because you take more. Maybe with some stims, but not with DTH. There have people people that took 7/8 dth here/day and it shut their libido down big time. Some people went staight to 6 and cut back to 4 and liked it better. You just have to follow the directions of sups then after about 10 days if they are not working for you like they do for everyone else then its time to start thinking about increasing the dosage.


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i had a hell of a workout yesterday i liked it alot, i woke up sore as hell. but i did made a few changes/experiment i found some leftovers i had and i took 2 drive and 2 Activate xtreme 30 mins before my workout with my 2 DTH, and i did feel more pump than i did before and felt on a better mood. arrrrrggggg


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lol would it made a diff if i were to stack DTH with Androgenerator ? i have a bottle right here with me, i open it and it smell like cinnamon that i like.


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Which is for almost everything. Don't worry I have the same problem. Oddly enough 6tabs of DTH was more then enough for me.
6 tabs of DTH is too much for me and I weigh almost 250! I've been a religious user for years and this last version is POTENT! I had found a sweet spot with 4 tabs a day on the previous version, but this one if I dose at 4 tabs I have to do one in the morning, one in the afternoon and two before bed or else the aggression is high and everything irritates me. Libido will be high though! The new version I just mostly run only 2-3 tabs a day and its plenty for me!
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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6 tabs of DTH is too much for me and I weigh almost 250! I've been a religious user for years and this last version is POTENT! I had found a sweet spot with 4 tabs a day on the previous version, but this one if I dose at 4 tabs I have to do one in the morning, one in the afternoon and two before bed or else the aggression is high and everything irritates me. Libido will be high though! The new version I just mostly run only 2-3 tabs a day and its plenty for me!
With most people that do 2-3/day the libido is higher.....most of those "tried everything in the world, use 5-10 sups at a time" people might need 5/6 but Ive used DTH since it came out in 2005 and im only 5'8" and 237'ish lbs and sht if I take 5 red bottle tabs a day for more than 3 days I have carry over aggression for 2 days after I reduce my dose to 3.


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With most people that do 2-3/day the libido is higher.....most of those "tried everything in the world, use 5-10 sups at a time" people might need 5/6 but Ive used DTH since it came out in 2005 and im only 5'8" and 237'ish lbs and sht if I take 5 red bottle tabs a day for more than 3 days I have carry over aggression for 2 days after I reduce my dose to 3.
Yeah its POTENT stuff man! Big-ups on it! I've got 4 bottles still left in my stash. You make quality products Chuck. For the last few years I've been running 6-OXO for 4 weeks immediately followed by 8 weeks D.T. then 4 weeks off then cycle repeats. I've been doing this year round since I can remember. Every January I order 4 bottles and they carry over to the following year so now I actually just finished a bottle I bought last year with my new 4 I bought in January still to be used. Instead of a break I wanted to try Novedex XT instead of 6-OXO for a change so I went right into that just today. DON'T EVER STOP MAKING D.T.!!!

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