Kitchen Sink Recomp Stack


New member
I am recomping. Mostly for aesthetic purposes.

To this end, I plan to run a 400-500 calorie deficit, eat pills like a hungry hungry hippo, and work out about 5 times a week, with a 3 day resistance split and the just cardio the other days. I have done this a few times before and it worked with just EC, though I lost a bit of lean mass and I'd rather keep more of it, recomp, and see better results.

For supplements my plan is as follows:

EC (2x daily)
IGF-2 (2 bottles)
Fish Oil (daily)
Anabeta (? bottles)
Free Test (? bottles)
NeoVar (? bottles)

Green tea and black tea as drinks daily.

Anything I should add or is there anything that is stupid/redundant that I have added here?

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