Kinda confused...PCT...

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ok guys, as you can see, im very new, and very thankfull to have an informational forum like this. But the time has come i've gotten VERY confused. I've been reading alot for the past week, and i've seen all these posts for PCT. I've been trying to figure out just what this stuff is. To take a guess, i'd say its for postcycle, to keep hormone levels up?

I also, have another question... Theres this stuff called M1-D. Dont know the actual name you guys call it on here, but its
Methyl-D, I've ordered some, and i thought it was M1-T. I've been reading so much about M1T my mind just got real fucked up, and when i received the bottle, i was like wtf, not M1-t!?!? My ignorance, my fault. And im wondering would this be effective? I mean has anyone ever used it on here? I havent came accross a post about it yet... maybe im looking in the wrong places. Any info on these two would be great! I've also gotten Nolva, so im not completly incompetent =)


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ok guys, as you can see, im very new, and very thankfull to have an informational forum like this. But the time has come i've gotten VERY confused. I've been reading alot for the past week, and i've seen all these posts for PCT. I've been trying to figure out just what this stuff is. To take a guess, i'd say its for postcycle, to keep hormone levels up?

I also, have another question... Theres this stuff called M1-D. Dont know the actual name you guys call it on here, but its
Methyl-D, I've ordered some, and i thought it was M1-T. I've been reading so much about M1T my mind just got real fucked up, and when i received the bottle, i was like wtf, not M1-t!?!? My ignorance, my fault. And im wondering would this be effective? I mean has anyone ever used it on here? I havent came accross a post about it yet... maybe im looking in the wrong places. Any info on these two would be great! I've also gotten Nolva, so im not completly incompetent =)

At 18 yrs of age you need to stay the hell away from PH's. Messing with your T levels now will do permanent damage and possibly stunt growth. They'll be banned in a month anyway so I wouldnt bother. Just eat right and lift heavy and you'll grow just as good. :frustrate


New member
Stunt my growth eh? I'm 6'5 195 lbs, i dont really care if i stunt my growth right now, it might be a big deal to you guys, be me, i mean c mon, who really needs to be taller then 6'5 unless your goin to the NBA?

But i still need my questions answered, i wont be able to sleep tonight if i dont get them answered, its been really bugging me that i havent found them out, and i usually find them out fairly quick.

I do eat right, of course, i probly eat better then 99% of the kids at my school, no doubt. Im not talking anorexic(sp) type Bs either, im talking about knowing what im putting into my body each day everyday, and getting plenty of it. I lift hard each day everyday. I do apply myself, and im not a lazy SOB either.(not that you said that i was, im just making a statement to let you know what im about)

Please just answer my questions.


It can mess with other stuff too, like your hormones, which are still peaking at your age.

But who am I to talk, I started when I was 19, when I was 6'3" at 225lbs.

You seem very uneducated about prohormones/prosteroids. You need to do more research.

If you wanna learn PCT, start searching and researching like how everyone else did it.

Look up: Nolva, Clomid, Liver Tabs, and there are many others.


New member
I've already researched nolva, actually i have some i the mail right as we speak =0, clomid i belive is an antiestrogen as well, am i wrong?

All i need to know is about PCT, ive searched multiple times, it says the word is too short, or theres too many posts about it, ive tryed to find info about it, but no luck. How do i seem uneducated about prohormones/prosteroids? Besides the fact ive never done a cycle, or even thought about it for 17 years of my life. All i asked was if m1-d is as effective as m1-t and info on PCT. Is there no-one that can provide me with this information?


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well bro, the fact that you meant to buy M1T and got methyl-d shows the lack of reading on prohormones. total different things, work total different ways.

PCT= post cycle treatment. but like these guys said, 18 is too young. now, i know you'll probably end up doing it anyway, i was 18 once. but at least read up more and don't expect everyone to hand feed you the answers you're looking for.


New member
actually m1d is a mix of m1t/md 10 mg/1mg - dunno if its wise to stack md with a harsh liver killer like m1t (although its only 1 mg of md) but you should educate your self a bit before taking anything - you'll only do yourself (your body & health) a favour.
When searching for words like pct you should use wildcards - like pct*
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