Just Finished PPlex/Formestane Cycle-Results



Started CEL P Plex Oct. 29th and Formestane Nov. 6th. I have started PCT today which is Formestane/Clomid and some Cabergoline.

I started at 175 lbs. and as of today I am at 191 lbs. I have not really had any serious side effects at all. But I would not take PPlex without Formestane, I think that it helped with a lot of different aspects of this cycle. It helped keep it very dry, kept the libido solid, vascularity, and great pumps really keeps the intesity up.

I was eating 4000 calories on workout days and 3500 on off days.

I've added weight to all my excercises as well as reps on my pull ups/chin ups but have lost some reps on my dips.

Side Effects encountered: Got a pretty bad cold or something for a few days about a week into the cycle and have gotten a cold again yesterday but doesn't seem to be as bad as the first one.

Drink A LOT of water, I drink a lot of water normally, but I noticed immediately if I didn't drink water I would get lower abdomen pains. I also had more frequent urination (could be from drinking so much water) BUT it seemed more urgent then usual, I think it might be from the prostate, so If your prone to prostate aggravation, watch for that. Didn't lose any hair(my hair is long so its easy to tell when Im losing it)

I got some acne (not bad by any means, could have been from not showering enough) but I do use Neutrogena Acne Body Wash daily so that helps. But I am expecting some in PCT, that usually when it flares up.

I slept really good, sometimes too good, but didn't take any naps which seems to be mandatory for some steroids/ph's (M1T, superdrol)

These last few days I have felt aggravated, to say the least. Kind of a rollercoaster between depressed and wanting to kick someones ass. But its tolerable, nothing you havent felt off cycle

All in all I am very satisfied considering that my training could have been better the first two weeks because of getting sick, and I probably could have eaten more. I gained more off of this then I did with M1T solo and with a hell of a lot less sides. (I never wanted to take ANYTHING after taking that) I will probably keep 10-12 pounds after PCT. I noticed that I gained about 8 pounds in the first week, but I didn't notice any size/strength increase. It wasn't until days 20-30 until I saw explosive gains in strength and size...I mean WoW. My waist size has stayed the same too so thats good. The only thing I was a little iffy on was the whole heart and PPlex thing so I don't know if I will take it again for awhile.

Definately take it with Formestane, seriously it would be hard to go wrong with these two stacked.


New member
Sounds really good! I will have to give that a try in the future. I like PPlex. Nice moderate dry gains... I'm on it right but went a different direction and stacked with Sus500. I did the PPlex for two weeks and noticed the sides are very mild and I am taking 40mg per day. No real mood swings or agression problems... I really like this compound.

Now expect some mood swings with Clomid in your PCT though. I never touched that stuff b/c of all the people who complained about the sides from it... See how your PCT goes but if you notice mood swings or depression then you might try substituting the Clomid with something a little more friendly... Not that Clomid is a problem for everyone...these things affect everyone differently of course... Keep us posted man!


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clomid is horrrrible well it was for me i felt like dying!!


I have raloxifene too, but I only take it for gyno symptoms. I tka e low dose of clomid, 25mg ED for 3 weeks and its always worked good for me.

I took clomid at 100mg ED a couple cycles ago and that really got to me, 25mg a day is all ya need.


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I have raloxifene too, but I only take it for gyno symptoms. I tka e low dose of clomid, 25mg ED for 3 weeks and its always worked good for me.

I took clomid at 100mg ED a couple cycles ago and that really got to me, 25mg a day is all ya need.
i did the standard 300mg first day etc etc and by the end of the first week i wouldnt get outta bed for 3 days i was soo depressed man clomid is no joke it is horrible!! be carful see if there is somthing else you can use i would never want anyone to go through what i did but there are some it doesnt affect
goodluck with everything!

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