Just another Epistane log



New member
This is my third post here and first log as well.
I started my second week of a six week cycle today.

My first week was 10/20/20/20/20/20/20
Also included for cycle support.
On cycle, Fish oil, vitamin D3, Glucosamine + CSA, On Pro complex
Protein powder

My second week as followed 30/30/30/30/30/30/30
Same Cycle support as following week

Starting weight 198.2 on 6/15/2008
Ending weight 203.6 on 6/21/2008

Starting weight 202.6 on 6/22/2008

My stats height 5'8” normal weight 196 to 198, Bf Index 12%

I'm eating a high protein, low to moderate carb and fat diet. I'm looking to bulk up as well as lose a small amount of body fat.
General mood is good with high energy at gym and work. Also happy to report sleeping great even on a night workers schedule.

First week prior to cycle start gym schedule
2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 2 off. High intensity 20 rep sets

Second week, first on cycle week gym schedule
2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 2 off. High intensity 20 rep sets

Third week, second on cycle week gym schedule
2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 2 off. High intensity 5 to 3 rep max sets

I would like to thank the community here for great advice and general sharing of knowledge and insightfulness to people just starting off and to thous who have been in the game along time.

Advise always acknowledged and I will try to answer any questions people have


  • Established
What is you cycle experience? How high do you plan on dosing it? What do you have planned for pct? Looks like your off to a good start man, the 5lbs so far is probably glycogen, and a little water.


New member
I'm a little new to cycles still. I have done two on/off cycles by Fizogen if that counts. Im going to go 40 for weeks 3 and 4 and then I will see how I feel and how my hormons are doing. If I feel good I will try to do 50 for weeks 5 and 6 if not I will stay at 40. I will also be adding trenadrol at 60 mg a day for week 3 and 4 then if all is well I will dose to 90mg.

week 3 & 4 Epistane 40/40/40/40/40/40/40
Trenadrol 60/60/60/60/60/60/60

week 5 & 6 Epistane 50/50/50/50/50/50/50
Trenadrol 90/90/90/90/90/90/90

For my Pct
I have Tamoxifen 100 tabs (20mg/tab)
Post Cycle support by AI x2 Bottles
Cycle support by AI x1 tub
Sustain Alpha by Primordial Performance x2 cans
11-OxO by ErgoPharm x2 bottles
Fish oils by On x2 bottles
Glucosamine + CSA by On x1 bottle
and Im still waiting for
EndoAmp by Primordial Performance x1 can

I researched what I wanted to do and what I need to take before this for 8 months. Info from people like Neoborn and a few others were very informative and helped alot.


New member
Yes 11-OXO for an Anti-Cort but If I get the EndoAmp in it will replace it for Anti-Cort. I will be using Sustain Alpha for an AI not 6-OXO


New member
These are a few before pics I had taken second day of rest after first week of cycle. Sorry there not that good and the flash takes a bit away. I'm half way thru my second week now on my first rest day middle of week. Energy and mood has been great except I get this real low every night at about 4:30am. I push thru it and then I'm on fire till after my work out. Sleep and rest have been great a few bizarre dreams but not to bad. I normal wake up groggy before work but I have noticed since 3rd or 4th day on cycle I wake up right away and ready from the get go



New member
I Started my Third week of my cycle yesterday. I have bumped the Epistane up to 40mg and I have also introduced Trenadrol into the cycle at 60mg. So far so good. I have a little bit of jiggly leg at work when seated and I'm also fighting off cotton mouth here and there. Mostly after I wake up and after protein shakes. Energy has been great. Gym was very intense and very focused.

Starting weight 198.2 on 6/15/2008
Ending weight 203.6 on 6/21/2008

Starting weight 202.6 on 6/22/2008
Ending weight 201.2 on 6/28/2008

Starting weight 204.8 on 6/22/2008

Ill throw down what I did last week as well as log what is done this week.

Monday 6/23/08 Legs & Bi's

Leg Press = 180 x10, 450 x5, 540 x 5, 630 x5, 720 x 5

Squat = 205 x5, 225 x 5, 255 x 5

Cybex Incline leg press 360 x5, 450 x5, 630 x5

Leg curl = 90 x10, 100 x10, 110 x10

Preacher curl Wide grip = 40 x10, 50 x5, 60 x 5, 70 x5

preacher curl Close grip = 50 x5, 60 x5, 70 x5

Hammer curl Dumbell = 30 x5, 35 x5, 40 x5, 35 x5

Reverse curl Cable = 70 x5, 80 x5, 90 x5, 100 x3 1/2

Tuesday 6/24/08 Chest & Tri's

Bench press straight = 135 x10, 205 x5, 225 x4, 235 x2 1/2

Bench press Incline = 155 x5, 185 x4, 195 x3 1/2

Bench press decline = 205 x5, 225 x5, 245 x 3

Dumbbell Fly = 40 x5, 45 x5, 47.5 x5

Pec dek = 135 x10, 150 x10, 165 x 6

Overhead Tricep dumbbell Ext = 20 x10, 35 x5, 40 x5, 42.5 x4
Single handed

Overhead Tricep dumbbell Ext = 70 x5, 80 x5, 90 x5

Skullcrusher supersetted with closegrip bench = 80 x5/5, 90 x5/5
100 x 5/3

Tricep press cable neutral grip = 80 x5, 80 x5, 80 x5

Wensday 6/25/08 Rest day

Thursday 6/26/08 Back & calf's & Forearm

Pull up Close grip = body x7, x6
Medium grip = body x5, x6
Wide grip = body x3, x3

T-bar Row = 80 x5, 100 x5, 120 x5, 135 x7

Bent over single arm row= 70 x5, 80 x5, 90 x8

Seat row Cable = 100 x5, 120 x5, 140 x5

Latpull Close grip = 100 x5, 120 x5, 140 x4
Latpull Wide grip = 100 x5, 110 x5, 120 x4

Straight arm pullover cable = 100 x5, 110 x5, 120 x5, 130 x5

Standing smith Calf raises = 180 x15, 230 x5, 270 x12

Seated leg press Ball = 50 x15, 50 x15
Seated leg press Heel= 50 x10, 50 x 12

Standing forearm rope curl 5' = 10 up and down x2
15 up and down x2

Friday Shoulder's & Traps

Military press Infront = 115 x12, 175 x 41/2, 185 x3, 195 x3

Military press behind neck = 135 x5, 155 x5, 165 x4

Hammer shoulder press DB = 65 x5, 70 x3, 70 x4

front raise = 22.5 x5, 25 x5, 25 x5

Rev lat raise = 25 x6, 30 x5, 35 x5

Lat Raise = 17.5 x6, 20 x5, 25 x5

Rev pec dek = 112 x 15, 120 x5, 120 x5

Upright row = 60 x5, 70 x5, 80 x5

Shrug Pyramid = 25-35-45-35-25 x3

Monday 6/30/08

Squat = 115 x5, 205 x5, 225 x5, 255 x5, 275 x4, 315 x2

Hack Squat = 140 x5, 180 x5, 240 x6

Cybex incline leg press = 360 x5, 450 x5, 630 x5

Leg Ext = 100 x10, 110 x10, 120 x10
Leg curl = 90 x10, 100 x10, 105 x9

Hammer curl (curl bar) = 30 x10, 50 x5, 55 x5, 55 x5, 60 x5

Cable preacher Close grip = 60 x5, 80 x6
Cable preacher wide grip = 60 x5, 80 x4

Single arm preacher curl = 30 x5, 32.5 x5, 35 x6

Concentration curl = 17.5 x10, 20 x10, 22.5 x10

Mood = Good, small amount of aggression
Energy = Excellent no loss of focus or concentration
libdo = Great so far could hump a hole thru concrete
Rest = Good 5 to 7 hours straight sleep


New member
Starting my fourth of a six week cycle today. I bumped the Trenadrol up to 90mg a day while still maintaining 40mg of Epistane.
Gains in strength and size are still good. Always thirsty right now. Energy levels are great first four hours after waking up and my last four before bed. The middle three to four are a pain in the ass. Its like this tired spell hits me and I have to fight to stay awake some nights. I start doing pyramids this week and will follow it up with all super sets next week. Also I'm starting to wake up early from sleep. Normally I sleep 7 hours now its about 5 then up then back down to try to get 2 more. All in all its been a great cycle so far and I'm looking forward to bumping Epistane up to 50mg last 2 weeks.


New member
Little over half way thru my forth week now. I can see and feel gains right now. Super amount of energy and great pumps during and after workouts now. Doing pyramids this week and so far the work outs have been great just enough to break me down but not kill me at work. It's been one hell of a week at work 93 on the floor with humidity at 62% Monday thru Wednesday. Not bad today at 83 with little to no humidity. No work out on Monday due to a 12 hour work day in said heat. Tuesday hit gym with a fury. Tried out heavier weight and learned eyes were bigger then my bench.

Decline bench press = 135-155-185-205-225-245

Straight bench press Db pyramid
55-65-70-65-55 45-55-65-55-45 35-45-50-45-30
12-8-5-6-5 10-8-5-7-6 11-8-7-8-11

Incline bench press Db pyramid
30-35-40-35-30 30-35-40-35-30
11-8-6-8-11 11-8-6-8-11

Incline Fly Db = 17.5-20-25

Overhead single arm ext Db = 20-22.5-25-30

Triceps’ press down cable pyramids = 20-30-40-30-20 x 3
11-9-6-9-11 x 3

Skull Crushers pyramids = 40-50-60-50-40 x 3
12-9-8-9-12 x 3

Pull up = body x 5

Seated row pyramid = 60-70-80-70-60 x 2 50-60-70-60-50 x 1
12-10-8-10-12 x 2 12-10-7-10-12 x1

T-bar row pyramid = 45-55-60-55-45 x 1 40-50-55-50-45 x2
12-10-7-10-12 x1 12-10-7-10-12 x2

Mid row Nautilus = 100-110-120

Latpull widegrip pyramid= 30-40-50-40-30 x1 40-50-60-50-40 x2
12-10-8-10-12 x1 12-10-8-10-12 x2

Latpull Close grip = 80-90-100

Straight arm press down pyramid
40-50-60-50-40 x1 50-60-70-60-50 x2
12-10-8-10-12 x1 12-10-8-10-12 x2

Cybex Incline calf press = 360 x 5
15 x 2 20 x3

*Side note = At time my spelling and grammar may be off. I run it
thru spell check but **** always get thru. This is
the last thing I do before bed so please take that
into consideration before making judgment.


  • Established
Just added Trenadol to my Epi cycle...I'll be following your progress.


New member
Hail fellow readers. I just finished week 4 and now I'm half way thru week 5 today. I raised the Epistane to 50mg and will finish this week and next week at 50mg. I have and will keep the Trenadrol at 90mg. Week 4 was really starting to ramp up on gains and size and still gaining this week. On the scale right now I'm at 209.6 Starting to get a few back pumps but nothing to harsh yet. Drinking water like a camel right now. After upping Trenadrol to 90mg I have started to have some shitty dreams. I have been sleeping fine and no problems with libido. Last week did pyramids and this week supersets. Next week might just be a push to the max type week. So far I'm very pleased with this cycle. I will try and get up more of my sets and the like this weekend. Right now I think that I will just run PSC by AI instead of the Tamoxifen. Ill keep it on hand.


Well-known member
  • Established
Good $hit man! I just started Epistane. I got swoled up on my 2nd day of it (10mg=day 1, 30mg=day 2). Running 30/40/40/40. My goal is to gain 10lbs w/o looking like I gained fat. 205lbs ending weight would be nice. At that weight, clothes tend to fit tight and I cannot stand shopping so I'll prob. have to drag my a$$ to the mall and get some new stuff.

:) Careful with the strength (increased weights) bro...it can bite you in the ass. Keep impeccable form!


New member
Just finished week 5 of my 6 week cycle. Ended week with a blast. Pushed so hard after work came home ate then slept 10 straight with no interruptions. Ending weight for week 5 is 207.6. I have lost a bit more body fat then i thought I would so this is an added bonus. That and my diet has much improved last 8 weeks so that will help as well. I feel great and energy is good. I have thou started to lose my cool much easier and have had to step back and away 2 times this week. Normally I'm hard to piss off but right now my fuse is very short. 1 week left so I should be good as long as I remember to look from out side the box and not smash thru it. Also with my order of sups I got 2 sample packs of Venom LeanDream. If you followed my log you know I'm a day sleeper and at times its nasty trying to fall asleep. These little things knocked my ass out when I tried 1 pack. Thought anyone out there looking for something to try when they can't sleep would like the heads up. I have pushed hard last 4 weeks and I think after advise from others this last week will be at normal lifting week. No maxes or supersets, just an all round good push.

Friday 7/17/08 Shoulders & Traps all supersets

Military press/Front raise =
95/15 135/17.5 145/20 155/20 165/20
12/12 10/10 10/10 10/8 8/8

Hammer press/ Rev lat raise =
40/20 45/22.5 50/25
10/10 10/10 10/10

Rev Pecdeck/ Shoulder cross cable =
90/10 105/15 120/17.5
10/10 10/10 10/10

Upright row/Shrug =
50/90 60/90 70/90
10/10 10/10 10/10

Front shrug/Rev Shrug =
65/65 65/65 65/65
10/10 10/10 10/10

Barbell shrug/low cable row to neck =
135/40 135/50 135/60
10/10 10/10 10/10

At the end of next week I will switch up my routine for which days I do parts on. This is my routine right now 2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 2 off. Monday is legs and bi's, Tuesday Chest and tri's, Thursday back, calves, and forearms, and Friday shoulder and traps. Looking for advise on new routine and days. Just remember I work nights right now 6 days a week so a 5 on 2 off week is a little to much right now when all this ot is done I will go back to a 5 on 2 off schedule.


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  • Established
Any updated photos? So far it appears as though you've gained ~9lbs, correct? You claimed to have also lost some bodyfat?


New member
Not this week I plan on doing pic's next Friday after I end cycle on week 6. Then take another 6 weeks after PCS for an all around Cycle. I will also post measurements on Friday. I do not have measurements thou from start. Still learning what to get as I go.


  • Established
I start up Epi Monday - 174- 5'11 10% bf - I plan to hit 190, and ill be following ya. :)


New member
Well here we are. Last day of my 6 week cycle. EPI at 50mg and Trenadrol at 90mg. Been a great experience. Starting weight was 198.2 on 6/15/2008. Ending weight on 7/25/08 206.8. Total weight gained 8.6 pounds. Bf percentage lost 2% (going from measurements taken from calipers).
I toped the scale out at 210.8 but during last week and a half started to slowly taper down to 206 to 207 range. 6 week post pictures have been taken and will upped when I receive them from buddies flash card. Papapumpsd 3 most noticeable places fat lost can be seen are top of my back, chin/neck and waist/manpouch. I was hoping for more bulk but I am very happy with this cycle. strength and out put were right where most people said it would be and it was a good way to start my cycle experience. I start my PST Saturday. This is what I will be taking and dosage. Please give advise if you think its to much or 2 little or in a bad order.

week 7
PCS by AI = 2 servings ED 1 at wake up 2nd at mid evening
Sustain Alpha by PP = 1 ED after am shower
EndoAmp by PP = 1 serving ED first Mid day protein shake

week 8
PCS by AI = 2 servings ED 1 at wake up 2nd at mid evening
Sustain Alpha by PP = 1 ED after am shower
EndoAmp by PP = 1 serving ED first Mid day protein shake

week 9
PCS by AI = 2 servings ED 1 at wake up 2nd at mid evening
Sustain Alpha by PP = 1 ED after am shower
EndoAmp by PP = 1 serving ED first Mid day protein shake
6-OXO by EP = 500mg ed at end of night with last protein shake

week 10
PCS by AI = 2 servings ED 1 at wake up 2nd at mid evening
Sustain Alpha by PP = 1 ED after am shower
EndoAmp by PP = 1 serving ED first Mid day protein shake
6-OXO by EP = 400mg ed at end of night with last protein shake

week 11
PCS by AI = 2 servings ED 1 at wake up 2nd at mid evening
Sustain Alpha by PP = 1 ED after am shower
EndoAmp by PP = 1 serving ED first Mid day protein shake
6-OXO by EP = 300mg ed at end of night with last protein shake

week 12
Sustain Alpha by PP = 1 ED after am shower
6-OXO by EP = 200mg ed at end of night with last protein shake

I also will still do normal maintenance sups such as
On cycle, Fish oil, vitamin D3, Glucosamine + CSA, On Pro complex
Protein powder

I still have on hand in case i need it Tamoxifen 100 tabs (20mg/tab)

It's been one hell of a muggy week here and I worked last 6 days in a row. I'm not sure if it was the heat or the last week of sups but I slept like **** and I could have punched people in the head if there sneakers squeaked. I believe that it was a combined issue of lack of sleep, heat and sups all rolled in to one fun time.

Monday Legs and Bi's

Pushed legs really good this day and was still feeling ok. I kinda like jelly legs. weebles wobble but they don't fall down. Hammered bi's right off with drop sets of 21's followed by different sets of curls with alt wide and narrow grips.

Tuesday Chest and Tri's
Chest is my weakest link and during whole cycle I've pushed like a mad man to hit'em hard. Finally seeing size gains. Tri's punished after chest. Great pumps. Had a few cramps in tri's at work. might have pushed to hard at end. Not to pain full but full extension would make them cramp up fast.

Thursday Back, Calves, and forearms
Worked back hard with a lot of wide grips exercises. Awesome pump with a great overall feeling. Worked calves and forearms like normal burn burn burn burn. who ever invented the rope wrist curl should be kicked in the balls.

Friday Shoulders and traps.
Sad day. Last day of cycle. My favorite day at gym pushed hard to remember why I want to do what I'm doing. Real good pump and overall tight tight feeling. Happy with what I archived and looking to go farther.

I will maintain log thru PCT and then when I do my next cycle I will bridge it in. Also i will take Pic at 12 to see gains or losses from PCT. Any questions or advise all ay gotta do is Yell http://anabolicminds.com/forum/images/smilies/6-27-04/thumbsup.gif


New member
Quick Note measurements will also be added by Sunday. Hopefully same day as pictures.


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  • Established
week 7
PCS by AI = 2 servings ED 1 at wake up 2nd at mid evening
Sustain Alpha by PP = 1 ED after am shower
EndoAmp by PP = 1 serving ED first Mid day protein shake

week 8
PCS by AI = 2 servings ED 1 at wake up 2nd at mid evening
Sustain Alpha by PP = 1 ED after am shower
EndoAmp by PP = 1 serving ED first Mid day protein shake

week 9
PCS by AI = 2 servings ED 1 at wake up 2nd at mid evening
Sustain Alpha by PP = 1 ED after am shower
EndoAmp by PP = 1 serving ED first Mid day protein shake
6-OXO by EP = 500mg ed at end of night with last protein shake

week 10
PCS by AI = 2 servings ED 1 at wake up 2nd at mid evening
Sustain Alpha by PP = 1 ED after am shower
EndoAmp by PP = 1 serving ED first Mid day protein shake
6-OXO by EP = 400mg ed at end of night with last protein shake

week 11
PCS by AI = 2 servings ED 1 at wake up 2nd at mid evening
Sustain Alpha by PP = 1 ED after am shower
EndoAmp by PP = 1 serving ED first Mid day protein shake
6-OXO by EP = 300mg ed at end of night with last protein shake

week 12
Sustain Alpha by PP = 1 ED after am shower
6-OXO by EP = 200mg ed at end of night with last protein shake


Where's the SERM? I'd never do PCT w/o a SERM..that's my protocol and MANY MANY others man. There are a lot of products (OTC) that claim to be SERM-like, but I really don't think they're equivalent to a SERM. Powerful stuff like Epi deserves one IMHO! NOLVA (Tamoxifen Citrate) or Toremifene!


New member
I also will still do normal maintenance sups such as
On cycle, Fish oil, vitamin D3, Glucosamine + CSA, On Pro complex
Protein powder

I still have on hand in case i need it Tamoxifen 100 tabs (20mg/tab)
I do have one on hand. I was going to wait on using it for m-drol cycle


  • Established
oh your good then, its better to have one and not need it then need one and not have one


Well-known member
  • Established
I'd def. do a SERM for PCT. I'm not sure if you're asking that or not, but I'll just throw that out there :)

Glad your cycle went without incident!


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