Is this too many compounds for a cuttin cycle?


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Plan on starting an 8 week cutting/recomp cycle this week. Previous experience is two andro cycles. Current plan is to run the following- LGD 4033@ 10 mg, Ostarine @ 25 mg, Epi Andro@ 750 mg, 1 Andro at 330 mg. Also, for the first 4 weeks only. I plan on kick starting with 8 mg Rad 140, thus for the first 4 weeks I will be on 5 compounds. Do you think this is too many? I figured it is ok because all the compounds are relatively mild. I am on dr. prescribed trt of 175 mg a week which will serve as a test base to fight lethargy. For support supplements I have Olympus Labs Arimicare Pro, OL TUDCA, fish oil pills, and Molecular Nutrition Lipid Stabil.
I wouldn't be scared about the danger of taking them. I would maybe find it being overly expensive for what you'd get.

I don't see you getting much different results with 2 sarms or 5 if that makes sense. An awesome idea to avoid sides is to run an anabolic steroid with low androgenic sides like superdrol low dose, anavar, Tbol, halodrol, epistane to name a few and then add a Sarm or two to the stack. You'd get much more out of it and very little sides.

You can with 5mg or 10mg superdrol most likely avoid all sides and have 10 times as much muscle building effect as with any Sarms.
Thanks for your advice man. Unfortunatly due to being a government employee I don’t run anabolic steroids because of the legal risk ( although I am on 175 mg trt test).. I may run DMZ next cycle which is a designer steroid that is not yet banned.
im not sure its of any benefit... i think to be honest you would do much much better with 900-1500 mgs epiandro with a little ostrine on the side...

add some mk677 and your favorite stimulant fat burner OR t3 and clen.. that will be way better than what your trying to do..

you might consider how many times you would have to dose each per day and realise your taking pills all day long.. that get old fast..

dark carnival by VL gives you 300 mgs of epiandro per pill
I would do what was suggested above as well. TRT test with high dose epiandro and something like EC or clen. I don't see any point in the LGD, 1 Andro, or RAD. Save that stuff to help you put on size.
I think you guys are right. I will just run Epi Andro at 1000 along with 25 mg Ostarine. I don’t want to waste all those other compounds on a cut (will save for a bulk when it will be more effective). Plus of all the compounds I listed I have only run the Epi and 1 andro so probably not smart to run a bunch of new ones at once. I am just over eager to cycle cause I haven’t due to starting trt and waiting six months till my dosage was dialed in.
If you're cutting with SARMS then you might want s23. It's like the SARM version of winstrol. Maybe more like epistane. Seeing now some really good looking results from s23 out there...
If you're cutting with SARMS then you might want s23. It's like the SARM version of winstrol. Maybe more like epistane. Seeing now some really good looking results from s23 out there...

Think it would stack nicely with Ostarine? I have already purchased these compounds and don’t want to waste any of them.
s23 is potent no doubt.. even solo its pretty legit at NP but its also strong enough to make you sick to your stomach and mess with your lipids and liver values,.
s23 is potent no doubt.. even solo its pretty legit at NP but its also strong enough to make you sick to your stomach and mess with your lipids and liver values,.

That’s what I have heard. Wouldn’t have to worry about shutdown though with my 175 mg weekly trt test . Also went overkill with purchasing support Supps for this cycle cause initially planned on running 5 compounds simultaneously. Have Olympus Arimicare Pro, Olympus Tudca, Molecular Nutrition Lipid Stabil, and fish oil pills so might as well run a potent compound.
If you're cutting with SARMS then you might want s23. It's like the SARM version of winstrol. Maybe more like epistane. Seeing now some really good looking results from s23 out there...
oldwitch I am thinking of ordering the S23, do you think it would stack nicely with the Osta and Epi Andro I already have for a cut?
Yeah I do, but your joints might get a bit dry. That's a sign it's working though hahahaha

I do too. Gonna order it tomorrow and run it at 20 mg for the 8 week cycle. Hopefully the fact that my Estradiol is on the high end of normal due to not taking an AI with my 175 mg trt test a week will work to my advantage to prevent joints from drying too much.
I know it impacts lipids and liver values. Do you think it also effects blood pressure even though it is a Sarm?
Unless you are in the UFC, no one on this planet is testing you for Superdrol. Definitely not government employees.
So, back to what Chados was saying: get you some SD next cycle!
Unless you are in the UFC, no one on this planet is testing you for Superdrol. Definitely not government employees.
So, back to what Chados was saying: get you some SD next cycle!

Testing isn’t the problem. Posessesion is a felony. My job will fire an employee for so much as a misdemeanor and I am routinely FBI background checked. I try to respect the rule of law. Had my job for 15 years. Doing what I love and definitely wouldn’t risk everything for gains. If I play my cards right will have a full pension at 55 so I am not willing to entertain the risk to my family no matter how small it is ( and I am fully aware the risk is small). Hopefully you can respect that man, If not, frankly I don’t care.
Unless you are in the UFC, no one on this planet is testing you for Superdrol. Definitely not government employees.
So, back to what Chados was saying: get you some SD next cycle!

As of 2012 Superdrol is a schedule 3 controlled substance making possession a felony. See Invalid Link Removed
Testing isn’t the problem. Posessesion is a felony. My job will fire an employee for so much as a misdemeanor and I am routinely FBI background checked. I try to respect the rule of law. Had my job for 15 years. Doing what I love and definitely wouldn’t risk everything for gains. If I play my cards right will have a full pension at 55 so I am not willing to entertain the risk to my family no matter how small it is ( and I am fully aware the risk is small). Hopefully you can respect that man, If not, frankly I don’t care.

Actually, I fully respect that brother.
And, I was quite misinformed about it’s scheduling in 2012, I was only aware of the FDA’s involvement with its banning from sale as a supplement.
Good info, forced me to do a little googling myself, and it looks like WADA are one of very few actually testing for it, but definitely want to avoid having it somewhere where you can catch a possession charge, and I wouldn’t want to risk a great government job either.
Actually, I fully respect that brother.
And, I was quite misinformed about it’s scheduling in 2012, I was only aware of the FDA’s involvement with its banning from sale as a supplement.
Good info, forced me to do a little googling myself, and it looks like WADA are one of very few actually testing for it, but definitely want to avoid having it somewhere where you can catch a possession charge, and I wouldn’t want to risk a great government job either.

Yup Superdrol, epistane, oxyguno, furazadrol... All schedule III now.
Yup Superdrol, epistane, oxyguno, furazadrol... All schedule III now.

Basically anything that is effective. Heck they are probably monitoring this board and thinking of banning dmz due to all the good logs lol. Hopefully this Sarms bill won’t go anywhere soon.
Basically anything that is effective. Heck they are probably monitoring this board and thinking of banning dmz due to all the good logs lol. Hopefully this Sarms bill won’t go anywhere soon.

We still have DMZ, Msten, Methyldiazirinol, 11oxo, Max LMG, Hexadrone, Trestolone, Dienolone, Desoxytestosterone, M1-A, among some other less notable players... If they ban those there's another entire field of exploration even better than methylated orals etc.

Also, every day I discover at least one Previously unmarketed steroid which seems useful for future products out there.
I can't lie though, I'm gonna miss most of those when they do finally get the banhammer. DMZ, Msten, and M1A are the kings of SWOLE. Trest and Dienolone are as close as we get to legal Deca...
I’d never use LGD or RAD on a cut. What I do not see here is S4 or GW, which are good in a shred cycle
I’d never use LGD or RAD on a cut. What I do not see here is S4 or GW, which are good in a shred cycle

My understanding of S23 is that it’s similar to S4 without the vision sides, and much stronger mg for mg. But yes every log on S4 guys seem to get leaner.

On the subject of novel compounds, I remember 2kvette talking about trying to synthesize a methyl 11kt, between working on his degreee and getting the equipment.

When Celtic Labs was around they were adding oximes and such to famous orals and getting entirely new creatures like Superdiol, Methyl Bold, Dianadrol (which was dry like a weak Winny).

These can all be banned as dietary supplements in a blanket law, but to be scheduled they have to name the compound by name so there will always be legal options around as people get creative.
My understanding of S23 is that it’s similar to S4 without the vision sides, and much stronger mg for mg. But yes every log on S4 guys seem to get leaner.

On the subject of novel compounds, I remember 2kvette talking about trying to synthesize a methyl 11kt, between working on his degreee and getting the equipment.

When Celtic Labs was around they were adding oximes and such to famous orals and getting entirely new creatures like Superdiol, Methyl Bold, Dianadrol (which was dry like a weak Winny).

These can all be banned as dietary supplements in a blanket law, but to be scheduled they have to name the compound by name so there will always be legal options around as people get creative.

Methyl 11kt is oxyguno.
But my point is it’s novel and not a scheduled compound

I have what I need to do it. What I don't have is a respirator or cannula system to keep from paralyzing myself with methyl halides. also, oxyguno was 4-choro-11-keto-17methyl-testosterone
I have what I need to do it. What I don't have is a respirator or cannula system to keep from paralyzing myself with methyl halides. also, oxyguno was 4-choro-11-keto-17methyl-testosterone

Do you mean like a basic 3M mask with charcoal filters or the like when you say respirator, or are we talking more like a scuba setup?
GODDAMN IT! I forgot it was halogenated.

In that case, yes. We nee methyl 11kt in the world. Even better IMO would be methyl adrenosterone aka 17a-methyl-11oxo-androstenedione as the Dione is active as well and methylation will enhance that for absolutely sure.
On a cut with SARMS and legal peptides, DS etc, Androisoxazole (if you can ever find it ever again) 11KT/adrenosterone, Hexadrone, Methyldiazirinol, Methylstenbolone, Ostarine, s23, s4, sr9009, mk677, T3, IGF-1 LR3 all come to mind for their own reasons.
I believe that you need consider this.

Specially S4 other wise this is too much.

Good luck

Narrowed it dow to 3 compounds and stated today for an 8 week run. Epi Andro 750 mg, Ostarine 25 mg, and per oldwitch recommendation S23 at 20 mg. S23 is stronger than S4 and since I am on trt don’t have to worry about the shutdown it causes. Anybody know what the half life of Epi Andro is because I was thinking of dosing the entire amount preworkout in the morning rather than 3 daily doses to avoid insomnia sides?
Narrowed it dow to 3 compounds and stated today for an 8 week run. Epi Andro 750 mg, Ostarine 25 mg, and per oldwitch recommendation S23 at 20 mg. S23 is stronger than S4 and since I am on trt don’t have to worry about the shutdown it causes. Anybody know what the half life of Epi Andro is because I was thinking of dosing the entire amount preworkout in the morning rather than 3 daily doses to avoid insomnia sides?

I used to dose up to 1000 pre workout and I train in the morning

Every thing was fine

Are you going to log this cycle ?
Yeah. Log it. Let the gain train begin. Keep your expectations realistic. Train hard, eat clean, recover, repeat. Good luck.
EpiAndro is a short half life. I can feel it wear off after like 4 hours. As long as you keep it 5 hours from bed you should be g2g
Just curious are you running Vicious Labs Epi Andro?

No Olympus Labs UK SUP3R Epi Elite. One bottle has 120 250 mg capsules so may bump up my dosage to a 1000mg. Can take 4 capsules a day and bottle will still last 30 freakin days! Killer dosed product.
Definitely interested to hear how this turns out. Narrowslabs gets a lot of good feedback, I want to run a similar cycle to yours next.
What's your cycle design? I want to run Narrowslabs S23 as well. I was thinking 2 caps of the s23(20 mgs) a day, 900 of the epiandro, and possibly 10 mg of lgd4033. My cycle would be a (lean) bulk with around 3500-4000 calories a day.

I wouldn't mind switching out the LGD for SR9009 but it's expensive. At the correct dosage of 25-30mgs a day, best lab I've found is entropic, even there it's like $70 a bottle for a 4 week supply. I'm intrigued by this compound for its endurance and build up in mitochondria capabilities. I might just throw it in the mix vs. the LGD. Seems promising.
What's your cycle design? I want to run Narrowslabs S23 as well. I was thinking 2 caps of the s23(20 mgs) a day, 900 of the epiandro, and possibly 10 mg of lgd4033. My cycle would be a (lean) bulk with around 3500-4000 calories a day.

I wouldn't mind switching out the LGD for SR9009 but it's expensive. At the correct dosage of 25-30mgs a day, best lab I've found is entropic, even there it's like $70 a bottle for a 4 week supply. I'm intrigued by this compound for its endurance and build up in mitochondria capabilities. I might just throw it in the mix vs. the LGD. Seems promising.

Cycle lay out is as follows- I upped my Narrows Labs S23 from 20 mg to 30 mg ( had to order a third Bottle to do this). Narrows Labs Ostarine 25 mg, and Olympus Labs Epi Andro ( dosage upped this week from 750 mg to 1,000). Cycle support Olympus Labs Arimicare Pro, 500 mg Tudca, fish oil pills, and Molecular Nutrition Lipid Stabil. I am running is at a cut in a calorie deficit.
Cycle update- Today is day 10. Had a cold this week, but went to gym despite it. Cardio seems to be easier. Pumps more intense and muscle fullness. Felt more aggression and confidence in gym during last two workouts. These could be placebo effects as it is still early. No sides to report. Interested to see how next week’s lifting sessions go as I will be following the same routine the next 8 weeks and attempting to increase weights. Only lost a half pound this week which was disappointing as diet was on point. Will be dropping carbs and also lowering daily calorie intake by 700 a day in an attempt to lose 2 pounds a week. I emailed on Saturday Invalid Link Removed to inquire the cost to test my Narrows Labs S23. If it is around $300 or less I will be having it tested and will post my lab results on here. I want to have it tested since I plan on buying all my SARMS from them. (I have not had dark discolored urine which is supposed to be common with S23). This guy I found on YouTube used them to test some of his SARMS Invalid Link Removed So I am confident they might dye it. Hopefully it won’t be too expensive.
At least a couple times if 3 is too inconvenient

I think I recall you said in a post you were running S23 and reported dark urine. I am on day 10 currently at 30 mg and have not had that. Around what day of the cycle did this start to occur and what was the dosage and brand of SARM you ran?
Narrows Labs posts purity results for every batch. They should be gtg. Be patient. You'll feel the effects by week 3-4. My best lifting sessions were weeks 4-6. You'll also sweat more on cycle. At least I did...

Colmaric Analyticals tests every batch. It shows purity results on Narrow Labs website.

You'll see results as long as you put in the work. I had a cold Week7-8 of my cycle, but I lifted anyways as well. Just don't expect miracles, just solid dry gains.
Narrows Labs posts purity results for every batch. They should be gtg. Be patient. You'll feel the effects by week 3-4. My best lifting sessions were weeks 4-6. You'll also sweat more on cycle. At least I did...

Colmaric Analyticals tests every batch. It shows purity results on Narrow Labs website.

You'll see results as long as you put in the work. I had a cold Week7-8 of my cycle, but I lifted anyways as well. Just don't expect miracles, just solid dry gains.

I hear you brother. I know these aren’t steroids, thus I won’t become Superman. Just shooting to lose maybe 2 to 3 percent body fat over the course of the 8 week cycle. I am at about 21 percent body fat to start, that is why I couldn’t justify running a bulk cycle. Will probably have to run a cut for my next cycle too cause I don’t want to bulk till I get to about 15 percent body fat.

That is good to know that Narrows test their products and doesn’t rely on certificate letters from the Chinese manufacturers. I couldn’t find the test results they post on their website, can you post the link or private message it to me man?