is there a sure fire way to lose weight in 2 weeks?



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Now I just need to someone to kick me in gear.
here's some things you can do to stay motivated:

1-Write down or take a few moments every so often to dwell on some "Eye-Opener" moments from past days. It's important to remember where you came from, and where you're trying to go.

Example: I was in a nasty skiing accident when I was younger. The actually doctors told me the only reason I was alive and kicking was because of my strong, athletic build.

2- Start making your own opiods. Beta-endorphin is released during bouts of intense exercise, which works through the same mu-opiod receptor as hardcore drugs like morphine, codeine and heroin. Unlike these synthetics, BE causes sensations such as "The Second Wind" and "Runner's High" without the harmful side effects. Only problem is, you actually have to get off your ass to experience it.

3- Headbutt girlscouts. I'm not sure how this works, but I have to vouch for Ubi, it seems to be quite effective.

4- Remeber: you don't want thesinner to have to hunt you down. :smite:


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here's some things you can do to stay motivated:

1-Write down or take a few moments every so often to dwell on some "Eye-Opener" moments from past days. It's important to remember where you came from, and where you're trying to go.

Example: I was in a nasty skiing accident when I was younger. The actually doctors told me the only reason I was alive and kicking was because of my strong, athletic build.

2- Start making your own opiods. Beta-endorphin is released during bouts of intense exercise, which works through the same mu-opiod receptor as hardcore drugs like morphine, codeine and heroin. Unlike these synthetics, BE causes sensations such as "The Second Wind" and "Runner's High" without the harmful side effects. Only problem is, you actually have to get off your ass to experience it.

3- Headbutt girlscouts. I'm not sure how this works, but I have to vouch for Ubi, it seems to be quite effective.

4- Remeber: you don't want thesinner to have to hunt you down. :smite:

Actually I am motivated. I have to look decent by the olympia. I've been working out for 5 years now. I just have a ton of things going on in my day to day life that wears you out. I do my cardio and lift heavy 5 out of 7 days.

And as far as #4 come find me, we can train together a day.


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Actually I am motivated. I have to look decent by the olympia. I've been working out for 5 years now. I just have a ton of things going on in my day to day life that wears you out. I do my cardio and lift heavy 5 out of 7 days.

And as far as #4 come find me, we can train together a day.
You need to look decent and put up pics so I can convince a few of my female friends to put down the "tinkerbells" and start using Dumbbells and Barbells.


New member
Then I guess this will be more of a lifestyle than a routine. what kinds of food should I eat? what foods should I stay away from? Can I eat no carbs at all and instead, eat white meat and steamed veggies? What do you guys eat when you're weightlifting?


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You need to look decent and put up pics so I can convince a few of my female friends to put down the "tinkerbells" and start using Dumbbells and Barbells.
Lol that takes time and a certain minset to lift. I'm moving up in weight. I can do 40lb skullcrushers and 120lb low rows, decent on deads need more work on squats. I have scoliosis so its harder on my back. I'll get a log started eventually. I justhate keeping track of it all.

Besides i tend to play with the harder stuff and alot of girls won't touch it so it discredits what I do. Supp wise that is. I'll get pics up but i'm very self conscious so its hard tp put it out there for everyone to see.


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Then I guess this will be more of a lifestyle than a routine. what kinds of food should I eat? what foods should I stay away from? Can I eat no carbs at all and instead, eat white meat and steamed veggies? What do you guys eat when you're weightlifting?
You can still eat carbs just keep them more of a complex carb, rice and such. Eat meat high in protein, chicken, buffalo, fish, protein drinks. Veggies...Gimme a min and I'll post a diet link for you to modify to suit yourself.


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Then I guess this will be more of a lifestyle than a routine. what kinds of food should I eat? what foods should I stay away from? Can I eat no carbs at all and instead, eat white meat and steamed veggies? What do you guys eat when you're weightlifting?
For protein: Baked/grilled fish, baked/grilled chicken, lean cuts of beef, fat-free cottage cheese, eggs, lean ham, lean pork

For carbs: Oatmeal, Sweet Potatoes, Brown Rice, Whole Grain Bread*

*Read ingredients, they sometimes like to stick sugar and corn syrup it.


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Lol that takes time and a certain minset to lift. I'm moving up in weight. I can do 40lb skullcrushers and 120lb low rows, decent on deads need more work on squats. I have scoliosis so its harder on my back. I'll get a log started eventually. I justhate keeping track of it all.

Besides i tend to play with the harder stuff and alot of girls won't touch it so it discredits what I do. Supp wise that is. I'll get pics up but i'm very self conscious so its hard tp put it out there for everyone to see.
yeah, but I don't necessarily have to tell them about that. :D


So sounds like your trying to get in shape to impress women or "everyone else" and not for yourself. I find it when most of my friends try to get into BBing they fail because they aren't doing it for themselves. They are doing it for others and that can be disconcerting and unmotivating if your not seeing results right out of the gate.

My suggestion would be to make sure you are doing this for yourself and this is something you want.


New member
So sounds like your trying to get in shape to impress women or "everyone else" and not for yourself. I find it when most of my friends try to get into BBing they fail because they aren't doing it for themselves. They are doing it for others and that can be disconcerting and unmotivating if your not seeing results right out of the gate.

My suggestion would be to make sure you are doing this for yourself and this is something you want.
To tell you the truth, I'm pretty much doing it for myself. She blew our date off! That just made me aware that I really need to do something about my body. It motivated and pushed me to where I am right now. And I should start things by eating the right diet (that's why i'm asking you guys) and pumping some iron!


Thats the answer we all wanna here. Do it for yourself and before you know it your on a life changing journey not only by physical appearance but also mental wellness. Good luck in your endevor and do some research before you try anything that alters your testosterone/hormone levels.

Lots of people want a quick fix, but thats not the way. Get a good diet and routine in place to build a solid foundation. Then after you have more knowledge and experience venture out from there.


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To tell you the truth, I'm pretty much doing it for myself. She blew our date off! That just made me aware that I really need to do something about my body. It motivated and pushed me to where I am right now. And I should start things by eating the right diet (that's why i'm asking you guys) and pumping some iron!
No matter what your initial motivation is its a start. Everyone starts for one reason or another, its whether you mantain the lifestyle for yourself that counts.

If you arent in it for yourself you will quit anyway as its a hard lifestyle to maintain. So congrats for making the first step.

Just eat several smaller clean meals 5 times a day. Keep your protein levels at 1 gram per pound of your bodyweight until you start gaining muscle. Then adjust for your goals. Eat complex carbs cut out fast food and junk food or things high in sodium. As you start losing weight and gaining muscle then look into supps when you max out your gains with food and exercise alone.

Lift at least 3 times a week with cardio in there on 3 days as well even off lifting days. Lift more days if you are spliting body parts and can add another day in.

And most of all have fun and enjoy it, it will become your life so its best to crave the adreneline and high from it.


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Another point to make is that it's ok to eat junk food.....every once and a while.

You see these really obese people whose diet pleasurelessly revolves around Doritos and Ben&Jerry's Ice Cream. I guarantee, when you change your diet to broccoli and tuna like the many of us here do, Doritos will taste better than sex.


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Another point to make is that it's ok to eat junk food.....every once and a while.

You see these really obese people whose diet pleasurelessly revolves around Doritos and Ben&Jerry's Ice Cream. I guarantee, when you change your diet to broccoli and tuna like the many of us here do, Doritos will taste better than sex.
True but when you get really lean and eat junk food you can tell the next day. It put into perspective just what a little bit of junk can do.

That being said yesterday was my b-day..did I eat bet! It gets easier to stay clean as you go. But one a week you can eat a cheat meal.


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Thanks guys. you all inspire me. i'll try to follow everything that you've told me. i'll tell you how things are coming or until i get thin. thank you.


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Thanks guys. you all inspire me. i'll try to follow everything that you've told me. i'll tell you how things are coming or until i get thin. thank you.
wow, i've lost 2 pounds since i've started exercising. i think it's my water weight. is there such thing?


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yes, keep up the good work. Just be sure to keep pushing the intensity of your workouts. If you get finished and you feel fine, you didnt do enough. Good job on the 2lbs regardless of where it came off of.


Recovering AXoholic
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yes, keep up the good work. Just be sure to keep pushing the intensity of your workouts. If you get finished and you feel fine, you didnt do enough. Good job on the 2lbs regardless of where it came off of.
..........unless it came from Quebec. :D


New member
yes, keep up the good work. Just be sure to keep pushing the intensity of your workouts. If you get finished and you feel fine, you didnt do enough. Good job on the 2lbs regardless of where it came off of.
Thanks.. I do crunches, push-ups, stationary jogging (for cardio) until I can't breath anymore. I also cut down my food intake. I eat wheat bread and grilled chicken twice a day. I have been eating a lot of cucumber lately.


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basically what everyone has been saying

you just have to make the change and things will change.

Eat good, exercise (lift), and cardio if needed

If you want to get more into later, start a carb cycle system.

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