Is eating one fatning meal for the day okay?


New member
Yesterday i had a triple stack cheeseburger i did not eat any after that for the day does anybody do this? Is it okay for your diet? I take multi vitamins to be sure im getting my vitamins.
Yesterday i had a triple stack cheeseburger i did not eat any after that for the day does anybody do this? Is it okay for your diet? I take multi vitamins to be sure im getting my vitamins.

A cheat meal is a good thing.Granted, your fast food hamburgers are pretty unhealthy, it ain't gonna kill you. You honestly could have eatin the rest of the day. Starving yourself because you had a hamburger is doing more harm than the hamburger. Sounds like you need some basic nutrition knowledge?
The burger had about 3,000 calories with large fries so about another 500 calories plus a large soda so another 350 calories so ive had about 3,850 calories. 3,500 calories = 1 pound of fat i try to keep it to 2,500 calories a day So this is why i ask. does it even matter? And i only eat those kinda meals about 3 times a month now yes i do need info on nutrition i wont lie hopefully you guys will inform me instead of bash on me like on yahoo answers so far some of you guys have been very helpful lol anyways just curios thanx :)
Diet is about effort. The more you put into a strict diet the more you will get out. If you are eating correctly for 95% of the time and have a couple of cheat days per month then you will be ok. I normally eat very strictly for 6 days a week and then have a more relaxed day 1 day per week.
A burger a day is not okay. As a cheat meal on one day of the week that's okay. As for it being the only meal of the day, that's not good. Your body doesn't
care that it only at that one meal, it is still starving for nutrition.