Is Childhood Obesity About to Skyrocket?


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To preface this article, I don’t have any concrete evidence that childhood obesity is about to skyrocket, but what the data and today’s behaviors are showing is where I’m basing my prediction.
The latest data I see is from where 17% of today’s youth is considered obese. To give you a little bit to reference from, in the, only 5% of the youth were considered obese.
I’m not here to bring fear into the lives of parents, but I think it’s time they took a long, hard look at the behaviors of their kids. What are they doing? What are they eating? How active are they?
In this article, I want to provide you with my opinion as to why I feel the childhood obesity percentage is about to skyrocket.
Good article.

When I was a kid, I was out from sun up to sundown having fun and causing all kinds of mischief. Where I live now, I rarely see kids out anymore playing. I still see some from time to time, but where I live now, there are kids all over the place, but where are they? what are they doing? I think that they have become obsessed with all the electronics. Like this article mentioned the restaurants and all the kids with devices in their hands. I see it as well, crazy stuff. when I do a see kids riding their bikes or something, they have a phone in their hand! Actually just saw a girl about 5 minutes ago doing that. I guess at least they are moving and on their bikes. I have a kid and my wife and I work hard to keep her away from that as much as possible. She is pretty much out from sun up to sundown as well, but unfortunately alone or with us for most of it as all the other kids are inside. Being tired from work and all of that, it is so easy to just hand the kid an ipad so as to be able to relax for a bit, but that is not a good thing to do.

Also, the fake pandemic and unforgivable lockdowns really fouled kids up. Thankfully, my family and I lived life as normal as humanly possible... we kept the TV off!

Yes, childhood obesity is about to skyrocket.
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Lack of exercise combined with consumption of highly processed carbs is an almost certain formula both obesity and developing insulin resistance.
Its already out of control... Little fat fukkers everywhere.
Sad times indeed... Its beach season, we go every SAT. Many of the little boys have bigger teets than their Moms.