Insulin pins for testosterone???


New member
Feb 9, 2014
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Hi guys,

I'm on my 6th week of using Test E at 600mg a week, and starting Monday I'm going to incorporate 250mg of Deca. Yesterday I went to my pharmacy to grab pins, and when I got home I realized they were insulin needles. They are the normal 25x1 needle but its measured in 100units... I don't see why this would be a problem, but the tips do not screw into place instead they are held in by pressure making them relatively easy to fall off. Now I'm stuck with 20 of these pins, and if I decide to stack this deca that means I will have to use 3 separate pins a week.. Looking for any advise ... Thanks
Go back and buy a bag of the right needles?
No worries , I can return them no problem. I was just wondering if I can use them or not? ... The pharmacist put them in a dark bag before I could analyze the product specifically, and unfortunately I ended up with sub-McDonald's service