
New member
I am getting ready to start the above cycle with emphasis on calve and sweep development.

1g x-factor/day for 50 days

day 1.
200mcg MGF 1-2 hrs. before workout
Calves, chest, triceps
10 i.u. slin post workout

day 2.
Quads, Calves
50 IGF post workout
10 i.u. slin post workout

Day 3.

Day 4.
50 mcg IGF before breakfast
Calves, back, biceps
10 i.u. slin post workout

Day 5.
200 MGF 1-2 hrs. before workout
Calves, Hamstrings
10 i.u. slin post workout

Day 6.
50 mcg IGF 24-36 hrs. after MGF

day 7.

weeks 4 and 5 cut mgf igf and slin and add muscle synergy (a Nitric oxide product that i find works well for me while in maintanance mode)

weeks 6 until the end of my igf and mgf supply i'll add them back in along with slin at the same doses

I haven't decided what exactly my diet will consist of yet but will have that posted before i start.

thoughts.. feedback? play nice please.

One question, anyone think it wise to run IGF and MGF longer than 3 weeks at these doses?


New member
yes 3 years.

C'mon guys i know someone else has input



New member
is this like a dead subject or something? i have one person who clicked the wrong thread and one person who wonders if i have slin experience.

ok thanks guys


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there is nothing high about either dosage so you could run it for longer without any issues.
as you havent specfied im assuming the mgf is going into the claves or quads pre-workout?

not many replies as most of what you are asking has been posted so many times before. I say exactly how to use mgf/igf/slin in the calf enlargement thread.
heres what to do:

use the mgf pre-workout into either calves or quads if thats what you are trying to accenuate.I use anywhere from 300-600mcg bilaterally.
always put the igf immediately PWO into that same muscle group.
then take your slin with PWO drink (70-100g WPI + 100g Maltodextrin + 50g Dextrose + 10g Creatine) and watch yourself grow.

edit: im assuming its regular mgf, not peg.
edit2: ok seems by your timing you are meaning pegmgf, you should specify this. in that case the way you are taking it is fine but I still recommend in IM inot calves or quads. also 200mcg is not enough. make that at least 500mcg, preferably more. ;)


New member
hey thanks for the reply. Yes i meant PEG, meant to specify but didn't. I had a question in regard to your quote below when you were talking about IM...calves and quads..??

I'd planned to put everything into my calves...

according to mountD that pgf seems kind of high, although i'm not opposed to bigger calves if that's what i need to do.

I assume i could probably just go the full 50 days while on x-factor ALSO using igf and mgf then..?

With the slin i'd rather take a break after 4 weeks though.

I still recommend in IM inot calves or quads. also 200mcg is not enough. make that at least 500mcg, preferably more. ;)


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hey thanks for the reply. Yes i meant PEG, meant to specify but didn't. I had a question in regard to your quote below when you were talking about IM...calves and quads..??

I'd planned to put everything into my calves...

according to mountD that pgf seems kind of high, although i'm not opposed to bigger calves if that's what i need to do.

I assume i could probably just go the full 50 days while on x-factor ALSO using igf and mgf then..?

With the slin i'd rather take a break after 4 weeks though.

yes full 50 days. i thought when you said sweep you meant quad sweep,lol.


New member
oh, sweep.. i did. my bad, i could probably be a bit clearer in my posts..

basically my main focus is my calves and secondarily, my quads but if this cycle is a success i'll employ it when i focus on my quad sweep.

that's a bit more what i meant to say.

one more question... you mentioned you gained around 2 inches on your calves in 4 months.. were you using androgens? and what do you feel your genetic potential was for calve growth to begin with? Also, during this 4 month period were you taking igf/mgf the whole time? what exactly was your full cycle that got you the 2 inches?

This intrigues me.


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oh, sweep.. i did. my bad, i could probably be a bit clearer in my posts..

basically my main focus is my calves and secondarily, my quads but if this cycle is a success i'll employ it when i focus on my quad sweep.

that's a bit more what i meant to say.

one more question... you mentioned you gained around 2 inches on your calves in 4 months.. were you using androgens? and what do you feel your genetic potential was for calve growth to begin with? Also, during this 4 month period were you taking igf/mgf the whole time? what exactly was your full cycle that got you the 2 inches?

This intrigues me.
no i wasnt nor am i now using any androgens whatsoever, im saving those for after the surgery. ;)

i wouldnt say my calves are any better than avergae genetically, they are a little high and have never been easy to add size to. i tried several ways of training them but was never able to achieve much growth beyond my first few years of training.
I was/am using mgf/igf/slin/gh togther but every 7 weeks I take 4-5 weeks off the igf though never felt I had to discontinue the mgf.

basically twice a week I do 500mcg regular mgf split into both calves along with 600mcg pegmgf again split both about an hour before training when im not on igf. then immediately PWO 5iu GH into each calf and 10iu slin sub-q.

when on igf, regular mgf same pre-workout but i do the pegmgf about 10hours PWO(after the igf IM)

I train them 3times/week so they get injected on day 1 and day 3 of calves.


New member
i see. I've read about people using both MGF versions, but why do you do this exactly?

and check your PM


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i see. I've read about people using both MGF versions, but why do you do this exactly?

and check your PM
I use both because I feel the regular gives a more pronounced localised effect, while the peg version does so less and then goes systemic spreading its goodness.

so basically to add size to target muscles, reg mgf with igf is better.


New member
ah, that actually makes since. I think i may look into that. thanks a lot!

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