IGF-1r3 everyday or just on workout days?



New member
Just wondering if I would be wasting money running every day. Any suggestions or experiences would be helpful.


  • Established
im pretty sure Dave palumbo has said somewhere along the lines of 11mcg postr workout

not sure exactly i dont deal with peptides or anything, GH is the only thing i know aside from anabolics


New member
I been running 40mcg post workout in muscle trained for 2 weeks now with decent results, just wondering if I would benefit more by running everyday? Any opinions or personal experiences welcome (running with 500mg test and 400mg deca a week)


New member
ig1-r3 long

I been running 40mcg post workout in muscle trained for 2 weeks now with decent results, just wondering if I would benefit more by running everyday? Any opinions or personal experiences welcome (running with 500mg test and 400mg deca a week)
bud im into my second box and also running test along, im doing 50mcg Pw and non training days in the belly which is two days as i train 5days.
Now i dont think you are going to see much results in two weeks it might be the test and deca ur also taking, igf definenlty needs longer than that.
Proper results will be seen over 2-3 months.


New member
I should have made myself more clear about how I'm running my cycle. I'm into my 6th wk.

Cycle:Test 500mg wk 1-12
Deca 400mg wk 1-12
IGF-1lr3 wk 4-8
IGF-1lr3 wk 12-16
PCT wk 12-16
By the way from what I understand you wouldn't want to run the IGF-1lr3 for more than 30-40 days at a time. Correct me if I'm wrong on running 30 days on 30 days off here! And personally I probably would avoid sticking the IGF-1 in belly! (GH GUT) Just my 2cents!


New member
I should have made myself more clear about how I'm running my cycle. I'm into my 6th wk.

Cycle:Test 500mg wk 1-12
Deca 400mg wk 1-12
IGF-1lr3 wk 4-8
IGF-1lr3 wk 12-16
PCT wk 12-16
By the way from what I understand you wouldn't want to run the IGF-1lr3 for more than 30-40 days at a time. Correct me if I'm wrong on running 30 days on 30 days off here! And personally I probably would avoid sticking the IGF-1 in belly! (GH GUT) Just my 2cents!
40 days yes you dont want cancer cells or tumors to inlarge.

2 days a week in the belly at a dose of 50mcg for 40 days is not gona grow ur intestines believe me.

Ur cycle looks good wat kind of test u using, ur pct should be smooth throw some nolva hcg.


New member
Thanks, I'm running cyp. for test. PCT - HCG w/ nolva. So I should just pin the IGF-1 on workout days and non workout days?


New member
Jesus....all that BS and still your question has not been answered bro! From what I have been reading it is better on Training days because it presents the opportunity to effect localized growth via bilateral IM shots into trained muscles (yet still has some systemic effect) so its likely not utilized as efficently if taken on non-training days. Also the IGF-1 Long R3 has a long half life (30-40 hours) so its possibly better if you leave a day in between injections. And IMO, I know that when you ingest a drug or supplement spaced out EOD rather than ED, its effects are more dramatic and powerful since there is more time between use.

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