Unanswered How long til Deca d*ck clears?


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I’m not having any prolactin sides, E2 is great, but I don’t have any libido and my wife can get me hard but I can’t stay hard which is killing me.
We go for 10-15 minutes and right before I get off it just dies. Can’t keep it up.
I’m going to discontinue the Deca and keep the test at 400mg until about 2 weeks or so go by because that’s when I’ve heard Deca leaves your system but I wasn’t sure how long it could take in reality for the DD to go away.
It’s weird because I can only equate this feeling to being completely void of DHT. DHTs give me energy and I get random pop ups all the time, can’t leave my wife alone, I love it. Now it just feels..... like nothing is there. I have no interest in sex, I’m tired easily, no morning wood, dead from the waist down. I was really starting to enjoy this cycle until I couldn’t get it up and honestly there’s so many other compounds I could run that’d not give me ED like this and still great gains. We have a very sexual relationship so I’m just not wanting to not be close to my wife you know?
Here’s some side info: someone told me to take 50mg var ed to give me a boost because it helps them which is a cool idea, but I recently got really bad food poisoning and when puking I somehow managed to tear something inside my stomach so I have been trying to force food down but I just can’t which means I probably shouldn’t take any kind of oral it I’m to recover. Shitty thing is that because of that I was told today that it’ll be about 3 weeks to a month before I can safely lift and eat the way I need to again so I just don’t want to waste gear.
I do have some transdermal Epi (androhard) do you think it’d be worth slathering some on til the Deca is out? Maybe something more androgenic could give me my wood back.
Really having a hard (well, more like soft) time with this one, sorry for writing a book but I wanted to get everything out there.
Thanks guys.


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Did you check your prolactin? I know you said no sides, but did you check it via bloodwork?
I had no e2 or prolactin sides except no libido and d1ck wouldnt get hard, here is my bloodwork after that:

Absolutely no swelling around feets or ankles, no nipple sensitivity and yet look at the numbers. This was from test, mast and psome proviron, prolactin went haywire because of the e2.

Go ahead and check your prolactin.I wouldnt take caber etc without being sure my prolactin was high.


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Deca takes a long time to clear your system. When you'll get back to normal is probably person dependant. I'd grab some caber to address the issue or at least go with Cialis or Viagra until you're feeling better.


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I may have to. This **** is killing me. Any thoughts on adding the Epi andro?


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Cialis didnt help. I did get half hard morning wood but it wouldnt get up with a woman. E2 and prolactin completely killed any desire.


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Cialis didnt help. I did get half hard morning wood but it wouldnt get up with a woman. E2 and prolactin completely killed any desire.
That’s rough man. I’m feeling like me as a person wants sex but in my head I’m just not interested. I can’t stand it. Feel like I’m gonna go crazy.


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For future reference, I get deca dick from deca, but not NPP. I always have caber on hand though bc it works like a charm. I would be willing to bet it's your prolactin, but blood work would tell for sure.


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For future reference, I get deca dick from deca, but not NPP. I always have caber on hand though bc it works like a charm. I would be willing to bet it's your prolactin, but blood work would tell for sure.
Yeah I’m trying to get ahold of my HRT doc to get the prolactin labs done but I’m just waiting at the moment.


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For future reference, I get deca dick from deca, but not NPP. I always have caber on hand though bc it works like a charm. I would be willing to bet it's your prolactin, but blood work would tell for sure.
Same.. pretty curious though no? Can’t really understand why but NPP is definitely not affecting my dick.


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Same.. pretty curious though no? Can’t really understand why but NPP is definitely not affecting my dick.
Well I think it’s just an ester thing tbh. Deca was made to be used medically at about 100mg every 2-3 weeks and we use 200mg and up every week. It builds up more intense levels over time.


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Well I think it’s just an ester thing tbh. Deca was made to be used medically at about 100mg every 2-3 weeks and we use 200mg and up every week. It builds up more intense levels over time.
I’m not sure about that? I’m on 550mg npp a week I doubt that if you’re injecting let’s say 200mg of the longer ester deca a week that would give you higher levels. I might be wrong though if I am I’d like an explanation haha


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Eh, just a theory. Got a call back and they want me to take 100mg of Deca and see if anything improves. They said it hasn’t been enough time for me to even start having prolactin issues. If I don’t improve then to stop the Deca. He thinks it’s more of an estrogen issue than anything.


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That’s rough man. I’m feeling like me as a person wants sex but in my head I’m just not interested. I can’t stand it. Feel like I’m gonna go crazy.
Exactly. Your higher mind wants it but your "reptilian" brain is not interested. At one point i considered caverject lol had this remained permanent however ever since i didnt have the opportunity to have sex so i really dont know if situation is any better. My libido is still not where it was before. I didnt take caber yet.
Morning wood is mostly back but desire is not here. But i am a person who naturally has extremely low libido, i have never masturbated, never felt the need.
The only exceptions are when i was about 10 days into my testosterone blast when my libido went crazy to the point where i became a different person. First time in life i experienced what normal young men going through puberty probably experience. And another time around week 10 of my blast when stars probably aligned (i probably dialed in my e2 just as my body wants it to be). Other than that, meh, could care less about sex, just like before when i was natty.
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Haha exactly! They think I should actually raise my AI which is odd.
Yeah i thought all this testosterone would do wonders for my libido. Turns out it affects people differently.
That being said, soon i will be experimenting with a compound that people either say makes them hornier than anything or it completely kills their drive. Will report back.

edit: out of curiosity, why did they prescribe you deca durabolin?
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Yeah i thought all this testosterone would do wonders for my libido. Turns out it affects people differently.
That being said, soon i will be experimenting with a compound that people either say makes them hornier than anything or it completely kills their drive. Will report back.

edit: out of curiosity, why did they prescribe you deca durabolin?
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Yeah i thought all this testosterone would do wonders for my libido. Turns out it affects people differently.
That being said, soon i will be experimenting with a compound that people either say makes them hornier than anything or it completely kills their drive. Will report back.

edit: out of curiosity, why did they prescribe you deca durabolin?
Joint and bone pain


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Yeah i thought all this testosterone would do wonders for my libido. Turns out it affects people differently.
That being said, soon i will be experimenting with a compound that people either say makes them hornier than anything or it completely kills their drive. Will report back.

edit: out of curiosity, why did they prescribe you deca durabolin?
Dbol makes my libido go crazy. Anecdotal, I know, but interesting because it raises e2 so much.


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So this is my test and estrogen levels on 400mg test, 200mg Deca and 2mg adex all split through the week. I took .75 adex today instead of 1mg to see how I feel but am not sure about this plan. Thoughts?


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I know I’ve already said that but I’d let my estrogen rise in the 25-30ish. A lot of people around your estrogen level feel exactly how you feel.


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I know I’ve already said that but I’d let my estrogen rise in the 25-30ish. A lot of people around your estrogen level feel exactly how you feel.
When I first started TRT back in September my estrogen was 7pg I believe? Test was 170ng or close to that. Odd thing was I didn’t get morning wood but I could still get hard, still had lots of sex. When my E got to 15pg I felt great but anything over I felt awful. Now that I’ve moved up with dosing and compounds maybe my body just can’t run on that low of estrogen anymore. This is a long shot but maybe my test/estrogen ratio just isn’t ideal anymore? I’m not sure. Only doing .75mg adex twice a week instead of 1mg twice though. Hopefully my dick wakes up!


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This is why I always add masteron when I’m running 19nors. It’s my no means an AI but the DHT balances everything out for me and keeps my dick running properly.


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When I first started TRT back in September my estrogen was 7pg I believe? Test was 170ng or close to that. Odd thing was I didn’t get morning wood but I could still get hard, still had lots of sex. When my E got to 15pg I felt great but anything over I felt awful. Now that I’ve moved up with dosing and compounds maybe my body just can’t run on that low of estrogen anymore. This is a long shot but maybe my test/estrogen ratio just isn’t ideal anymore? I’m not sure. Only doing .75mg adex twice a week instead of 1mg twice though. Hopefully my dick wakes up!
From what I understand, your test and estrogen should rise and fall together. So when your test levels go up, so should your estrogen. You don't want to kill your estrogen. It is still correlated with igf-1 levels and I've also heard of people trashing their libidos when their estrogen crashes. However, if your doc is recommending otherwise, I'm not trying to disagree.


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From what I understand, your test and estrogen should rise and fall together. So when your test levels go up, so should your estrogen. You don't want to kill your estrogen. It is still correlated with igf-1 levels and I've also heard of people trashing their libidos when their estrogen crashes. However, if your doc is recommending otherwise, I'm not trying to disagree.
He’s just worried about the Deca aromatizing too much or too quickly, I’m not super worried about that though tbh. Usually when my estrogen is higher emotionally and mentally I’m not too stable. When it’s low I’m not too sure. It’s been so low for years until TRT. Usually I’d last forever but couldn’t get off, erections wouldn’t be the hardest either.


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Deca dick clears one hour from administration of sufficient dose of Caber or Prami


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I went from limp noodle to porn star on 0.3mg Prami more than once. In about an hour


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I went from limp noodle to porn star on 0.3mg Prami more than once. In about an hour
Maaaan hit my mailbox lmao. Got some butt last night. It was a quickie but hey I still got off . Better than how it’s been lately.


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He doesn’t have elevated prolactin. Prami isn’t for ED. Duh!! 🙄


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Did somebody say something?
I just have a blank spot above from a super douche ^


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I gotta say, I keep freaking out because I think my left nip is itching but it’s right outside the nip and I’m pretty sure it’s from hair growing back in. **** is annoying. I’m feeling kind of hopeful about lowering my AI dose for the ED issue though. Couldn’t get it up all day yesterday and last night I kept it up long enough to get off. Wife was too happy hahaha.


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Did somebody say something?
I just have a blank spot above from a super douche ^
Yup the guy that thinks your full of ****! You have know clue dude. Lmao, of course you would suggest taking more drugs. A drug that is prescribed for restless leg syndrome for ED. Please tell me what all the side effect “feels” you get from elevated prolactin. Lol from 200mg Deca. Add more drugs!! 🙄


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I gotta say, I keep freaking out because I think my left nip is itching but it’s right outside the nip and I’m pretty sure it’s from hair growing back in. **** is annoying. I’m feeling kind of hopeful about lowering my AI dose for the ED issue though. Couldn’t get it up all day yesterday and last night I kept it up long enough to get off. Wife was too happy hahaha.
Does it hurt when you press on it? If not i would say you are fine. My mind was also playing tricks on me making me believe my nipples itch, but even with e2 3x over the upper limit i had no gyno symptoms.


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Does it hurt when you press on it? If not i would say you are fine. My mind was also playing tricks on me making me believe my nipples itch, but even with e2 3x over the upper limit i had no gyno symptoms.
Nope! No pain or anything, no lumps. I have fatty tissue in my chest but that’s just because when I was fat I stored fat there as well. It’s not gonna go away until I really take the time to cut down to 8% or less.


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I gotta say, I keep freaking out because I think my left nip is itching but it’s right outside the nip and I’m pretty sure it’s from hair growing back in. **** is annoying. I’m feeling kind of hopeful about lowering my AI dose for the ED issue though. Couldn’t get it up all day yesterday and last night I kept it up long enough to get off. Wife was too happy hahaha.
Npp blew up my nip, painful swollen lump under just one, size of a peanut m&m. On 400 plus, and test near 350 so no surprise. This was with prami also. Upping the ai helped. clomid seemed useless, went away pretty much after stopping the NPp and getting e in check.
Deca dick clears one hour from administration of sufficient dose of Caber or Prami
Prami kept me functioning the HOLE time, but had to up the dose to 1.2mgs per day due to some issues maintaining and climaxing that started to creep up. Prami stacks well with gh peptides to.

Yup the guy that thinks your full of ****! You have know clue dude. Lmao, of course you would suggest taking more drugs. A drug that is prescribed for restless leg syndrome for ED. Please tell me what all the side effect “feels” you get from elevated prolactin. Lol from 200mg Deca. Add more drugs!! 🙄
You’re lucky if you don’t need it. **** does work though.


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Yup the guy that thinks your full of ****! You have know clue dude. Lmao, of course you would suggest taking more drugs. A drug that is prescribed for restless leg syndrome for ED. Please tell me what all the side effect “feels” you get from elevated prolactin. Lol from 200mg Deca. Add more drugs!!
*no clue. Please learn how to spell. Please stop using lol and lmfao too.
You sound like an angry, insecure leg-humping teenager.
Nobody here gives a **** about your opinion and certainly nobody feels they need to explain themselves to you.

Oh dear me! Prami is used for restless leg syndrome?!? Holy **** was a revelation, your extensive aas knowledge astounds us all.
I’ve forgotten more Pharmacology knowledge than all of the cumulative crap you simply regurgitate from Elite or Tnation threads or whichever forum you’re no longer welcome at.
Learn how to intelligently and respectfully debate or please just fucking leave. Only a cunt would stick around on a forum where everyone hates their pathetic presence just begging everyone for validation through menacing, immature comments. It couldn’t be more clear how badly you want people to think you are an authority on something, but you’re so obviously a forum bro, using others anecdotal experience passing them off as fact.


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Please stop trying to impress me and just get off my dick.
You remind me of my 7 year old stepson that so desperately wants attention and approval and if he feels he’s not getting it, runs up as slaps the back of my leg.


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Please stop trying to impress me and just get off my dick.
You remind me of my 7 year old stepson that so desperately wants attention and approval and if he feels he’s not getting it, runs up as slaps the back of my leg.
Stop talking because everything you say is wrong! Your are AM biggest 😢 cry baby! Lol, poor batty bwoy doesn’t like to corrected! Get used to it chump! Maybe do some research and I won’t have to correct you so much! You look hot garbage by the way!


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Npp blew up my nip, painful swollen lump under just one, size of a peanut m&m. On 400 plus, and test near 350 so no surprise. This was with prami also. Upping the ai helped. clomid seemed useless, went away pretty much after stopping the NPp and getting e in check.

Prami kept me functioning the HOLE time, but had to up the dose to 1.2mgs per day due to some issues maintaining and climaxing that started to creep up. Prami stacks well with gh peptides to.

You’re lucky if you don’t need it. **** does work though.
I have had pharma prami in my stash for over five years and never touched it once. I stack 19nors all the time!
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“I ONNLLY have Pharma grade everything. Only the peasants and welfare recipients use research grade drugs. Mwaahaaa, how embarrassing for all of you, you probably all make under 150k a year. How sad, like why are you even bodybuilding when you are all like poor n ****? You all need to learn to be a winner like me, I swear I’m not pretending to be so awesome online, I really am this awesome, it’s totally for real.
Did I mention I know a lot about stuff that I didn’t just read at T nation? Cause I do. I know it’s only my 2nd week here, but you all need to recognize my significance on this board. Im blessing you with so much knowledge and research...
I’m telling you, I’m totes the **** guys, recognize.” Lol lmfao
Lol lol lol lmfao


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I have had pharma prami in my stash for over five years and never touched it once. I stack 19nors all the time!
I stack paper cups! We all respond differently, that’s why a drug trial uses more than one person. Looks like you are more fortunate here than I am. When Ive run tren and deca, it’s nausea and vomiting every morning 0 appetite, and a perky set of tits. My dick works though so long as I remember the prami.


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I stack paper cups! We all respond differently, that’s why a drug trial uses more than one person. Looks like you are more fortunate here than I am. When Ive run tren and deca, it’s nausea and vomiting every morning 0 appetite, and a perky set of tits. My dick works though so long as I remember the prami.
That sucks that it treats you that way. I usually always go with short esters in case I need to drop them fast. One of fav stacks is:
Test PP @ 400mg
NPP @ 400mg
Tren ace @ 300
Mast e @ 600
Listen I have gyno flares too. When this happens I get blood work, get my E2 in check and I take 10-20mg nolva ED. NO PRAMI EVER. E2 in ch check I never need prami. I do take 10mg of cialis Ed on cycle for blood pressure and to keep my dick Working, Now I am proactive and I do take b6 or a methyl b12 blend. It’s annoying to see so many threads on here talk about prami or caber being a must with TREN or Nandrolone. It’s just not true!!


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That sucks that it treats you that way. I usually always go with short esters in case I need to drop them fast. One of fav stacks is:
Test PP @ 400mg
NPP @ 400mg
Tren ace @ 300
Mast e @ 600The
Listen I have gyno flares too. When this happens I get blood work, get my E2 in check and I take 10-20mg nolva ED. NO PRAMI EVER. E2 in ch check I never need prami. I do take 10mg of cialis Ed on cycle for blood pressure and to keep my dick Working, Now I am proactive and I do take b6 or a methyl b12 blend. It’s annoying to see so many threads on here talk about prami or caber being a must with TREN or Nandrolone. It’s just not true!!
Honsestly, the side effects were a combo job of GH peptides and exo Gh with the tren and deca. All of them potential prolactin raising culprits, especially the ghrp's, and I got sloppy with my ai. Agreed, prami or caber are not musts, but E2 being in check is probably the key there along with moderate dosing, and mast doesn't hurt. I actually like prami though, and have been taking it since my first EQ cycle, on and off cycle, and during cruise,. It is very affordable and there are gh and sleep benefits, as well. Though I wouldn't take it lightly as there are psychological effects that may be hard to predict, as in your reward system gets a little beyond your control.

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